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Undo Depression & Feel Happier and Peaceful

Understanding Self-sabotage & how you can Love life more, showing loving kindness to others, but also being loving inwardly in your mind to yourself, freely and quickly forgiving yourself when you mess up or make a mistake. 

No one is perfect, so its ok if you are not living up to your very high inner standards. Life is a daily practice, and you can continue to improve daily every day for the rest of your life. 

If you want to become stronger, weight training, or gain more endurance, regular evening walks after dinner progressing to harder activities as your fitness level increases. If you want to be loving and polite you have to deliberately choose to be loving and polite, treating yourself, other people, animals and nature with dignity and respect. 

Look for joy in strange places and get enough healthy sleep and eat healthy clean foods in moderation since you know that overeating the wrong things making people fatter and sicker with preventable diseases that prescription drugs never cure. 

Unforgiving or holding a grudge, inwardly towards yourself for a mistake, error, sin, or failure, but also holding on to a wrong that someone else did to you in the past. Forgiveness the key to freeing yourself of toxic negativity and will make you feel better. 

It's not justifying the wrongs done against you, it's just accepting that the past is in the past and it feels better to let past events go and move on, improving with what you have learned since then, knowing that everyone changes throughout life. If you wronged someone else, contact them and apologize with genuine sincerity and speak from your heart when apologizing. 

Saying bad things about yourself or claiming negative things about yourself can become disease and medical disorders via the mind body relationship, or chronic stress created by saying negative unhealthy things about yourself. 

You are becoming what you say about yourself. This self-talk or inner monolog, thinking, inner voice, you have control over it. If it says something you do not agree with, say in a soft voice out loud that's not something I am becoming, and I do not agree with that idea. 

If you hear a voice in your head telling you to harm yourself or someone else, that is not you, reject such insane thoughts, your beautifully and wonderfully made with an amazingly complicated body and mind that self-heals when sleeping and able to do amazing things to make the world, your life or other people's lives better in meaningful ways.

Spending money foolishly might give you an instant gratification, but after you sober up and the honeymoon phase with your expensive new toys subsides, you don't want to be left with a boat or airplane that you never use. This can be true of buying a new smartphone when your old smartphone works just fine or only needs a battery replacement that is 20X less expensive than the new phone. 

Being frugal, smart with money, saving, investing, planning ahead, being balanced and fair with your budget and learning to dislike or hate overpaying for something, these are wise ideas for financial planning and having personal accountability that improves or maintain your credit score, making it cheaper to take out home loans or auto loans with preferred lower interest rates only available to well qualified buyers with credit scores over 700 or 750. 

Caring about things you have no control over a great way to torment yourself and steal any possible joy away from your day while also upsetting other people that you communicate these ideas with. Share edifying, uplifting, encouraging, motivational, positive, healthy ideas that are a blessing to others who hear you speak. 

Focus on doing what you can to make intelligent healthy choices that improve your life and make life better for other people, even if that just means being deliberately polite, kind and respectful to other people.

This means making conscious focused willful choices to not be rude, to not curse, to not use foul language, to not be a bad actor, or to be the best version of yourself with a balanced self-controlled and well-disciplined mind. 

Reject any thoughts that do not align with your life goals, virtues or attributes, values, ethics, morality, or aspirations or dreams, or that which makes sense in your heart about the difference between good and bad. 

Take inventory of your thoughts and compare them with your goals in life, if they are not helping you to achieve those goals, reject inhibitory negative toxic thoughts, and say "that's not me or who I am becoming" when one of those nasty thoughts creeps up to accuse you or make fun of you or to ask you to do something you know is wrong. 

Smoking, drinking too much, not sleeping, eating unhealthy junk foods and heavily processed foods, you already know the unhealthy lifestyle choices that people use to cope with stress. Much of that stress is mental that the people are doing to themselves inside their mind. Lighten up, have a sensor of humor and look for things that are funny or beautiful in life. 

Don't be extreme or outrageous or unreasonable and use a reasonable voice volume and listen more and speak less. Pay attention to others, your not the only one, treat other people as better than yourself. Be humble like a well-beloved child, willing to learn, willing to say sorry, willing to yield or slow down or be in the back of the line and let other people go before you. 

Become wise and Godly in conduct, action, behavior and verbal conduct. Never let anything foul or profane exit your mouth. Speak in an intelligent wise way as a leader of others, saying things that make other people who hear you speak feel better about their life or encouraged to make healthy changes. 

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