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Coffee A Psychoactive Due to Caffeine

Coffee also one of the most popular beverages behind tea, water and alcoholic beverages. When you look at market capitalization, coffee a big business worldwide! Global coffee trade produces a lot of economic activity. I have shelled out more than $1000 on an espresso grinder, espresso machine, French presses, quality hand grinder, kettles, and other coffee accessories, since getting into coffee back in 2021. 

Coffee proven to improve physical endurance, mental performance, alleviating headaches, and many even act like a prophylactic, reducing risk factors for many common diseases. A major source of dietary fiber, coffee drinkers derive numerous benefits from having their daily cups of coffee. 

400mg of caffeine for adults the recommended maximum daily intake, earlier in the day, so you can sleep at night. Caution if your like me and prone to having higher blood pressure, too much caffeine elevates blood pressure, as does not getting enough sleep, so moderating the key. 3 cups per day or less the idea. 

Pregnant women are advised to limit coffee to 2 cups or less and avoid drinking anything with alcohol. People with heart arrythmias, stomach ulcers, or anxiety out of control might choose to drink less coffee since the stimulating effects can aggravate their symptoms. 

People need more rest, more sleep, more fiber, more activity, more fitness, more water, more healthy fats. Too many added sugar, too many highly processed foods, too much omega 6 bad oils, there are aspects of the disease of civilization that come from dietary excess exemplified by the typical American diet, or western industrial disease-causing diet rife with UPF or ultra processed foods like soda and Oreo cookies. 

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