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Age Reversal Technology : Genetic Reprogramming for $6,000

Firstly, inner personal character beauty timeless. 

Having a beautiful character, integrity, honor, as decent fair person who treats other people with dignity and respect, that kind of beauty never fades, and is also priceless. 

I work with a lovely women named Cheryl, who is 70 years old, and hug her with a platonic magnetic loving kindness every time we see each other, pulled by a force of genuine loving kindness together smiling and happy to interact in a way that never dishonors my marriage or wife, because it is the love that my wife showers me with and the love that I share with God that overflows a platonic concern for the wellness of other people. 

Amazingly, the first time we saw each other from over 100 ft away, we walked directly towards each other and stated hugging, smiling, and happy inexplicably connected in a way that reminds me of the love I had for my mother and grandmother. She is my spiritual grandmother at work, also drives the same year make and model of car, a 2022 Toyota Corolla in "white" but hers is the gasoline fueled ICE model, and mine is the hybrid model, otherwise they look virtually identical. Sadly hers was stollen and damaged by foolish young men, while mine in very crispy clean condition. I just think its cool that we both like the Toyota Corolla and have a surprising amount in common, evident to us both after many discussion about life, preferences, proclivities and other aspects. She loves husband as much as I love my wife and also loves God like me as a reader and doer of the Holy Word Christian follower of Christ Jesus or part of the Kingdom of God or what I like to call "Team Jesus" in today vernacular. 

Inner personal character beauty timeless I hug Cheryl this 70 year old woman that I work with every time I see her, & it feels beyond words amazing, platonic, we both love each other inexplicably. Beaming with smiling, happiness, joy, enjoyment, our interactions are amazing
She even drives the same 12 generation "white" Toyota corolla (hers was stollen and damage, gas model, mine crispy and hybrid) but otherwise look almost the same Its the love she beams at me when I see her that I reflect with love beamed back at her, a magnetic pull to hug :)

Age Reversal Technology Genetic Reprogramming or ART:GR 

Custom made to your DNA biologic pills you take for 14 days that rolls 10 years off your biological aging, making you look and feel 10 years younger. 

Do it again, you can get back to your middle twenties when you felt stronger, healthier and looked your best, but not younger, because your only going to get to your biological peak of your DNA as a fully formed young adult biologically.

Mark my words, ART "Age Reversal Technology" & GR (Genetic Reprogramming) will as a custom patient tailored biologic made in a small bioreactor using the patient bone marrow stem cells, into a engineered DNA reprogramming epigenetic modifier biologic in gel caps freeze-dried bioactive biologic like mono-clonal antibodies or polyclonal antibody medications today, these GR pill sets taken one each for fourteen days, will over the 3 month activating integration period roll 10 years off your biological age, while your chronological age will stay the same. 

You keep all your memories and what you learned, your skills, but your brain, bones, muscles, organs and skin improve radically. Your look and feel 10 years younger! 

This will be the best selling product in all of human history, generating trillions in revenue and will continue to be the best selling product worldwide in every country because no one wants to get weak from the degenerative effects of advanced aging. 

Who would not want to feel and look better? Have more strength, better bone density, more energy, clearer thinking, better memory, faster reflexes, better hearing, better vision, improved taste and smell. 

You can literally do it a few times to make it back to your middle twenties biologically using clean copies of your bodies DNA from your bone marrow where its shielded by immunity, calcium radiation protection, membrane isolation and other mechanism. 

The price will come down to around $6000 USD2024 equivalent after a few years. Right now AGT:GR costs over $80 million. 

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