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Thinking About How Mindset Affects Your Health

Not discounting the negative health impacts of microplastics and other pollutant exposure, but the mind body relationship from medicine and physiology means that what you think affects your physical health! The Holy Word in the Christian Bible actually say the same thing in many different ways about "Taking all your thoughts captive as to the obedience of Christ Jesus" for you have "Not been given a spirit of fear, but a special of love and well balance self-controlled and self-disciplined mind". 

Your brain is the master biochemical, hormone, cell biochemical cytokine, sleep, organ, breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, muscle, balance, and coordination master controller, but also the vision and smell input processor able to dream, predict, anticipate, and cycle your focus. 

Your brain is where your agency and free will or executive mental functions are happening to control your body, speech, conduct and behavior. This means you have the ability to decern right from wrong or good from bad and can make deliberate choices to be a better person with healthier happier thinking by focusing on things you are appreciative of and thankful for or things in life you have to look forward to enjoying in the future, or something to live for and add meaning and purpose to your life. 

Your thoughts influence the chemical signaling from your brain to your body. If you have enjoyable or happy thoughts, your brain creates and releases fun drugs for itself and sends out healing restorative sleep chemicals that cause peace, relaxation, rest, calm, and lower your heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, all while maintaining good blood oxygen saturation and good blood glucose control, all of these benefits just by deliberating choosing to have more happy, healthy, loving, appreciation and thankfulness focused thoughts. 

If you are irritated, angry, bitter and annoyed all the time, your brain gets stuck in a "fight or flight" state of stress and stresses out your body, causing gastric issues that people call butterflies in their stomachs before giving a public speech to a large audience.

This speech fear from being afraid of being judged or not taken seriously or afraid of misspeaking or making a mistake in the delivery, much like former President Bush did regularly; for whom many books of so called Bushisms published highlighting his strange way of saying things. He was also regularly confused about why people were upset at the way he misspoke or failed to deliver the speech that his staff writer put a lot of effort creating so that he would sound intelligent or articulate. That rarely worked because very much unliked his father, Junior Bush would speak unscripted off the cuff using his own words directly, which often made me laugh since I thought it was funny that America would elect an inarticulate person like that to the office of President of the United State. 

Toxic negative bitterness, anger, resentment, discontent, complaining, and negativity thoughts, feeling and words become chronic elevated blood cortisol stress hormone levels that translate into storing more visceral white fat around the organs, while also causing elevated insulin levels to shove sugars as glycogen into the liver to the point of causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disorder, while also causing out of control high blood sugars from insulin resistance, sometimes also night sweats, mental fog, joint pain, cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure, aneurisms, stokes, embolisms, edema, sleep disturbances or trouble staying asleep, difficulty recalling memory or making new memories stored long term, poor working memory, and other aspects of dementia, small stroke, neuropathy, loss of feeling in the hands and feet and much worse like anxiety and depression that robs people of joy and happiness and increases the risks of suicide and other mental illness problems. 

Many people turn to alcohol, cannabis, opioids, cocaine, LSD, magic mushrooms, khat, kratom, bath salts, psychedelic drugs, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, quaaludes, stimulants, depressants, ketamine, smack, dope, weed, pot, drinks, spirits, beer, wine, mixed drinks, sugary foods, or foods in the fridge eating emotionally to cope with or to combat stress or similar. 

"I just need something to get me through this " probably a common thought among people who abuse substances or food to cope with life's stresses, and these same kinds of thoughts occur in people who speak all worlds languages. 

You probably have "I am hungry" or "What is for dinner" or "I have to pee" or "when should I go" or "when do I need to leave" and similar thoughts. These same kinds of thoughts occur in the minds of people all around the world, and in this way, you have a lot in common with other people. 

The world has more problems today than it did historically, in large part because of the radically increased scale or size of human activity worldwide to support nearly 8 billion people alive at the same time, mostly energized by burning carbon or hydrocarbons as wood, biomass, natural gas, propane, butane, gasoline, diesel and jet fuels, but also super cheap and very dirty burn coal. 

Coal power pollution contains toxic heavy metal and radioactive metals that are naturally occurring like mercury or Hg, or Lead Pb, or Arsenic As, or Uranium U, or Thorium Th, and lots of particles call PM or super fine soot, smoke, fumes, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur both of which form acid rain when the NOX and SOX fumes mix with rainwater or water in the clouds. 

Acid rain is toxic to fish and marine wildlife, harming lakes, rivers streams and the oceans, while also causing metal corrosion in all the ferrous metals in infrastructure as rebar inside concrete or rusting of automotive body shell spaceframes that rust out more easily faster because of acid rain and salt applied as a deicer during winter. Salt allows water and oxygen in the air to rust or corrode iron or steel faster by moving electrons that liberate iron ions from the surface and react ion with oxygen to form oxides of iron that are reddish brown or black in color. 

The toxic components of tailpipe and powerplant emissions are bad for public health, bad for the environment and could largely be avoided with the use of radically more fission reactors and commercial fusion power reactors. We can empower civilization with upgraded N+1 grid power systems featuring GW class energy storage as capacitors, batteries, mass moving storage, water pumped storage, thermal sand battery storage or similar that captures GW level intermittent electricity produce inconsistently by popular renewables such as solar and wind power, mostly so these clean energy sources can output power 24/7. Energy storage on the other hand makes renewables just as or slightly more expensive than conventional fission reactors on the LCOE or levelized cost of installed capacity level. 

We already have the technologies to solve all the world's problems, cure all diseases, end pollution, control Earth's climate and weather, make more healthy soil for agriculture, cleaner air and cleaner water for chip making and for public use and drip irrigation that uses 90% less water than spraying above ground where most of the water lost to wind swept sun heating evaporation where the plants can't make use of the evaporation lost water.

You know in your heart that this is true, that innovation and technology can easily create practical cost-effective solutions to almost all of the world's problems, but that corruption and bribery and radical extreme selfishness keeps income inequality increasing even though the people doing it know that it's wrong in their hearts. 

I used to wonder where the bad actors came from, but now know that unloving families and fatherless families and abusive families are the sources of bad people. No laws can make parents love their children or make children love their parents. 

It's a spectrum out there with people, and I for one choose to serve the Lord my God, my country and other people, with dignity and honor, doing my best to stay mentally, morally and physically strong, doing my duty and obligation to do random acts of kindness, to stop and help people in need, to be a better person and speak blessings or kind words to other people who find what I speak pleasing to hear. 

I treat other people with dignity and respect by being polite and friendly at all times, especially focusing more on being the best possible person to other people when I don't feel like it. It's easy to be polite and friendly when you feel great, the challenge to do it at all times regardless of your feelings. 

Life is not all about feelings since those are constantly changing. You operate with values, ethics, morality and personal integrity, leading others by showing them the best ways as a natural leader. 

I will never give up fighting for good, to protect life on Earth, to love myself and others as God instructs and I suggest you consider doing the same or at least "Thinking About It" 

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