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Healthy Post Sex Practices / After Making Love to or with your Spouse or Potential Spouse

Clean your genitals with a clean washcloth, gentle cleanser free of dye or scents, PH balanced for vaginal health, since that good for the area around the penis and balls too. 

Clean up front and move back as you finish since you do not want poopy bacteria in your vagina or ball sack area, or to get into your urethra or penis or vaginal opening causing a UTI or worse from common skin bacteria.

Drink an 8oz glass or large glass of water to rehydrated, as the sexual activity lasting from 5 minutes to all day may and likely will have cause dehydration.

Along with drinking water, go pee, and squeeze out the semen from your vaginal canal while going pee, and clear your urethra of semen if you have a penis to help flush it out in order to minimize risk of a UTI. Staying well hydrated also protects your brain and kidneys, while also promoting oxytocin production and hormonal balance knocked out of balance by dehydration.

Cuttle, be playful, be funny, joke around, talk about nice gentle fun thoughts and play with each other to enjoy each other's company. 

When your being intimate with your spouse hopefully, then make the entire event an experience worth remembering repeatedly. 

This is about neurons that wire together fire together, neuroplasticity, and with orgasm or not, being intimate with someone, moving your naked bodies together, feeling your skin and their skin touch, the small hairs stimulated nicely, the warmth, the sensual pleasure, the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, taking in all the lovely imperfection as your give it too, becoming one in unison in love, in pleasure, in ecstasy, intimate and connected in ways impossible elsewise. 

I want to encourage sexual monogamy, choosing one lover, partner, spouse, staying faithful, and masturbating if you have more sexual energy than your partner or spouse. Please do not cheat physically as it is a dangerous way to unintentionally acquire a sexual disease virus that can destroy your or their immune system or cause cancer of the affected tissue, along with a lifetime of pain from herpes sores or outbreaks. 

Look, I am not here to judge anyone. Before meeting my lovely wife, I had 8 long term relationships that were sexual and had unprotected sex outside of marriage. I did not know who I was looking for, only a best friend that I could spend the rest of my life with happy, someone I really liked, someone cool and different than me, who was a mutual partner in crime, someone to spent time with, to love and be loved by, with genuine sincere benevolent loving kindness love, real love, a fairy tail comedy of loving happy reciprocity and emotional concern, taking care of each other during the hard times and enjoying each other during the nicer times. 

I am super lucky to have found Megan Otto, my beautiful, intelligent, loving, kind, lovely wife, best friend and lover. I never even imagined that someone like her existed and never thought I would have such a wonderful wife or that it was even possible to be married to such a high quality person who is way better than me in nearly every possible way, who loves me so much that the love overflows in me showing other people, animals and nature loving kindness, loving God, loving Christ Jesus, loving the Holy Spirit, loving my faith, family & friends, but also forgiving myself of all my wrongs and loving myself the way God intents according to the Holy Word. 

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