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Concrete Example of US Senator Engaged in Bribery and Corruption (Cash + Gold Bars) with Egypt and Qatar

Democratic senator from New Jersey, Bob Menedez found guilty on 16 felony counts for engaging in bribery, accepting cash and gold bars from the governments of Egypt & Qatar, engaging in extortion, acting as a foreign agent, obstructing justice and many other counts of conspiracy. 

Businessmen Wael Hana, Fred Daibes, and Jose Uribe, looking for special favors and favors for the governments of Qatar and Egypt, gave him gold bars, a new Mercedes Benz to Nadine his wife, and more than $480 thousand in cash, found stuffed into clothing stored in closets bearing the guilty parties name, at his home in New Jersey back in 2022. 

Menedez the son of Cuban immigrants who distrusted banks teaching young Menedez to store cash and gold in hiding places for safe keeping. 

Fingerprints belonging to the businessmen were found on the cash and gold bars, making it unambiguously clear where the hundreds of thousands of dollars of cash and gold bars found in the home of senator Menedez came from. 

Gold bars are often used to bribe in part because the gold can be cut up easily and melted down and cast into new clean bars, erasing any trace of origin, burning off fingerprints and DNA, making the gold untraceable. 

The CPP in the PRC, namely the official of the Chinese Government, love gold and money, and do all sorts of unethical immoral horrendous things to get more of both by any means no matter what they damage or who they harm or hurt. 

For example, to make more money and gold, no mining safety measure or safety equipment at typical coal mines in China, and many fires and explosion in these coal mines have killed many tens of thousands of Chinese coal miners, who would be alive today if mine safety measure like spraying mist to keep the coal dust down, or giving face shields, gloves, masks, LED safety lamps sealed and similar to keep clean fresh air in the tunnels. 

The Chinese coal mining industry consider coal miners a disposable asset, and the negligence executed in Chinese coal mines has also set many coal seams on fire, with combined emissions from these coal fires in China greater than the emissions of every engine powered vehicle of every kind in America. So if we want to clean up global air quality, it would be cheaper and easier to put out the coal seam fires in China. 

You might notice that I regularly find a way to slam and call out China, and that is because I hate the CCP and am calling on God in heaven in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus to pronounce a curse over the CCP and its executive members, that their money shall depart leaving chaos in the wake, that they will be humiliated and removed from power. That the CCP will fail and be replaced by the ROC and a freedom preserving privacy protecting ethical fair democrat government with free elections and human rights given to all Chinese citizen will prevail victorious, triumphantly defeating and taking away power from the CCP, so that China will become a nice country engaged in fair trade, that focuses on improving the lives of Chinese people, especially with clean air and clean water laws to reduce pollution emissions in China.

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