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Microplastics Everywhere, But Solutions to All Problems Already Exist

Nearly all foods consumed regularly contain some microplastics, but it does not have to be this way. We could be using applied technology that already exists to make life better for all people around the world.

Plastic pollution in part because not all locals have mixed blue bin curbside recycling of plastics, paper, cardboard, paper, or other recycled materials like we do in King County, Washington State, USA 

The world a deeply unfair place to many human beings. Some people are so poor they do not know what they are going to eat today, have no access to electricity, and live hand to mouth on just a few dollars per day. Others live in refugee camps, the fallout or non-obvious cost of ongoing military conflict, wars or violence that people engage against other people for largely political reasons. "

Solving All the World's Problems

I would outlaw war if I was in charge. I would end all crime, all pollution, and revolutionize the world for everyone's benefit now and forever. I am talking about a physics-based energy economy without currency, where energy credits are the money. The best of STEM applied to all aspects of human civilization to reduce harm to nature and improve everyone's health. Cures to all diseases and universal basic healthcare for everyone. 

Arming everyone with guns and teaching all people gun safety. A well-armed people are safer from criminals when seconds made the difference between life and death. We would have DIY camps, maker fairs, STEM education, less fake fiction and other wastes of time. More novel high bar art applied to buildings and infrastructure to make all stronger, longer lasting and cooler to look at or observe. 

I am talking about nuclear fusion rockets, energy capturing spheres around the sun beaming power back to Earth to decarbonize and electrify all human activities so that the biosphere become virtually free of pollutants or emissions from old style combustion before abundant cleaner cheaper electricity made the impossible possible for everyone's benefit. 

Reducing Harm to People & Nature

Ignorant wasteful industrialization also harmful or damaging to nature or ecosystem via pollutants and emissions or externalities of the way we make energy burning things like coal or common fuels like natural gas or gasoline or diesel or jet fuel. Many poor people also burn wood for domestic cooking and heating. 

Understand Combustion Emissions 

When carbon or hydrocarbons are combusted to make heat, light, power, electricity or energize engines of all kinds, or to heat water to make steam for turbines that spin to make electricity or to make heat for an autoclave or other industrial process, the combustion produce CO2 or carbon dioxide, CO or carbon monoxide, NOX or oxides of nitrogen, PM or particulates, HC or hydrocarbon fumes or other VOC's or aerosols of emissions, mostly toxic or harmful to people, which cause acid rain, bad for ecosystems and driving climate change tipping points out of balance quicker. 

Water Vapor and CO2 are the primary combustion emissions when carbon or hydrocarbons are combusted with oxygen in air. The other pollutants emitted by combustion are trace or minor components of exhaust.

It is the huge global billion-person trillion-dollar scale of human activity worldwide that causes all those toxic trace emissions to add up to billions of pounds of particles, soot, smoke, fumes, smog or climate changing gas emissions. 

Vehicle Use Ecotoxic 

Tires mounted to vehicle wheels slowly scrape away the vulcanized rubber tread, so tires have a limited-service life, shorted radically by burning out or something that releases a lot of smoke when people use vehicle with powerful engines to spin their tires in a way that cause them to break traction and heat up until the smoke heavily with grey smoke. Racing eats away tire tread very quickly. Concrete and asphalt are rough surfaces which help to produce grip with the tires, but that also eat away the tire tread almost like slowly sanding the tread away. The tire tread rubbed off on the roads produces trillions of microplastic particles. 

Most foods that people eat today, are some ways or another contaminated with microplastic particles, with questionable but probably or likely unhealthy side effects. 

You could reasonably call me a know it all, thought I do not actually know very much. I just spent tens of thousands of hours reading Wikipedia while my friends were getting high and drunk at parties, during and after college. 

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