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I know 2 people IRL that had polio & lifetime disabilities from the polio infection, because they did not get the Polio Vaccine

Without the polio vaccine 5000 cases per million people exposed, end up paralyzed. With the novel oral police vaccine, only one person per million treated ends up paralyzed.

Facts people, not the opinion of some uneducated actress in California who thinks her son is autistic because of vaccines that she thinks cause autism. Is Jenny McCarthy a medical expert or scientist or researcher into vaccines, no, she is a celebrity full of opinions that she espouses as facts, and in the case of her anti-vaccine FUD untrue factually inaccurate lies and confusion, and she is harming other people by causing them to reject all vaccines, as a socially influential celebrity. 

Sure, some vaccines cause health problems and side effects. 

Drinking alcohol while pregnant damages the baby's development, but that is not illegal. Drinking alcohol impairs a person's ability to drive a car, bicycle, or operate heavy machinery, because ethanol the active ingredient in alcoholic beverages plugs into the brains GABA receptors which inhibit or slow down the brain by turning off parts of the brain associated with learning, memory formation, anxiety, stress, worry or fear. This means drinking alcoholic beverages makes people get buzzed in a way that feels nice and reduces social friction so people drinking in groups tend to have more fun, laugh more and focus on positive happy nice ideas that generate a positive experience with laughter and enjoyment and fun! The hangover largely due to dehydration and a reduction in sleep quality after heavier drinking episodes that can in part be remedied by drinking way more water and taking a melatonin before passing out, in order to stay asleep longer and get more time in REM and deep sleep stages, as passing out drunken causes more time in light sleep non restorage stage of sleeping, leaving people with a hangover spaced out and foggy the next morning, or not on their A game if you will. 

Eating candy in excess, or similar UPF junk foods a proven pathway to obesity, chronic inflammation, heart disease, diabetes, elevated risks of certain cancers, an increasing risk for strokes, clots and embolisms, and dangerous high blood pressure, sleep disorders, brain fog, ADD, ADHD, dementia and Alzheimer's diseases. This includes soda pop or similar sugary beverages since a lot of the coffee drinks are effectively heavily sweetened milkshakes metabolically. 

Even sugar alternatives tend to cause obesity and digestive problems, except stevia which tends to be well tolerated by most people. The problem with sweetening foods is that it makes the brain seek out other sweet foods and beverages, effectively like training yourself to have a sweet preference. I think sour, tart, savory, umami, salty, bitter, interesting flavors are vastly underrated, and that complex sweetness way better than simple sugary sweetness. Bread is made of polymerized starches that both break back down into elevated blood sugar. Rice and Pasta also elevate blood sugar as simple starches or carbohydrates that turn into blood sugar level increasing after eating them. Say "Metabolic Syndrome" caused by western dietary excess, without enough fiber or health fats or high quality amino acids, way too much added sugar, salt and saturated fat at the same time via Bliss Point engineering UPF items to be virtually irresistible, with the catch phrase of a popular one "once you pop, you cannot stop" and that sounds like cocaine or heroin level addiction engineered UPF ingredients synthetic and artificial like cigarette chemical additive engineering. 

No law maker can pass a low to cause parents to love their children, and many fatherless children exist on this account. 

No law maker can pass a law to make children love their parents, and some high profile cases of teen children who murdered their parents are parts of mainstream American news history, just like all the school shootings and other outcomes of unaddressed mental illness, a lack of spiritual, moral, ethical or personal integrity, a devolution or degradation of social intelligence, social decay, racism, bigotry and other negative outcomes from ignorance and the rejection of sound science well proven about the roughly spherical shape of the Earth, Moon and Sun respectively in the Flat Earth Society or Flat earthers who meet up to at Flat Earth conferences to discuss their paranoid confusion. 

A wholesale rejection of societal norms emerged out of the 1960's counterculture movement as people started dropping LSD at parties with other dumb young peoples before the age where their brains finish developing or 27 years. They dropped out, turned on, and tuned out, and got high together as Hippies in the Free Love movement on hyper colored modified camper busses, who together challenged societal norms, calling into question all tradition institutions, even marriage between a man and woman called into question. Now we have people undergoing gender reassignment or identifying as more than 600 different things as a person. I personally identify as a Snuffleupagus, and we are very sensitive to any critical input, just kidding!  

There are people who reject faith in God, and others who embrace it as members of Team Jesus like me. I am a God fearing, reader and doer of the Holy Word as it is written in the Bible, amplified that I read regularly to reprogram my brain with protein synthesis integrating the living Holy Word into empowering encouragement to show other people loving kindness, dignity and respect, to actively forgive others and myself of errors, sins, mistakes and inequities. I am able to love my wife better, other people, animals, nature, children, strangers, and have a generalized concern for the wellness of all people, nature, ecosystems, wildlife, forests, marine animals, cows, chickens, dogs, cats, the air and water we all depend on for life and the food that comes for nature that metabolically fuels all human activities, mostly from stored solar energy in plants or animals that ate plants previously. 

I like security, peace, guns, engines, motors, vehicles of all kinds, bicycles, scooters, ships, trains, planes, helicopters, turbofan engines, rockets, space telescopes and other satellites, aircraft, tankers, 4 stroke, two stroke, DOHC, SOHC, fuel injection, carburetors, fuels like gasoline, kerosine, jet A, diesel fuel and drive a turbo diesel School Bus as a CDL holding professional driver for work for income to live and to pay for life basics and my toys. 

I don't have children and can't afford to have children. My 2020 MT03 is my child. If you do not understand, that's ok, you're not everyone and neither am I. I don't know enough to fairly judge anyone, and am filled with grace, compassion, empathy and concern for my wife, my friends, my community, my state, my nation, all people, the Earth and its natural resources. 

I care about reducing pollution, not being wasteful, being frugal, polite, friendly, nice, reasonable, fair and balanced and wished other people were trying harder to deliberately exercise their virtues and attributes, doing their duty to God and their country, to help other people at all times, to be mentally, physically and morally strong so they able to make a strong positive difference fixing, repairing, improving or upgrading anything they touch or interact with, including saying nice edifying things that make other people feel better like a motivational speaker, such that other people feel better after hearing such a person utter anything verbally. 

A lifetime of pursuing greater excellence in all ways, with grace for yourself when you slip up and sin or make an error or mistake or do not live up to your promise or potential as a person. I am not exactly mincing my words here, and if you're reading this you know exactly what I am trying to communicate.

No vaccines technologies are not perfected and need to be improved for better safety, improved efficacy, and better outcomes for the people who get the vaccines. When it comes to pandemic disease outbreaks like COVID19, we need to have a sound sane science-based discussion, with ethics and morality from faith, to have a peaceful discourse about the issues surround vaccination campaigns and improving vaccine technology for the public good. 

As for face masks, engines have air filters and many modern cars have cabin air filters, so perhaps the hairs and buggers in our noses are not sufficient as face filters, but I started talking about a way to reduce breathing SMOG and Soot particles or PM2.5 when riding my motorcycle a then Honda Grom back in 2019 before anyone was wearing face masks or what South Park comedically called "facial underwear" or "face diapers" 

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