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Alarming Scientific Evidence Shows This Worse than Drugs or Alcohol for Your Body

From every different pathway possible, pollutants are bombarding your liver, kidney, brain, skin, eyes, nose, throat, ears, and digestive system with microplastics, fumes, soot, particles, vapors, noise and light pollution from traffic and barking dogs and train horns, all which raise blood pressure and increase heart disease via several different physiological mechanisms. Many pollutants are linked to cancers too. 

Many pollutants are emitted because it is cheaper, easier and more profitable to make energy like that or fuel the vehicles like that, or mine the materials like that, or harvest the agriculture like that to make food for everyone. 

Most people, something like 99% are great at not hurting or harming other people, at not being wasteful, at being open minded, fair and balanced as a person. Most of the pollution emitted because we are not using emissions controls worldwide that have been available since the 1960's and widely available at reasonable prices since the 1980s. It's about companies giving up a small amount of profit to radically reduce their emissions, corporate social responsibility, ethics and morality. 

Tire tread wears away becoming microplastic dust. The instant torque from electric motor that makes EV's fun to rapidly accelerate also wears away tire tread faster, as does burning out making smoke from burning up the tire tread showing off with powerful motors of sports cars dumping the clutch while the engine at high RPM and the steering wheel turned to perform a donut maneuver for fun with heavy costs, or when a diesel truck driver "rolls coal" making clouds of black soot by wasting diesel fuel by churning huge plumes of particle heavy air pollution to fog out other motorists in a wasteful act of socially inconsiderate foolishness. 

When heavy braking, brake pads scrub friction forces against the brake rotors metal disks or pressing against the inside of the brake drums, but that brake dust not only puts funky looking brown filth on the rims over time, but it also wears away as toxic dust into the environment. Brake dust very unhealthy for human lungs, but also bad for lakes, rivers, streams, fish and other bodies of water and marine wildlife. 

Tailpipe emissions and stack emissions from power plants that burn fuels like natural gas or fuel oil to make electricity, or the worst, coal power plants that emit coal power pollutants as the most toxic of all the ways commercial electricity produced at the gigawatt scale at large coal fueled thermal power plants where the heat generated by burning coal then boils water to make steam for multi-staged turbine generator sets that turn the high pressure steam into rotational torque to shove magnetic fields through coils of wire to generate electrical power or current and voltage movement pressure in wires connected to the grid and user loads farther down the lines; usually after a step up yard bumps the voltage up for long distance transmission to local substations where the voltage dropped again to medium voltage distribution to end user lines, finally to a pole transformer that drops the voltage to 120vac X2 so both 240ac and 120ac available at the 200amp typical home power distribution panel with dual bus system of 15 amp breaker switches, hot black and red wires, neutral white wires and green ground wires respectively. 

Combustion of carbon, fuels, gasoline, diesel, propane, butane, wood, biomass, natural gas, synthetic fuels, fuel oils and similar hydrocarbons, solvents, carbon energy sources and sources of air pollution and climate changing acid rain forming pollution emissions are bad for public health. 

Exposure to all these pollutants shown by many studies to be linked to many common medical problems, including weight gain, chronic inflammation, high blood pressure, dementia, kidney failure, damage to other organs, heart disease, lung cancer, asthma, COPD and many other diseases and disorders. 

Pollution is causing the premature death of more people than all other sources combined, including all war, all gun crimes, all vehicle accidents, and all forms of alcohol and tobacco use. 

Pollution the biggest killer of people and most of it can be nearly 95% reduced with existing catalytic converter and exhaust filtering technologies long widely available but typically only applied to passenger cars where emissions laws related to the Clean Air Act or Euro 6 regulations require the automakers to put complicated expensive emissions control systems to reduce the vehicles tailpipe emissions of poisonous or toxic substances. 

On a per capital basis, back before fuel injection, when automobile engines were fueled with carburetors, they were much more polluting. The exhaust contained much more HC or hydrocarbon unburned fuel vapor and smells like it, because the fuel air mixture entering the engine from the carburetor richer or has more fuel than needed for a clean burning stochiometric ratio or perfect chemical combination of air with fuel for clean combustion.

Newer vehicles have radically lower emissions with more precise fuel injection combined with O2 exhaust temperature sensors and catalytic converters that contain noble metals that burn off HC into CO2 and water vapor and convert NOX to nitrogen and oxygen gas. In this way a catalytic converter emissions control system improves safety of vehicle exhaust by 95% when the vehicle brand new and the catalytic converter works perfectly. 

By 200,000 miles the system not nearly as clean, more combustion gases squeak past the piston rings and more crank case oil enters combustion the same way, so vehicles become more polluting as they age. This is because all machines, all human created systems have a finite life. Even the human body has a finite life because no one can get out of here alive even if you try, though age reversal technology can help you stay younger longer if you are willing to pay for it! 

It is the scale of human activity worldwide to the tune of 8 billion people at the same time that multiplies the pollution emissions to such a huge level bad for everyone and nature.

No one person or central body is coordinating who has children or how many, so it's a random chaotic mess of population growth out of control with emissions of toxic substances out of control and runaway climate change problems resulting + acid rain, noise pollution, light pollution, particles, fumes, soot, smog and worse causing disease + unhealthy western industrial heavily processed foods without enough fiber or healthy fats and way too much added sugar and salt that are also wreaking metabolic health damaging havoc on people who eat like a typical American becoming fatter and sicker every year while also being perpetually bombarded by toxic pollutants of many kinds. 

We can radically improve air and water quality by radically reducing pollution emissions using more applied intelligence and technology to clean up exhaust emissions with more advanced emissions controls like high voltage plasma arc pollutant decomposition technology or electrostatic particle filtering out coal power exhaust stack emission to remove the soot, fly ash and other particles, or better DPF filters on diesel vehicle that do not clog up and work better that cost less and more practical to retrofit onto existing diesel engine exhaust system without reducing power or torque. Also, diesel fueling vehicles can be fueled with a propane like conversion of pressurized steel tanks filled with DME or dimethyl ether, which they already do in South Korea. 

If you prioritize fuel economy when shopping for a new vehicle, vehicles that use less fuel also emit less pollution. This means you have the ability to clean up air quality by making better intelligent vehicle choices. 

Laws and measure by governments to reduce pollution can help. The way we energize transportation systems can help, with decarbonizing with a combination of super capacitors, electric motors, engines, batteries, and emerging technologies in hybrid, plug in hybrid and range extended electric vehicles. 

Even the way that cities are designed can strongly influence the amount of shade, the urban heat island effect, the way water runoff during rainy weather or storms happens, what kind of energy or energy backup systems, and in general community, school and media education outreach to teach people how they can make a difference by walking with a backpack for nearby trips to the store for food and back in what also becomes a health fitness activity. Taking an E-bike that makes riding to and from work twice as fast and half as hard as a regular bicycle given the electric motor assist that flattens hills and makes higher speeds sustained easier. 

Not just human emissions, but those emitted by forest fires and volcanic eruption and swamp gases and gases from cow farts to hog feces lagoons as methane emissions with higher global warming impact than CO2 on a molecule-to-molecule bases. Eating less meat for example reduces emissions in this way. 

Scientists have been ringing the alarm bells as messages in media warning people about pollution problems but have been largely ignored by the general public and governments alike. It's been widely known that pollution toxic to human and environmental health since the 1960's. People seem to care more about appearance, money, status, vanity, materialism, showing off, fancy stuff, celebrities, media for entertainment and food abuse of unhealthy ultra processed very tasty bliss point engineered food like substances. 

I love the flavor of Oreo cookies for example, and eat them sometimes because they are delicious, even though I know they are UPF junk food and bad for my health. I am a flawed hypocritic sinner and make mistakes at times even when I know better, hence "flawed and hypocritical". I love enjoying a Coca-cola soda sometimes, even though I know it is bad for my teeth and gums and hard on my pancreases and cell mitochondria. 

Sometimes when I eat UPF in the evening, I enjoy night sweats soaking my undies and sheets with profuse amount of perspiration from having a high then low blood sugar while asleep. Then I wake up dehydrated feeling hungover, even though I didn't drink anything with alcohol content the night before. Fun eating the western American ultra procced foods at dinner time, right? 

100LL fuel at a small regional or public airport, yes it contains lead as TEL but very small amounts, much less lead than leaded gasoline that was sold before it was law to sell unleaded gasoline, since MTBE was then added to improve combustion, then ethanol from GMO corn now sold as E10 gasoline unleaded at millions of gasoline stations.

TEL acts a lubricant in small helicopter piston engines and small passenger aircraft piston engines. Lead from the TEL prevents detonation that would damage the valves and acts as a soft metal sacrificial friction reducing substance that enhances the piston engine life. Shell is currently producing a small amount of a lead-free alternative to 100LL, but it costs more than $9 per gallon vs $6.50 for 100LL. Known as Synthetic Aviation Fuel, it's not widely available or well known about yet.

We can seal up gasoline station fuel storage tanks, so they no longer leak into ground water, with polymer sealants added to the tanks that find and seals up leaks. Oil additives known as "leak stopper" can be added to engine oil to seal up tiny pin hole gasket leaks that cause used motor oil to drip slowly out of older high mileage vehicle engines. It's a similar technology and even used as tire slime in bicycle tires that self-seal after being punctured by a blackberry thorn or similar.

Smart lighting controls can turn off lights entirely when they are off no use to anyone, reducing energy waste and light pollution at nighttime. With motion sensor activation, when the lights are on, security or police would be alerted by the motion activated lighting, knowing that closed buildings are dark lights off at night, so if the lights are on, someone is there, and it's worth investigating. 

Air pollution has a lot in common with smoking or secondhand smoke, but air pollution exposes everyone to a constant low level tickle dose of toxic substances like cigarette smoke. 

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