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Understanding Obesity, Weight Loss, Type 2 Diabetes, Fitness, Sleep, Hormones & More

Obesity means your body made insulin to store blood sugar as body fat. Fat is stored food energy from what you have been eating all along. Eating fats does not store body fat, body fat stores from carbs, starches and added sugars. 

To lose weight, water fasting is required to force your body to eat its own old, broken, cancer and tumor cells and cell waste for energy. 

This recycling process in the body when we are not eating is kicked off during the 6th and 7th and 8 hours of sleep at night. If you skip breakfast you can extend your daily nighttime fasting interval by 4+ more hours where your body will move from nutritional ketosis to Autophagy from Greek "To Eat Self" as in burn body fat for energy or weight loss. 

About 3-7 lbs of weight loss from fasting will come from water loss, since your body in a ketogenic state cannot hold as much water as when you had high blood sugars from carbs, since carbs, starches and sugar can hold 4 grams of body water away from cell processes that need it, from every gram of added blood glucose above a normal level. 

One of the reasons that being diabetic can cause kidney failure and health problems, because the bodies sugars from the carb heavy starchy diet take water away from critical cell processes, causing diseases of different kinds other than diabetes, hight blood pressure, heart disease, stoke, clotting and embolisms. Many cancers accelerate development in the presence of high blood sugar levels, the sugar feed the rapidly dividing uncontrolled cancer & tumor cells. 

Water Fasting Critical Important Information to Know

When water fasting the peak of Autophagy occurs on day 4 and peaks by day 5, caution not to go beyond 7 days of water fasting on your own, and make sure to get some sugar free electrolyte containing sodium, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Taking some electrolytes in your water can solve the headache and body pain that is common during day 2 and 3 as poisons and toxins stored in our body fat are released as we burn body fat for energy in a ketogenic state where blood ketone bodies are elevated. You can use urine test strips to test for these ketones when your fasting. Drink extra water when you're fasting to help ease the burden on your kidneys and liver. The toxic load released when you first fast can make your urine smell horrible like burning electronics, depending on your lifetime exposure to different unhealthy chemical pollutants or workplace substances, smog or air pollutants or water pollutants, or even artificial ingredients in commercial industrial food. 

Any more than 50 grams of sugar too much daily, but occasionally ok, not every day.

Fiber per gram helps to slow down the absorption of carbs, starches & sugars consumed in moderation. This is why an apple healthier than a candy bar with the same number of grams of sugar, because the apple also contains water, fiber, enzymes and plant food chemicals good for the microbes in your gut flora and good for your body as a carb. 

Bad carbs come from bread, rice & pasta consumed in large servings, without enough fiber or health fats or proteins, in meals that are too large, eaten too often. 

If you're an adult American over the age of 27, you might be able to eat 1200-1600 calories per day or less and keep your body mass or BMI regular with a thin fit body you will like. This means you could eat one or two meals per day and be fine, but that eating 3 meals an overload of nutritional excess of too many carbs, sugars, starches + too much saturated fat, too much omega 6 inflammatory fats, not enough omega 3 anti-inflammatory fats or lipids, not enough fiber soluble or insoluble, and not enough full spectrum amino acids from protein sources + vitamins and minerals. 

Empty calories from sugar drinks, alcoholic beverages or similar soda pop, are called empty because they are nutritionally devoid of all the things that make eating a Whole Foods plant based diet healthier. 

Calorie Restriction Complicated to Do

Weight loss means running a calorie deficit or calorie restricted. You have to actually use a portable scale that you keep with you to measure all your food mass, an app or book that tells you the calories per gram of each food stuff, and keep a tally or inventory of your total daily intake of carbs, sugars, fats & proteins. Few people have the kind of discipline, mental persistence, drive or ambition to engage in weighing out all their foods carefully every day, though its way easier if your skip breakfast and only eat lunch and a small snack for dinner. Weight loss means you have to cut back on food abuse or nutritional overload that super common and easy to slip into with the no season grocery store fridge combo and persistent access to snacking or food abuse easily. 

Increased Hunger From Stress & Sleep Deprivation

Stress from life makes people hungry, the hormone that make us hungry Ghrelin increases if the mind and body are stress out, especially from sleep loss or sleep deficit or a lack of enough high quality sleep, sleep disorders, problems falling asleep or staying asleep. Chronic stress means more hunger promoting Ghrelin and more cortisol that enhances the storage of carbs as body fat, along with blood glucose and insulin insensitivity that comes from having a constantly elevated high blood glucose from eating added sugars, starches and carbs in excess all the key problems with the Standard American Diet proven to make people fatter and sicker if they keep eating it. 

Fridge & Pantry to Cope With Stress

Many people are not willing to abuse alcohol or drugs of abuse to cope with life stresses that have been increasing in America every year since the 1960's, especially because of insourcing and outsourcing associated with globalization and the harmful financially damaging currency inflation executed by the ignorant selfish greedy Federal Reserve and its narcissist sicko evil leaders. But the fridge and food in the pantry, especially ice cream, novelties, deserts, baked goods, nearly all of which are made of sugar, flour, vanilla, eggs, dairy, butter, cream, think high in sugar and high in animal saturated fats + salt, almost like a UPF once you pop you cannot stop junk food, like an Oreo cookie. 

Corporate Engineered Food Confusion

Bliss point engineering UPF and marketing brainwashing makes people seek out and purchase unhealthy UPF foods as a significant portion of their overall diet. Some people are getting up to 70% of their daily food calories from junk UPF food like industrial processed garbage, the base of SAD or standard American diet. I am talking about a 4 trillion dollar industry that spends over 1 billion monthly on marketing and advertising UPF unhealthy junk foods. 

Fitness, Activities & Exercises

Go for walk daily after dinner or after lunch or in the morning, start with 10 to 15 minutes and gradually work up to 30 or 45 minutes as your fitness improves. Once you are stronger you can try a steep hill hike of greater intensity. Go at the pace that keeps your heart rate in its target range for aerobic workouts such that you get hot and sweaty and can't squeak out more than few words to your friend or hiking buddy before taking your next breath. 

Swimming is great for people who have joint paint that keeps them from doing other fitness activities. 

Playing tennis, or soccer, or basketball, the point here is not to create an exhaustive list of all the possible activities, moreover its to teach you that staying active a key part of a healthy lifestyle. 

We have eye, a brain, joints and muscles, so that we can move through environments, walk, run, jump, play, have fun skiing or snowboard or wake boarding or going for walk or hiking through the forest or swimming or whatever you enjoy that gets your heart and breathing rate up for at least a couple of Horus per week. I do the Les Mills Body Combat on a Meta 2 VR headset for 7 to 24 minutes per session and drench my underwear in sweat, hot and sweating and have to clean the VR headset to clear it of sweat since my face is dripping wet from these full body workouts. 


Insulin, Insulin, Insulin, Ghrelin, Leptin, even your neurotransmitters. Notice when you eat something really tasty how mental fireworks go off with enjoyment of the tastes, flavors, aromas, smells. 

If you go without eating by skipping breakfast, lunch tastes way better. Notice how the snacks you bring along on a hike taste so much better after you have climbed the steep trail to the top of the mountain or hill? When we are working out, food tastes way better because our bodies are burning the food for energy to energize our workouts, fitness actives or movements. 

I said Insulin so many times because eating too many carbs, starches and added sugars is why so people who eat the western American industrial died are becoming fatter and sicker every year, even now in India and China, areas of the world that were traditionally very thin in terms of the populations average body mass or size. 

Most people eating the traditional Indian or Chinese diet are not overweight or obese. It's only once they start eating western industrial foods and not moving very much, that people started becoming fatter and sicker. The same is true of the Aboriginal people in Australia who were healthy and fit until they adopted western diets that gave them heart disease, diabetes, cancers and other problems associated with the Western diet. 


Stop believing the Food Pyramid. Your body needs a break from eating too, more than when you are just sleeping every night. Please consider skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner, going hungry, try 24 hours fasting with extra water intake. Try focusing on getting more sleep and waking up at the same time every day. Try doing fun fitness activities that you have enjoy doing, active leisure activities like going for long walks in the evening after dinner. Shop around the parameter or outside of the grocery store and eat more nuts and seeds and leafy greens. Cut back on beer, pop, sugar, starchy, carb heavy rice, bread, pasta, really consider removing white flour or things that contain white flour from your diet. Think differently and get mental emotional relief from prayer and focusing on appreciation and thankfulness or positive healthy thoughts that make you feel better. The mind body connection say that when we have a healthier outlook this translates into better overall health and faster recovery from injuries or illness, like being sick with the COVID19 virus. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this information. I appreciate the detailed insights into obesity, weight loss, and the effects of diet and fasting. The emphasis on healthy eating, fitness, and understanding our body's needs is really valuable. I'll definitely consider these points in my health journey. Also, for anyone considering water fasting, I highly recommend using sugar-free electrolyte tablets to help maintain sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium levels. They can alleviate common symptoms like headaches and body pain during the fasting process.
