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Reversing T2D or Type 2 Diabetes

Have you developed diabetes as an adult? 
Are you taking Metformin or Ozempic to lower your A1c?
(Adults only, makes sure children and teens get enough to eat as they have fast metabolisms)

Easily reverse Type 2 Diabetes by skipping breakfast or dinner

Many sure to eat a nutritious healthy lunch, drinking more water to stay hydrated. Look for fiber in leafy greens, and healthy fats from nuts and seeds, olive oil, coconut oil or Omega 3 anti-inflammatory fats.  

Stay away from soda or fruit juice but enjoy a small amount of fresh fruit and or berries. Consider eating non-starchy vegetables, lean meats, oily smaller younger wild caught fish, and avoid trans fats, canola or Wesson or other industrial seed oils as they are high in Omega 6 inflammatory fats. 

Avoid UPF or ultra processed snack foods, junk foods, candies, or other sources of added sugars.

Interval Fasting 

7pm no more eating until 11am, means no food or eating near bedtime or while sleep or even after you wake up at 5am for the next day. 

Wake up at the same time every day and go to bed at night when you are tired. Drink a glass of water when you wake up for the day. If you feel hungry in the morning, drink another glass of water. 

After being awake for an hour or so, have a black coffee or tea with nothing added

Make sure you stay awake for at least 4 hours before eating anything, try to go longer

Try to make it till noon before you eat, if you woke up at 5 am, or 2pm if you woke up at 7am

Water Fasting + Electrolyte Salt Pinches 

Water fasting means you only drink water or black coffee or tea with nothing added, and do not eat anything. If you get dizzy or a headache while water fasting, it can be helpful to take salt pinches. I recommend a taking some sugar free electrolyte salt with magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium 

Watch "The Science of Fasting" Documentary Film Online

Learn the truth about nutritional excess and weight gain and why obesity rates are climbing worldwide

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