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What Happens When You Eat a PB&J or Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

The bread, peanut butter and jelly are first broken down by chewing and saliva enzymes, then bile and stomach acid break the components of what you ate down into liquids so they can pass into the gut where many billions of microbes of thousands of different species in your gut flora or microbiome further digest parts of what you ate so that these resulting substances can pass the membranes in your small and large intestines to become part of your blood and apocrine fluid for distribution throughout your body where cells and DNA and other mechanism use the food substance transported to make energy in the mitochondria of each cell, to perform cell repairs or maintenance or make cell replacement parts. 

The PB&J you ate literally becomes energy to move and think and fuels all the different human activities of all kinds that you might or likely engage in daily. 

Without food there is no life for people. Without fuel, ICE cars are going nowhere. Without electricity modern life impossible, no charging your phone, no energy for the fridge or microwave or to charge your battery electric vehicle. 

Gasoline contains 31,536,000 calories per gallon. Thats 31,500 kilocalories or nutritional calories. A jar of peanut butter around 12,000 kilocalories per gallon, and that is one of the most energy dense foods that people eat. 859 kilocalories in 1 kilowatt-hour or kWh of electricity. It would be a lot cheaper to eat if we could eat electricity or gasoline for body energy, instead of food, but that would not taste good! 

It is not the people that changed, but the spraying of herbicide glyphosate on peanut crops, such that this poisonous highly profitable herbicide soaks into the peanut shells growing under the soil. 

This means that the herbicide ends up in the peanuts that people are eating, and I believe that this herbicide is the reason people are having more peanut allergies now that when I was a child. 

When I went to the Kingdome with my adoptive father to watch Mariners games as a child in the later 1980s and early 1990s' vendors walking around the stands were selling "hot nuts here" or aluminum vacuum packed bricks of shelled peanuts, roasted and salted. No one was having a peanut allergy at the game, despite many people shelling out cash to buy and eat the peanuts, me included. 

When flying on commercial passenger aircraft like the Boeing 747 to travel to Disneyland from near Seattle, Wa, USA out of SeaTac, and back, the airline stewardesses on the flight handed out packets of roasted salted peanuts as snacks, along with little clear plastic cups of different kinds of soda pop, or ginger ale. A premade meal was also provided, with a couple of options to choose from. 

It was only around the year 2000 in high school that I started hearing about peanut allergies. Then when flying to Mexico, no peanuts available. When going to a Mariners game, no peanuts available. I started to wonder why peanuts are causing allergies now but not in the recent past, a change that happened during my life, during my teenage years. I experience the removal of peanuts from sports games and airlines and started wondering what changed. 

Making Your PB&J 

What kind of bread are you using in your PB&J?
I like Ezekial's sprouted grain bread, its nutritionally superior and tastes fantastic.
Some bread higher in fiber and healthy fats that reduce the glycemic index

What kind of peanut butter?
I prefer crunchy peanut butter that you have to stir in the glass jar, organic natural peanut butter without other oils or sugars or anything else added. I want pure straight ground peanuts, not industrial ultra processed peanut butter. UPF are proven to sicken people by making their fatter and giving them preventable diseases, those who eat UPF in excess or as a regular part of their modern industrial diet proven to make people fat and sick in every country that embraces UPF industrial foods, soda pop and gets too much added sugar, not enough fiber, and not enough water for health and wellness. 

What kind of jam?
Apricot jam my favorite, followed by orange marmalade, then red raspberry. 
Get real homemade JAM with less sugar added and more real fruit or make it yourself.
Think more premium, slightly more expensive, organic natural jam with less sugar added. 
Tart and sour are excellent flavors instead of super sweetness all the time. 

Nutritional Expert Said

Look for a whole grain or whole wheat bread, with more or added fiber, since many people only consume about half of the recommended daily amount of fiber, and every gram of fiber counts towards a healthier gut biota or improved digestive function.

Considering breads with less sodium and no added sugars.
Consider the same for your peanut butter choice

Many kinds of jelly have lots of added sugars for sweetness, consider looking for a lower sugar option natural jam or organic jam or homemade jam, marmalade or fruit spread.

A delicious jelly alternative can be made by mashing fruit with lemon juice & chia seeds to make a fantastic jelly alternative.

Understanding the Causes of Allergies

Fear, emotional, psychological, unresolved fear, anxiety and stress can trigger a histamine response that creates an allergy like reaction. Forcing yourself to stay awake or chronic sleep deficit can also create allergy like histamine level increases that cause you to sneeze for no other reason. 

Industrial Synthetic Chemicals Emissions & Common Pollutants

Some Allergies are because of Herbicide, Insecticide, Fungicide or Pesticide sprayed on food crops grown in huge monoculture industrial farms and harvested by diesel powered machinery that's the size and cost of a typical single-family home, now with GPS enhanced autopilot guidance and similar ADAS features to modern automobiles, though software locked so John Deer has to send and engineer to the farm to fix the advanced electronics equipped modern farming equipment. 

Some farmers take to the dark web to find way to hack their equipment so they can perform basic repairs and maintenance without the incredible cost of having a engineer flown to their farm with high servicing costs. I am a device repair advocate, but also an advocate of reducing harm to the general public from chemical pollutants and emissions of toxic substances, like those nasty particles, ash and fumes emitted by coal power plants that are polluting and poisonous and toxic to public health. 

In college studying environmental science, chemistry, medicine, physiology and why pollutants harm public health and what common pollutants do inside the body that make them toxic or poisonous. Mainly pollutants or other poisonous substances block cell enzymes, preventing the mitochondria from making ATP from ADP. By blocking cell enzymes, the poison or pollutant or toxic substance causes cell death. UVB & UVC damage skin cell DNA which can increase the risk of melanoma or skin cancer. 

When the UV photon strikes with enough energy to penetrate the skin, it hits cell DNA, causing dislocations and brakes in the DNA energized by UV photons, which make misfolded proteins called Prions later during DNA transcription to make RNA and other essential ammino acids that the UV damage DNA errors turn into errors in transcription or other chemical changes to the ammino acids that becomes cell dysfunction. Lead for example, atomic number 82, the end decay product of all radioactive nature decay series, toxic to the human brain cells, damaging the glial cells that support neuron function. Thats why gasoline now sold as unleaded as TEL or tetraethyllead was replaced by MTBE and later GMO corn ethanol as E10 now widely sold as unleaded regular gasoline today at millions of gas stations in America. 

Tire tread erosion microplastics and brake pad dust are also pollutants emitted by battery electric vehicles, so avoid thinking that a new EV actually eco-friendly. Industrialization is eco-toxic to nature and ecosystems no matter how you look at having 8 billion people alive at the same time. 

My Goal in this Posting

To Teach You the Reader of this Post, College Level Understanding of the topics covered. 

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