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Harvesting Sunlight or Wind + Energy Storage at the GW Scale for 24/7 Output

Renewables are clean, sustainable, and renewable or virtually endless or cheap in terms of comparison to finite fossil fuels but suffer from intermittent supply chain issues or pore grid following, such that baseload suppliers of electricity from conventional nuclear fission power plants, hydro power pumped storage and similar, offer the most commercially feasible, profitable, reasonable paths forward to renewable or nearly endless clean electricity.

Making solar PV panels, or wind turbines, and their long term EOL or end-of-life recycling are neither eco-friendly or low toxicity, but still radically less polluting overall than the same amount of power produced by coal power plants burning coal making toxic air pollution the entire time + blowing up or cutting down mountains to harvest the coal. The only carbon energy source that is quasi renewable is trees and wood or biomass and waste gas recovery from compost and trash dumps. There are 3 trillion + trees on Earth and they grow back when replanted as Warehouser has proven for many decades of such activity. 

Energy conservation if widely practiced by most people worldwide can reduce emissions by 50% vs current levels, even while raising billions of people out of poverty giving them wells, solar PV to pump the wells, electricity for cellular towers and to power their laptops connected to the internet, basic electric stoves at home to reduce daily combustion of wood or coal in very rural areas and similar. 

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