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Education, Cultural Context, Developing Countries, The Internet, Learning, Economy, Infrastructure, Electricity, Children, Social Learning, Parents, Teachers, Society

Geography, where you grew up shapes the way you see the world, the way you approach solving problems, and the way you use tools to solve problems, such that your thinking does not always effectively translate to other geographies who grew up in very different realities than you. 

Internet only works well in societies with lots of computers and other devices connected to the internet or online. Worldwide Web a misnomer because while it covers the entire world, it does not reach all people, and even if they have access many cannot afford monthly internet service fees and have no use case for computers and have never used computers and don't know what email is or why they would need an email address. 

I hate email by the way, because has degenerated into a spam folder. I get emails where I work that have nothing to do with me or what I do where I work. This is part of why I dislike or hate email, its a giant waste of time or endless vortex of distraction. Unlike physical mail, which is highly personal, email seems mostly commercial or corporate or the domain of large information-based service industries in wealthy countries who sell things to other wealthy people. 

I like interacting with people in first person, teaching them key points of the best things I have learned about different technologies and how applying them can improve life in some way. I believe that applied technology makes learning from scientific experiments into products and services that make the world better for all human people. 

But this is also not true, because information technology is eco-toxic because of how it's made and what it's made of, rare earths, copper and fiber optics and many power plants and grid power systems and power meters where people pay by the kWh for electricity to energize their appliances and information technologies or consumer off-the-shelf technologies or COTS. 

Billions of human people have never used the internet, never browsed anything online, never used a computer, don't own any computers and may not even imagine a use case for a computer even if you gave them a nice fancy new laptop, a laptop that would break easily if a child used it as a toy. 

It is perfectly normal to have or hold skewed perspectives about the world around you, confusing wants with needs for example in a lifetime of material collection such that people pay for large storage units monthly for stuff they don't even make good use of and ask me how I know. 

It was only more recently that I started recognizing that materialism a false victory that becomes hoarding if overdone, and that sometimes or even often "less stuff can make a happier life" and I am not talking about the hype fluff minimalism movement. I have more than what I need and can't even keep track of all my stuff anymore. I had 68 hobbies a few years ago and had to cut back to keep my sanity. Sequential mastery of new skills, tools and hobbies, a lifetime pursuit, but resulted in huge amounts of materials, gear, tooling, equipment, stuff galore. 

I live like royalty on a meager income and no children with 3 cars, a motorcycle, a motor scooter, an electric kick scooter, a Segway Mini Pro, an E-bike, and two analog bicycles, many computers, many smartphones, money, love, microwave, oven, electricity and high-speed internet. 

Thats $4000 a month in operating expenses for food, energy, fuel, electricity, insurance, travel, clothing, maintenance, kitty expenses, all said. Thats renting someone else's basement because houses nearby cost over a million dollars and rent of apartments more than $3000 per month. 

I am talking about a sane balanced life of greater applied wisdom and intelligence, knowing the difference between that which is profitable or not. You need to understand how to exercise your franchise as an individual to make the world a better place, multiplying the upgrades or improvement by selling the idea to other people who can help you make it happen. 

In many poor locals' people lack access to grid power electricity because they live in improvised homemade housing without water pipes or fixtures or power outlets, cook in a metal pot over coal they lit with a match, or by burning wood, something people have done to make heat for cooking since the neolithic age. I am talking about cavemen making crude natural wood fires to cook animal flesh from animals they hunted with spears, sharp bits of rock attached to the end of a wood stick poll, using crude string or rope to secure the fracture rock sharp edge, then using the device to stab animals or fish to get food from nature to cook over the fire in order to have food to eat to sustain their human existence. 

To such early peoples a computer connected to a Starlink satellite network and the information superhighway or worldwide web or internet magically, would seem like magic or something from a super advanced alien race from somewhere distant in Outerspace, somewhere vastly far away from the Sun, Moon or Earth in another celestial galaxy system many light years away. 

Dial-Up internet and AOL or America Online, and before that Netscape Navigator, before Google Search or what we call Alphabet Inc. the parent company behind the worldwide popular search engine platform widely known as "Googling" to look something up online. 

Children require a focused environment with support from adults to carefully guide learning. This requires parents to participate in the PTA to engage the children at home in ways that craft the child's focus to be a good student in school, to study and do homework, to pass tests, to communicate verbally and in written for, be able to read proficiently, to be able to write well, to apple math to budgeting and practical tasks, to solve problems, seek out solution, collaborate with others in systems called businesses to accomplish more than any one person able to do on their own in profitable business that sell products and services to other people in advanced economies where people have money to buy said products or services, like paying monthly for high speed internet so they can use computers, smartphones, and similar at home, like the 4th generation Amazon Echo sphere I recently purchased for $54.99. 

I know a lot about computers, electronics, how they work, and have had a lifetime curiosity with technology and electricity and many other things like appliances, vehicles, lighting systems, batteries, wiring, power, energy, motors, engines, networks, networking, information theory, science and gaining and understanding into how all things work and how things work together. 

I have spent years studying the world to try and make sense of the current United States Economy and how it got to be this way, after peaking in the later 1960's during the Apollo Moon program by NASA, before the US dollar we delinked from the Gold Standard by greedy jerks in the Federal Reserve, for example, who fully understood that delinking the US Dollar from the Gold standard would cause increasing currency inflation and increase income inequality progressively over time. 

When a product or service does not match the local socioeconomic realities of the intended customers, people who don't even imagine what they would use a computer for because they are distracted thinking about if they have food to eat or not and are operating on just a few dollars per day in poor developing countries. 

It may be cognitively challenging for wealthy people from first world countries to even understand this idea, but there is a very well made 20 min video that explains it much better than I am able in writing. 

Here is a hyperlink to the aforementioned YouTube video TLDR deep dive video

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