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Motorcycles Started as Bicycles with Engines Made for Other Applications Attached & Chain Drive to Rear Sprocket

Honda the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer for example started in a 12 square meter shack where the founder of Honda eponymously named, started adapting 500 cc Philips radio power generator engines to bicycles to build motorcycles. 

In the year 2000 I purchased my first motorcycle for $5,000, a 1999 Honda CBR600 F4, sold it to someone who tried to pass 4 cars on a blind highway curve and became part of the front of a class 8 trucks radiator, in what EMT's refer to as a donor-cycle accident (as in organ donor because the die in the accident) a problem with younger men riding overpowered sports bikes, which are really just road legal race motorcycles with turn signals, brake light, headlight and lightly detuned for better reliability, lower cost, and usually also slightly heavier. 

When racing teams tune a sport bike for Moto GP racing they typically spend hundreds of thousands or even over a million dollars on a full TIG welded titanium tuned racing exhaust, blueprinted and honed, polished, CNC weight reduced forged alloy engine block, sodium cooled titanium exhaust valves, silicon sapphire valve guides, friction reduction and mass reduction, lithium aluminum alloy frames custom made, the best possible sticky flat tread racing tires, and much much more like custom fuel maps in the ECU dynamometer tuned, wind tunnel tested, telemetry data systems and more. A 600cc transverse 4 cylinder motorcycle engine tuned for Moto GP like the F1 racing of motorcycle racing, can produce in excess of 240 HP and well over 100 lb.-ft. of torque, able to easily wheelie in 3rd of 6 gears and can hit 75 MPH in 2nd gear, with a redline rev limit over 18,000 RPM.

Dirt bikes and trial bikes use longer suspension travel, lower mass engines, smaller frames, a more upright seating triangle, and are optimized for tail riding in dirty, mud, sand, and unpaved roads and tails. Dual sport bikes like the Suzuki DR400S or SM, offer a road legal dirt bike that works on trails and paved roads with less aggressive tire nobs that are more like a street tire but with enough traction nob details to have good traction on minimally improved road surfaces. Watch this video for an example

Image via YouTube video of 2024 NORRA Mexican 1000 Rally024 NORRA Mexican 1000 Rally

In 2007 I purchased a 2004 GSX-R600 that Meg' later renamed "Buzz" because it has been Stage 2 tuned by the previous owner who I purchased it from for $5K. This motorcycle was traded in for our 2013 Honda PCX150 in 2013 for a song an dance difference in cost :) We still have this Honda PCX today and ride it 2 up together in fair weather on the weekends for fun to go on mini-vacations to further out nearby locals where we patronize local businesses that are not available closer. It's able to go 55 MPH with Meg & I riding and returns 83 MPG or miles per gallon like that. When riding it solo it gets over 100 MPG.

In 2019 we purchased a 2019 Honda Grom SF. I personally tuned the engine called super tuning from 9.5 hp stock to over 12.5 hp dyno at the rear wheel, using every engine tuning trick I had learned over the years rebuilding engines and studying engine tuning technology. Much faster revving with free flowing intake and full SS exhaust, a power commander and O2 sensor added to the exhaust, custom fueling maps programmed on the dyno, and a bigger honed intake and ported exhaust textured output. It was expensive to tune like that, thousands, but ended up being much more fun to ride. Sadly with only 4 gears it was not good for highway speeds, but extra fun around town. 

In 2020 we traded the Honda Grom SF in on our 2020 Yamaha MTO3 and thats my daily lane splitting commuter champion now :) I also take Meg's scooter the Honda PCX-150 to and from work lane splitting on the way home to save time in stop and go traffic, where I slip between stopped cars at 10mph to skip to the front of the line at intersections so I can breathe cleaner air instead of huffing the exhaust of all the stopped idling cars. Cars have terrible emissions or emit much more smog forming air pollution and idle than they do at cruising speeds when the engine is burning more cleanly in the power-band RPM ranges. Lane splitting saves me at least 40 min, making it take 25 min to get home instead of more than hour and 25 min in a car, stuck in stop and go traffic congestion. 

We are in the middle of the 4th industrial revolution, please understand!

4IR or the 4th Industrial Revolution

Widely adopted artificial intelligence and automation. Broad diffusion of internet access and many connected electronic devices and computers, including wearables like Apple Watch or smart things like smartphones. People born after 2002 are known as digital naives because they have had instant access to information about what is happening in the world via broadband at home over wifi connected computers and tablets that they have been using on social media to see what is happening with articles, images, videos, sound clips, fact checking and all sorts of other things online, like shopping on 

You are living in a future that previous generations dreamed of, where running water and persistent electricity define the fragility of modern civilization in a nation defined by integration of iteration of improved technology applied to human societies the world over with running water sanitation in nations developed with paved roadways for days, millions of miles or kilometers of roads traveled daily with navigation GPS satellite, Galileo,  Baidu, Satellite navigation systems built into smartphones, so that you can find your way to your destination easier and faster with less fuel, showing others how to find the best ways in google maps or apple maps or navigation apps on your Samsung Galaxy or iPhone connected to 5G mobile data networking systems online attached to the internet or World Wide Web. 

Your mind is a filter focusing mechanism to sieve information inside nations from networks of programming or videos that you watch on YouTube or TikTok or any other streaming platforms, content sizzle pop percolation, coffee consumption inside of thee enabling you to see that you can be anything imagined, like a solution maker, baker, imitator flatters somebody, positive mind changer, innovator, provocative maker DIY, space explorer, a scientific or research professional elucidating knowledge that transcends college to make life better for everyone and everyone's benefit. 

We can use technology already existing to make life vastly better for everyone. We can build a utopia together as one people of planet Earth, making the best of life together interacting in positing ways to edify one another about faith in God, through salvation in Christ Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, Amen

Aaron Poetry Von Deutschland

Dew mist of the forest clouds condensing water vapor to droplets

Essence of botanical flavor and essence combines with H20 supreme

The excellence thereof transfer to the taste of man the excellence of nature at hand

Pursuits of a greater experience defines the focus of man on a journey of exploring roads less traveled

Let go of the past right now you exist in the present, give thanks to the Lord your God and Creator

Embracing the flavor, smells and aroma of a nice delicious experience engaged more fully

Living the best way you can acknowledging man does not have all the answers yet

But aware that with progress and time will overcome the limits of knowledge transfer in college

To create cures to all diseases and freedom from pollution and ills of society

Free to master reality to sever the future benefit of all 

We must call upon each other, sisters and brothers

We all had a mother and that was true

So we call on each other to master the brewing of a excellence flavors and experiences

All the world over collecting what's best to imbue the latest IPA with new hop varieties in IPA

But the day yields to other experiences only had by going out and acquiring stuff to make you happy

While you didn't really need it, but anything ephemeral, the experience is where you exist

Let the list of bucket items be achieved by those who believe in more than ordinary

Looking to the extraordinary, engaging, optimistic enjoyment, flavor and aroma, hitting your brain

Finding peace after you thought you were insane, its plain to see that you and me are human

Flawed and perfected in the obedience as did Christ Jesus to God

Let me tell you the truth, its base on the root of factual information from history

Sing this song with me

Let the facts be known, all the world over for everyones benefit

Let the truth expose the lies of iniquity  and injustice

Show the facts of science to illuminate minds to make the best of time even with a rhyme

The rhythm of which defines the era people of well living well together 

As one human people on planet Earth, together connected in every way

Defining our future together as one people in unity to say 

We want to make today better than yesterday one person at a time

We can overcome all challenges to gain mastery over everything

We can come up with solutions to all problems in the world

Our mental swirls can take us places that history never could

Would you join me in making the future better for everyones benefit 

Can we please figure how to work together to make everyones life vastly and way better

Where You Get Information About What is Happening

Many Generation Z people in their 20's today grew up as digital natives with smartphones since early childhood and nearly persistent social media and online access to news from many sources around the world about what life is like where they live and where other people live. In part this is why I love Japan, and why in 2010 I traveled to Tokyo to experience life there briefly. 

I realized that Japan was not entirely perfect the way I had imagined, studying Toyota's manufacturing methods and why Toyota automobiles tend to exhibit legendary reliability, not always, but more often than cars, trucks and SUV's made by Nissan, Ford, GM, BMW, or Mercedes, though sometimes those company make a highly reliable model depending on the exact model and model year, in essence its on you to do online research to avoid buying a high cost to maintain and repair lemon model of a specific vehicle. 

Older generations got their information about the world from watching TV with impulsive advertisement like watching YouTube videos without a Premium YouTube subscription for $24.99 + tax per month to avoid being bombarded by ads' while watching YouTube videos. 

I produce a personal YouTube channel that you can find by clicking the following *blue* hyperlink:
468 subscribers
745 videos
Joined Sep 21, 2011

My latest video to teach people about HPS or high pressure sodium lighting technology, with an educational spin given my naturally propensity to want to teach other people about things I find cool or like. 

I then posted a link to the video on my X page (formerly Twitter profile) 

Aaron Schwarz@CosmicInglewood via

I try to share my Christian Faith in God the creator, in his only begotten son Jesus Christ, enabled by the Holy Spirit to help other people doing random acts of kindness in real life and loving them and myself with a genuine sincere desire to see other people happy and healthy and doing well in life. 

I hate crime, war, inequality, injustice, bigotry, racism, pollution, and when people hurt or harm other people or animals. I want other people to treat other people with dignity and respect because I deliberately choose to do so even when I do not feel like and know that they can too. 

I don't like that the Federal Reserve and other world banking systems removed currencies from the gold standard with Au or the autonomic symbol for Gold the element on the Periodic Table of the Elements #chemistry #science as the basis for securing an intrinsic material value, such that hyperinflation happening robbing regular people of their hard earned money by indirectly making everything more expensive. 

Search for "Currency Inflation" and learn about it on wikipedia

I really like applied technology that improves living standards and creates lots of shared opportunities to make a better life with higher income and access to persistent on electricity, running water and sanitation, fridges, microwave ovens, basically a middle class American life of incredible privileges that I wish everyone could enjoy while also reducing pollution and harm to nature with more energy efficient, cleaner electricity and excellent recycling technology including capturing biogas for use as fuel from trash dump gas recovery systems and compost biogas recovery technologies. 

I know with absolute certainty that if they in the pharmaceutical industry know how to cure Hepatitis Type C and the cure is for sale and widely available, then they also know how to cure Hepatitis A & B, and probably also know how to cure people of many common kinds of cancers and many autoimmune disorders, but they choose instead to sell drug treatments that keep people on profit generating lifetime subscriptions that never cure the people, but make lots of money for the big pharmaceutical companies. 

I hope you understand that with medical science and technology as of 2024 we already know how to revere aging using Genetic Reprogramming technology from gerontology physiology cell science and bioscience and life science, but that this is being reserved for very wealthy customers as the treatment currently over $80 million dollars. 

We already know how to clean up coal power plant emissions, reducing toxic pollutant emissions of heavy metals like lead, arsenic and mercury by 99% using electrostatic precipitation and exhaust gas particle capture technology, but this is not being done widely because it costs more and makes less profit for the coal power plant owners. It costs millions to upgrade an existing coal power plant with emissions controls or exhaust stack gas cleaning technologies and has increasing operating costs that make the resulting coal power generated electricity slightly more expensive.

We know how to phase out toxic artificial ingredients and unhealthy industrial seed oils from common foods sold at grocery stores, proven to sicken people with obesity and other diseases because of the inflammatory effect of eating Omega 6 containing veggie oils made by industrial seed oil extraction and processing technology similar to chemical engineering oil refinery technology with synthetic solvents, strong acids and bases and other poisons applied to the refined industrial seed oils. I know that we use plant derived non-toxic food coloring instead of petrochemical synthetic coal tar derived artificial colors prevent to sicken people who eat them. Or remove toxic shel life improving substances like BVO or TBHC and replace them with vitamin C or vitamin E as vitamins that improve the shelf life of processed foods sold in the isles of most Grocery Stores or Supermarkets in America. 

We can easily relatively cheaply radically reduce light pollution, sound pollution, traffic congestion and tailpipe emissions and have done so with catalytic converter 3 ways pollution reducing technology on automobiles equipped with emissions reduction technology. That this same emissions control technology can be broadly applied to aircraft turbine blades as catalytic coatings that reduce toxic turbofan passenger jet aircraft emissions by 50% or more, but that they are not doing it because slurry coating the exhaust turbine blades with platinum and palladium and rhodium makes the blades more expensive and slightly heavier, so they resist doing it such that turbine exhaust emission contains unhealthy excessive amounts of  HC or unburned fuel vapor, oxides of nitrogen or NOX and particles like PM2.5 that are extremely toxic to human lung cells and membranes of the human lungs. 

There are high voltage plasma arc technologies that can be applied to the exhaust exiting a passenger jet turbine that break toxic exhaust gas components into non toxic substance, just like a catalytic converter, by electrical plasma burning off HC and burning up PM into CO2 and water vapor, and reducing NOX to safe nitrogen and oxygen gas. Thus we can radically clean up air quality in, around and near airports to improve public and environmental health. This would also reduce acid rain and smog forming emissions also bad by rusting ferrous metals with acid rain caused corrosion increasing rates as the dilute nitric and sulfuric acid forms when NOX and SOX interact with rain water. By reducing acid rain forming emissions it would improve the health of lakes, rivers, streams and oceans, improving the health of marine wildlife of significant economic value to fishing industries. 

Much of the pollution emitted because doing it that way, the old dirty way is also cheaper and more profitable. I think its immoral and unethical because the owners of these industries are billionaires who live opulent lives of incredible privileges with access to things other people can't even pronounce and usually do not even know about, like age reversal technology or Life-science ART. 

I am just asking the world's wealthiest people to upgrade their industrial processes to reduce toxic emissions to make everyone healthier and to help improve environmental health to help wildlife and nature to thrive more. I am asking you the reader of my blog to do random acts of kindness and to live a lifestyle of making the world a better place than when you entered it. Please consider not being wasteful and being thoughtful, considerate, polite and kind. 

Fake Economy Failing : China or the PRC under flawed evil leadership of the CCP

Watch this video to understand why the Chinese economy is collapsing and why wealth rapidly disappearing in China in 2024, as Xi' foreign policy gave rise to sanctions that made the covid19 business closure debacle even worse as the wealth generating export economy (Made in China) radically shrank. 

People in China increased spending as their personal incomes increased through the 1990's, 2000's, and even 2010's, but the cracks began to show during the COVID19 shutdowns, where the CCP had very strict closures that forced many business to fold or go bankrupt in China. This meant the loss of most of the Chinese middle class who owned business that relied on Chinese people patronizing their services, like clothing retailer, jewelry stores and expensive restaurants. 

During the good times of economy growth driven largely by manufacturing and export economic improvement in net investment and revenue growth, many millions of Chinese people flocked to cities to find higher income jobs. In these cities bicycles were replaced by scooters, then motorcycle, then cars, then SUV's, but suddenly all this debt spending based on future forecast growth stopped abruptly as the fake economy, fake cities, fake roads, fake products, cloned and copied, cheater economy in China ground to a halt. 

Looking to Alibaba or the big e-commerce platform in China, we see that a transition to a consumption based society happened in China as the economic miracle of becoming the worlds manufacturing hub drove much industrial development, investment and economic growth. But without a real middle class of professionals in a broad range of industries like America, China was left with make fake economic miracles, or the wrong dream if you will. Xi and most of the CCP government are the only people making good money by world standards, but they are a small part of the Chinese population. While the USA has a bell shaped wealth distribution, the data plot for income inequality in china looks like a hockey stick where a tiny minority control 99% of the money. 

The Russian Federation has a few thousand billionaires and everyone else in Russia lives in relative poverty. In other words Russia has a virtually non existent middle class or radical income inequality debacle. When the communist government of the USSR collapsed a cash grab happened where most of the diplomats in the communist government, a few thousand people, took control and ownership of all the industrial capacity and industries in Russia, a huge portion of which are based on oil exports to Europe and America, though thats come mostly to a stop because of sanctions against Russia for being the aggressor of the War in the Ukraine, under the deranged leadership of Vladimir Putin, a warped sicko as evil as Adolf Hitler. 

Ask yourself why people in Shenzhen China are behaving erratically waiting in like for 3 hours at the local Apple Store to buy the latest iPhone when they have $12,000 or more in personal debt and make less than $15,000 in annual income. The new poor in China emerge as the fake middle class disappears. To pay off their debt they would have to work for almost 2 years without buying anything. Chinese people that grew up in the 1980s seeing the economic miracle believe "Money is to be spent not saved" or invested apparently. They work 6 days per week from 9am till 9pm, but cannot endure the daily grind as a lifelong career path to greater income, wealth generation or actually success. They have been seduced by advertising believe in dreams of opulent city life. Companies in china willing to spend millions on ads to sell the idea of a wealthy city life to people who could never afford such a contrivance. These ads are a kind of psychological inception designed to seise the consciousness of consumers so they believe that buying more nicer things defines their progress as individuals. 

A surge of new poor in China reflect all the fake cities, roads to no where, cloned and copied products, edible food oil debacle, economic downturns from sanctions imposed on China, and other fake economic progress based on flawed projections of future growth. As people in China made more money they started buying expensive homes that were at the top of their budget. Flashy hyper-cars or supercars they could not afford to fuel or maintain. Stringent government lockdowns during COVID19 closures also closed down thousands of businesses in China. All those good income earning entrepreneurs suddenly lost their incomes, unable to pay their home loans, car payments or food expenses, the economy started crumbling.  

House poor in expensive housing with nice cars but no cash, no money, no operating budget. They purchased when the income was good, during times of economic growth and wealth creation from all the manufacturing in China and derivative industrial and commercial activities to support high volume manufacturing so many kinds of goods. Many western countries profited from selling companies in China equipment and expertise. Most of the previous Chinese middle class use only digital payments on phone apps or credit cards and have no gold or cash and are mired in personal debt. Many of the new poor living in luxury apartment but can't even afford food unless it goes on sale for lower prices, they hunt value discounts, because they are barely scraping by. "Should I add an egg to my cheap noodles?" a common idea among the new poor, because the egg the expensive part! Massive home loans, car loans, private school tuition, tutoring, energy, food, they are barely scraping by. 

It is hard with such rapidly changing market dynamics that no longer work with traditional approaches, especially in a labor market that age discriminates hiring anyone over age 35. The onset of the pandemic quarantines and lockdowns disrupted most profit generating businesses in China, many unable to pay their debts or continue, forced to fire all the employees and shut down, creating a surge of unemployed people looking for work in a crowded completive labor market full of young people trying to get started. The cold stark reality is that the world is not fair and very unfair to older people because of age discrimination. Surviving this economic downturn meant many had to adapt frugal meticulous cost cutting lifestyle choices, to step aside and let the world pass them by, unable to pay to play or engage patronizing expensive businesses, or buy nicer products or services. Millions of small businesses in China deregistered and their once wealthier owners forced to work entry level jobs that pay significantly less while being moral defeating because China has highly educated people working entry level jobs that were typically taken by uneducated people, like food delivery or ride hailing (Uber/ Eats) etc

The outlook looks bleak, no plans or ability to stimulate growth based on consumption as the sales markets inside China also sharply declines. This meant an overall decline in revenue, taxation and an economic downturn that continues. Transforming China from a poor rural to wealthy urban society was not possible in such a short timeframe. Many building built from 1980 to 2015 in China are made poorly and prone to mechanical problems and structural failing, not made in a high quality way, it was faster cheaper and all about massive housing market development, but just like the mortgage loan debacle 2008 in America from speculative investing mortgage backed derivatives, the Chinese housing market become widely inflated. Even Japan has a problem with the Lost Generation because home prices are so high in Japan while jobs and opportunities are very rare or hard to find. 

Many flashy people sporting expensive clothing and expensive vehicles trying to appear well off are actually poor in terms of annual income. They cannot afford time off or leisure or travel or to enjoy the nicer things in life. Many have impressive social media presence online, while their financial and emotional wellbeing far worse. Many fake rich people can spout off buzz words, sounding intelligent or skilled in the equites markets but unable to develop a revenue stream revealing the lack of real understanding. While someone can claim to be a venture capitalist, that requires tens of millions  or billions in cash or high liquidity fungible bits in a network on bank server mostly. Market research or resource integration, or how to leverage growth, they might sound like an economics professor but actually work a daily grind surface job that barely covers the costs of their basic life expenses. 

Many people online appear glamorous but that superficial fake trust fund child persona melts when they are approached in first person. Unable to sleep, nervous, anxious and fearful, these people are also suffering from identity crisis, mental problems and are emotionally unstable or unable to engage in a healthy relationship. Many are clinging to shreds of the former growth era, saddened and filled with dispart as the poor choices of the CCP leadership hit hard on the economic realities of real world Chinese people. The CCP bailed out itself while selling out the Chinese people. End the CCP a cultural movement gaining steam because more people around the world are recognizing that China has the most evil government in the entire world! 

When all the economic progress tied up in home value, any downturn to housing prices translates into economic decline. The Chinese Communist Party a massively corrupt bureaucracy and the largest employer in China, but has slashed incomes by 30 to 40 percent for many government employees. That means that less than 3% of people in China are actually middle class. America as 60% middle class in the 1960's and 1970's but now down to about 50% middle class today in 2024 by comparison. Forbes claims that only 0.7% of the 1.4 billion people in China are "White Collar" professionals. 

Zygmunt Bauman, a renowned Polish scholar said something like  "While every society has its impoverished, the root cause depends on societal perspectives as the solutions differ. Consider the onset of industrialization as a producer society with growth driven wealthy creation that transitions to a consumer society. During the production stage of development the people are indoctrinated with a work ethic, believing that not working was evil or sinful. In this improvised synonymous with unemployment driven by economic, moral or enforced motivations, many poor are compelled to take factory jobs even the wages from working such jobs can barely sustain a minimal living standard. During the 1970's western nations gradually transitioned from a producer society to a consumer society where consumption replaced the traditional work ethic, and where consumption emerges as the dominate society value in a consumer driven era where the improvised are no long merely the unemployed but also those that do not consume." 

These individuals often find themselves unable to seise opportunities or make choices to fulfill societal roles and thus are sidelined from both standard and affluent lifestyles. Upon entering the producer society the indigent were redefined as a large poor of reserve labor, equating them with unemployment and destitution, however they remained valuable as the affluent pushed them into factories where they were coerced to work longer hours with less pay, through moral obligations to economic incentives or outright forced labor aimed to exploit their labor as long as they had jobs they also felt a sense of dignity, but in the consumer society the impoverished evolved into non-consumers. Modern economies no longer demand vast labor forces, in part because of automation and robotics applied to manufacturing lights off and similar, whether the destitute participate in production or not has little impact on productivity or capital profit, which from the capitalist perspective say that producers are temporary and replaceable or disposable. 

Crucially if an individual does not consume they are deemed valueless. For the first time in history the impoverished became entirely redundant. The poor in the consumer society became superfluous and unwanted, contributing not to societal wealth but societal burden. Unlike wester society experiences, the Chinese economy evolution a concentrated and extreme case within a brief timeframe. Consider the Mao era economic progress based on vast agricultural development of food producing farms. After China entered the World Trade Organization, the focus shifted to a manufacturing for export economy where western countries would consume the exports as the welcomed China as the new manufacturing hub for the entire world. In 2001 foreign capital investments started flooding into china, fueling the building FEZ or free economic zones where most of the factories in China were built. Then booms in real estate, online gaming, e-commerce, electronics, and foreign trade powered radical wealthy generation. Many Chinese cities experiences thousands of percent increases in revenue flow, fantastically increases tax revenue for local governments. Local governments then invested in roads, multi story housing developments, power plant construction, and other infrastructure based on future increases in revenue growth and taxation, that largely failed to materialize after 2019. 

"At the forefront of industry even pigs can fly" says founder of Xiomi, that economic prosperity usually translate into increasing corporate profits, sales and cash flow, maximizing the utility of existing capacities that promotes higher profit forecasting that encourages businesses to increased fixed investments. Any further economic growth relies on stimulating consumer purchases. "Whoever can supply them illusions is easily their master" ~ Gustave Le Bon in his seminal work on crowds and the popular mind. The rise of consumerism in China transformed branded commodities into emblems of status and identity. 

How else can someone prove their love Haute Michelin starred restaurants if not to dine at such places. How about working out at fancy gyms to be observed or giving expensive diamond rings as engagement gifts? When consumerism becomes the collective consciousness individual critical thinking is often overwhelmed as many become accustomed to seek validation through consumption and gauge others by this same metric of competitive culture flaunting expensive things begins to dominate with everyone trying to catch up with he Joneses or one up each other. Their optimism and hope for a better future blinded by a myopic outlook, with short term affluence becoming reckless debt spending. A common sentiment that a move up to a weather class inevitable and present consumption merely the anticipation of future prosperity. 

The economic policies of Xi leader of the CCP, led to the withdrawal of foreign investments. This caused the closure of many private enterprises of business in China and general overall economic downturn. The promise to demographic dividends vanished and opportunities for lucrative investments dwindled. The once high flying pigs found themes in false prosperity based on misguided expectations of future growth, as debt spending consumption bubbles burst, 

Many people who made money in China left and moved to Canada, America and countries in Europe an South America. They take millions, usually 5 to 25 million dollars with them when they leave china, having stepped on other Chinese people to climb the latter of income generation, effectively harming or hurting others with lies or corruption or dishonesty or cheating or betrayal, so some very high quality personalities move abroad. They regularly buy expensive housing paying for it outright, then drive expensive newer German luxury cars with a driving style that reminds me of DUI or driving under the influence of intoxicating substances like alcohol or barbiturates or cannabis, with terrible situational awareness bobbing agains the fog line and lane line by not looking ahead far enough as the driver of the automobile. I have and upload dash cam videos of such observations. 

The vast corrupt bureaucratic apparatus of the Chinese Communist Party a group uninvolved in genuine production of products or services, and thus do not contribute value or create added value to the Chinese economy, thus existing as a parasite draining money away from the tax paying citizens, many of whom now struggle deeply with depression, weight gain, hopelessness, under a pile of increasing personal debt, entangled in sleep deprivation with empty marriages, who feel like colossal failures, seeing only a looming darkness that obscures any glimpse of a brighter future. 

Looking beyond Macros to A Real Whole Natural Food Diet without Processed or UPF Junk

A tiny minority of people are fitness trainers, avid exercise enthusiasts or athletes, and those super active physically fit people have extraordinary macro requirements to support high level output. This is not the average person, or the kind of person's that read my blog. 

In other words, to understand why obesity rates have been increasing worldwide we must look to macroeconomic and environmental trends that have changed in the last 60 years. 

In some countries in Micronesia, obesity rates among adults over age 35 up to 95%, as it nearly all adults are very overweight or morbidly obese. If we go back to the time 50+ years ago when those people were eating traditional diets of real whole natural foods found locally, hunted or foraged, or planted for harvest, there was no sugar, that is no refined sugar, no white flour, barley or rye grain or bread or pasta or processed foods. 

Now in these same countries where western diets have been widely adopted, easy fast foods in cans, bags and boxes, popular because they quick to prepare to eat, easy to prepare, and cheap enough to make the convenience simple throw away package now responsible for the plastic pollution debacle or space trash debacle. Throw away rockets were even common back then in the 1960s. Would you buy a new car and drive it once and the dump it in the ocean? 

No, well before Space X started landing rockets and reusing them, nearly all space rockets were one time use machines, giant fuel containers. One of 3,600,000 lb. total vehicle weight carried 3,400,000 lb. fuel as the rocket itself only weighed 200,000 lb., so basically a large candle or large fuel tank with a little rocket engine mounted to the end, so much that it is called the Fuel Mass paradox in rocket engineering today. 

Microwave food tends to have incredible amounts of sodium added, and virtually no fiber as all the fiber removed in order to make the items freeze well and thaw out well, as fiber content would interfere with this. If you freeze fruit then thaw it out it becomes mushy and runny as a result, as an example. The nutritional value of frozen food tends to decline with age in storage in freezers and can form ice crystals or strange tastes and smells if not sealed properly in vacuum sealed thicker freezer bags. 

At the grocery store we fined many items made of the same few ingredients rearranged cleverly with different seasonings and packing graphics. Sugar, Starch usually also Modified chemically, unhealthy industrial vegetable seed oils high in inflammatory omega 6, almost no fiber or protein and free of water or air, in sealed mylar bags, or bags inside boxes. 

Easily identify and unhealthy processed or highly processed food by flipping the bag or box over and reading the Ingredients. If it has more than 5 ingredients and at least one ingredient that you do not recognize or cannot pronounce, or says artificial color like Red 40, Yellow 5, or Blue 1, or some exotic chemical preservative like Brominated Vegetable Oil or BVO or TBHQ also called Tertiary butylhydroquinone, or Titanium Dioxide, or anything artificial, then you know you are holding an unhealthy UPF proven to sicken people with common health problems like heart disease, diabetes and cancers, with added nitrites or nitrates in processed meats, or RBST treated cow dairy products, also called bovine growth hormone, these things are not health to consume. 

Furthermore many processed foods ready to eat have higher levels of microplastics than real foods, whole, natural and organic, that you find around the outside edges or outer border of a grocery store or super market. 

Real foods have been foods since Christ Jesus was alive walking the Earth in first person thousands of years ago and are still real foods today, and have to be home cooked from scratch to make high quality food thats actually good for health of the body and wellness when eaten. 

Eating UPF regularly a proven pathway to shorter life, with disabilities and health problems for the last half or more. Many young people are obese now, children that are morbidly obese from nearly constantly consuming UPF, junk foods, candy and other industrial processed junk with strange ingredients. 

Fast from anything containing added sugars by reading the nutritional label of everything you buy. Flip the stuff over and read the ingredients and look for sugar by the 61 different names of sugar in food ingredients listings. Sucrose, HFCS or high fructose corn syrup, barely malt, dextrose, maltose, rice syrup, corn syrup, 

Even the AHA or American Heart Association, demonized for promoting the unhealthy high carb, low fat, low protein Food Pyramid because of bunk science from Ansel Keys, and even the AHA say the upper daily limit for added sugar for adult men 38 grams or 9 teaspoons of sugar, and for adult women 25 grams or 6 teaspoons, and for children depending on their size and age, less than 6 grams or no more than 3 grams daily for smaller children, as more added sugar a metabolic toxin that cause obesity and can create pre diabetes or Type 3 diabetes even in young children who regularly consume too much added sugar from eating UPF processed junk foods as staples of their diet. 

Things from FritoLay like potato chips made in an industrial way using strange chemical engineering and industrial processing methods that would be nearly impossible to do in a home kitchen on a small scale, using ingredients that virtually no one cooks with at home and that almost no one has at home, almost exclusively used by industrial food processing companies that make most of the bagged and boxed foods on the isles of most grocery stores in America and elsewhere where western diets widely adopted and processed foods are commonly sold. Think sugary soda pope or candy or junk food thats as bad or worse for the body than drinking alcohol in excess or smoking tobacco cigarettes or similar. 

Sneaky how they take the healthy fats out and add extra sugar, it's not just soda and candy either. Lets pick on typical soft drinks, soda or pop, with many containing 46+ grams in a 12-oz single serving can, where drinking one exceeds the RDA for added sugar for men and nearly double the upper daily limit for women and children. Some brans of yogurt contain 29 grams of added sugar in a small single serving. A compact smaller breakfast bar with 15 grams of added sugar, like some candy bars. Bran cereal with raisins containing 20 grams of sugar per serving. 

Insanely, they are adding sugar to the raisins, which are already sweet naturally. I call this sickly sweet or overly sweet, an easy way to develop type 2 diabetes or become fat when eaten regularly. While I almost never eat breakfast, I eat eggs with salt and pepper, cooked sunny side up in butter in a pan over heat, or add raw almonds to whole milk yogurt with a teaspoon of honey added, pinch of salt, or green apple derive acid powder for sour tart flavor boost. I usually drink a glass of water waking between 3:30am and 5am naturally without an alarm. I drink a glass of water 30 min to 1 hour after waking. I wait between 3 and 6 hours after waking before I eat anything. 

Make no mistake, its better to eat fresh whole fruit than to drink concentrated juice, since juices often contain added sugars, artificial colors and flavors, and have no enzymes or fiber like the real fruit the juice was made from originally. Fruit juice can be as high in sugar or have more sugar than soda pop. Yes, fruit and berries have natural sugars, fructose, but they are diluted within the water flesh containing anthocyanin and color compounds, polyphenols, fibers, fats, protein, minerals and vitamins not present in the juice, though sometimes added back with fortification, though those fortifications are less bioavailable to your body that the vitamins in real fruit, veggies and berries naturally. 

Many common sources, condiments and dressings have loads of added sugars, read the labels, nutritional and ingredients information and look for sugar or added sugars. They are adding sugar to make the products more addictive so you buy and eat more, but thats making nearly everyone fatter and sicker. 

Executives at many pharmaceutical companies promote a so called healthy high carb, low fat, low protein diet, but they themselves eat a low carb, higher fat, high protein diet. What does that tell you? 

Would you add low quality fuel to your car? No, well then why do you fuel your body with low quality food? Is it really cheaper if it ends up robbing you of mobility with diabetic food ulcers that require amputation when you're 40 years old? Unhealing foot ulcers that become infected, making walking painful. Does having your mobility robbed from you by eating junk foods as a life style sound like a happy life? 

Quack Doctors and Confused Fitness Enthusiast Speaking Out Against Health Benefits of Interval Fasting or Water Fasting w/ Electrolytes

In this YouTube video the quack fake science

High carb western proceed foods in bags and boxes are making people sick with artificial colors & worse! 

Sugar, sugar, fat-free, more carbs and sugar added, and we wonder why so many people are obese now?

Firstly, Fasting #fast #fasting has been practiced in nearly every culture, by most human peoples, in most faiths, all through history; and going hungry by skipping meals and drinking more water w/ electrolytes  added to some of the water for up to 5 days perfectly healthy for adults over age 25, especially those who are obese or overweight or have high blood pressure or diabetes or cancer, and helps older people with dementia to obtain improve memory and mental functions! 

I wish these liars or confused people speaking against fasting's benefits or the science of fasting would get their facts straight #science #facts #fast #fasting // Fasting Perfectly Healthy for Adults Once Per Year! 

The following information in the next sections is 100% factually accurate according to 2020 era scientific evidence from medicine and physiology research on why obesity rates are increasing around the world. It also touches on why industrial heavily processed foods are unhealthy to consume regularly. 

A dehydration epidemic is causing kidney failure epidemic in America. A dietary deficit or failure to eat enough fiber is causing a digestive problem epidemic in America. People in all countries around the world are becoming fatter and sicker after adopting western diets of highly processed foods. 

Excess food abuse of UPF or ultra processed foods with added sugars and virtually no fiber, too much industrial veggie seed oils high in inflammatory omega 6 and too much preservative, artificial and synthetic chemical additives. These unhealthy UPF items have ingredients lists on the back of the packaging in small font, so long it takes the average person 3+ minutes to read them all and contains things the average person cannot even pronounce and does not have at home and has never cooked with in their home kitchen, because they are not an industrial food profit processing company! 

Interval fasting for sedentary adults essential to prevent weight gain caused by dietary food calorie surplus

There are many hormonal, environmental, cultural, social factors that influence what people eat or drink and when and how much and other factors that strongly influence their health and wellness, namely such that added sugars and artificial ingredients, a lack of fiber and water, and high levels of industrial processed seed oils with omega 6 fats inflammatory promoting, scientifically proven to sicken people with obesity, and metabolic syndrome diseases and disorders, like heart disease, strokes, clotting, embolisms, edema, but also mental fog and memory problems from pre-diabetes or Type 3 diabetes (T2D T3D) now strongly associated with evidence as a causal factor in the formation of dementia, but also that of ADD and ADHD or the inability to focus and other mental and emotional problems like anxiety and depression. 

Meal size confusion means overweight and obese people regularly eat way too much when they eat and could probably get away with one or two meals per day, while three meals per day causes a calorie surplus that causes body fat to increase, or swelling of the liver and kidney damage.

Water fasting + electrolyte salts / or just fasting by abstaining from added sugars and highly processed foods a proven way to improve health when combined with going for regular walks or doing HIIT exercises for a hour at least 3 times per week. Go for a bicycle ride or play with fitness app in a VR headset like I do until you have a sweat soaked body and breathing so hard that its hard to speak a few words without gasping another breath, where your heart rate in its high target range in BPM or beats per minutes for at least 10 minutes. You can do this in 3 sets of 3 minutes each as HIIT. 

Real food diets or health promoting diets consists of eating more leafy greens, more veggies, more fruit whole and natural, nuts raw, berries fresh, seeds, hight quality smaller servings of meet, chicken and oily young fish, or tofu, or organic dairy products. 

All the real food located around the outside border of the grocery store or supermarket; these real foods that have been real food throughout history and eating real whole natural and organic minimally processed foods are proven to help improve peoples health and reversal common disease caused by the dietary excess of the SAD or standard American diet or obesity increase dietary excess diet that has become so common that even children in India and China are now morbidly obese, namely where soda pop like Coca Cola with lots of added cane sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup, and industrial processed foods like Oreo Cookies or Doritos have become staples of the diet that promotes disease and medical disorders caused by eating UPF or ultra processed foods in excess. 

Most adults can easily do Fasting by drinking more water and adding electrolytes to some of their water, containing calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium citrate for example, for 3- 5 days while resting and the body preferentially burns unhealthy visceral fat around the pancreas and liver in order to make ketones for body energy in the absence of eat or digestion, while water fasting! It is essential to protect your muscles to rest and not move much while water fasting, so your body does not burn your muscle amino acids to make glucose. If you rest, sleep, take it easy, recover, R&R while water fasting for 3 to 5 or even 7 days, your body will preferentially burn visceral fat. 

You can get the same benefit of burning off visceral fat with weight lifting or resistance training with a personal trainer at a gym 3 times per week, combined with HIIT or high intensity interval training, and if you keep that up for months you can lose all your excessed body fat, especially the visceral fat, and your eyes, brain and skin and muscles and bones and joints will improve. 

As your VO2 max improves from regularly working out, your sleep will improve, you will become stronger, faster with more endurance and feel younger and more vibrant and look younger, and have more energy and more vitality as your health and wellness improves from regularly working out and water fasting for 5 days at least one time per year, and interval fasting no most other days by skipping breakfast or dinner, and phasing out processed foods and eating the Whole Foods Plant Based Diet with allowances for sugary snacks and deserts occasionally, and even your favorite fast food or junk food a few times per year, will help you obtain the perfect body, faster mind, better brain, stronger muscles, and more energy and endurance, making you feel better by improving your emotional and mental health.

Even if you just phase out processed, highly processed and ultra processed foods and switch to eating whole natural foods, after a few months with the healthier diet you will start to feel better all the time. 

See Dr. Goldhammer of TrueNorth videos or call and ask to speak with him. What you're saying about fasting anti-scientific or factually inaccurate. Yes, water fasting must be done while resting to avoid muscle loss, to promote visceral fat conversion to ketones for brain and body energy Sugar added the main problem with western diets. 

Of the 600,0000+ items at typical grocery store in America, about 70% are highly fractionated highly processed UPF items that are metabolic poisons for obese or overweight people, many of whom also suffer from diabetes, heart disease or cancer or even older people who have dementia as pre-diabetes now called type 3 diabetes caused brain fog and memory problems and strongly associated with the formation of dementia.

The hallmark of Western Disease of Civilization or SAD standard American diet is dietary excess of added sugars, unhealthy inflammatory fats, not enough fiber or water consumption, and lots of artificial colors, artificial flavors and strange preservative chemicals like BVO or TBHQ or Red 40, Yellow 5 or Blue 1 or similar chemically engineered to enhance color, shelf life and profits but now widely known to be bad for human health. Titanium Dioxide for example, added as bright white pigment to color candy, known to damage DNA that can become cancer long term. 

If the people who profit from adding these industrial chemicals were forced to publicly eat large handfuls of artificial colors or synthetic preservatives, they would be sickened by it. You could by comparison have them eat large handfuls of steamed broccoli or brown rice, and they would be fine, since brown rice and steamed broccoli are real foods and have been real foods all throughout history around the world in nearly all countries! 

If a food comes in a bag or a box with a colorful labels, thats probably an unhealthy UPF or ultra processed food. Eaten in small amounts, sparingly, these are fine to consume. It is only when people consume lots of UPF daily for years that health problems become apparent. 

The negative health impacts of eating the western diet typically starts to demonstrably harm people in their middle 30's or older, as the negative health effects of dietary excess consumption of UPF or highly processed foods from bags and boxes has continues for many years.

You can easily identify an unhealthy UPF food by reading the ingredients on the back of the package and looking for "Sugar" or "Modified Starch" or "Artificial" or "Preservative"  

Read the nutritional labels for "Added Sugars" these are metabolic poisons that damage cell mitochondria if an adult consumes more than 50 grams off added sugars daily. 

Our 2022 Toyota Corolla Hybrid LE Gets More than 50 MPG or less than 4.7 l/100 km) Fantastic Fuel Economy

We live in hilly western Washington State, USA, on a mountain. I commute 15.9 mi (25.59 km) one way to work after depending a ~700 ft hill, then take one of 3 routes. Using the most energy efficient route, I am able to obtain 64.5 MPG on the route home from work, and more than 70 MPG on the way to work, using every fuel saving driving technique that I know of in super ultra low traffic free flowing conditions very early in the morning for example. 

2022 Toyota Corolla

Hybrid LE Sedan 4-Door

1.8L 1798CC 110Cu. In. l4 FULL HYBRID EV-GAS (FHEV) DOHC Naturally AspiratedTricks to Improve Fuel Economy

Predict what's coming up in terms of traffic flow so you get to the light with speed while it changes from red to green, so you keep your speed or some of it. This inertial maintaining predictive focus means you use less energy or fuel to get back up to speed again after clearing the intersection. Wasteful drivers race to a stop with hard braking scrubbing away all their vehicle inertia as heat scraping brake pads against the brake rotors, then when the light changes their vehicle used more fuel or energy to accelerate from a stop back up to operating speed again, by comparison. Driving aggressively like that reduces our 2022 Corolla Hybrids fuel economy to 42 MPG, in sport mode, with fast driving like a racing simulation video game or similar. 

Predictively Maintain Forward Speed

Keeping more speed when going around corners, though this wears out the tire tread faster resulting in shorter tire life, so your trading fuel savings for increased tire degradation, though striking a lower g-force corning speed to balance keeping your inertial in corners can find a happy middle :) 

Vigilantly Observe & Anticipate

Watching other vehicle "body language" or how other people are driving nearby, including watch and looking for all posted signs, being careful to stay centered in your lane, avoiding pot holes and other road obstruction or driving as smart, focused with exceptional situational awareness, looking ahead and scanning your mirrors, but also trying to anticipate and predict in order to keep your vehicle moving and avoiding having to lose speed and waste energy to speed up again. 

Research Fuel Efficiency Driving "Hypermiling" 

This predictive focused "Hypermiling" can boost any vehicles real world fuel economy by 30 to 40 % as well demonstrated by Wayne Gerde's who I learned about it from on Green Car Congress's website many years ago studying how to get better fuel economy in our previous 2005 Prius II tech package purchased new back then and driven 160,000 miles over 17 years with no mechanical issues and basic maintenance.

Based on our fantastic 2010 Prius III user experiences of better than 45 MPG real world and excellent reliability, we decided to buy a lightly used 2022 Corolla Hybrid in 2023, saving $6800 vs buying it brand new. This meant Toyota Safety Sense 2.0, where the 2023 got 3.0, but not worth $7K in my opinion. I only paid $6K out the door with tax and license for our 2020 Yamaha MT03 motorcycle by comparison; it averages 56.8 MPG real world fuel economy on straight unleaded gasoline or E0 "Ethanol Free" :) The 320.3 cc parallel offset twin engine in our 2020 MTO3 refined in YZF-R3 since 2015, proven to be highly reliable, smooth and fuel efficient. 

Press Photo of 2018 Corolla Hybrid LE at Launch
12th Gen. E210 Corolla w/ 5th Gen. Hybrid Synergy Drive
2ZR-FXE engine optimized since 2009 in Prius 
Our 2022 features improved Li-Ion hybrid battery

The next section adaptive scraped from the following linked website posting (click hyperlink to see)

The new hybrid system combines a 1.8-liter four-cylinder gasoline engine with two motor/generators through an electronically controlled planetary-type continuously variable transmission (CVT) transaxle. Combined system output of 121 horsepower yields responsive performance.

The nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) battery pack employs a newly developed technology called Hyper-Prime Nickel (developed by Primearth EV Energy—originally Panasonic EV Energy—in Japan) to boost battery performance in a smaller and lighter package. The battery’s smaller size and flatter shape allow it to be packaged under the rear seat, rather than taking up trunk space, and also allowing a 60/40 split folding rear seat-back to expand cargo capacity. The battery location also contributes to the vehicle’s lower center of gravity, a boon to agility. A later revision of Corolla Hybrid LE in 2021 features a more compact, lower mass, higher energy density, higher power Li-Ion battery that further improves fuel economy and vehicle dynamics. A tire repair kit replaces the spare tire in the trunk further reducing mass. 

1.8 L 2ZR-FXE engine works in concert with the hybrids transaxle electric motor generator (MG2), assuring responsive performance, while energy efficiency is achieved by using IPM MG1 traction motor with MG2 for hybrid battery charging. Variable blending of battery energy, power generation, engine power, and brake energy recovery, all contribute to exceptional system efficiency, substantially reduce fuel consumption that also lowers tailpipe emissions. The engines intake made of thermal insulating polymer, a departure from aluminum on previous iteration of the same engine. Polymer engine intake reduces thermal losses, further increasing fuel economy, while also enabling faster warmup from cold start. 

Driving the Corolla Hybrid. The battery provides a subtle power boost when pulling away in order to put less strain on the engine, producing instant crisp acceleration with no shifting transmission due to the orbital gear blending 2 electric motor generators with the interactively optimized friction reduced engine. 

A preload differential adds to the confident acceleration feel. During low loads and low differential rotation, differential-limited torque is distributed to the left and right wheels, yielding handling stability. At mid-range and high engine loads, the preload differential functions as an open differential. This improves handling performance by creating a confidence inspiring vehicle stability that works well in all types of driving conditions. 

Corolla Hybrid has EV mode, which allows the vehicle to be operated as a pure electric vehicle for short distances, depending upon certain conditions, such as battery charge level. This mode is useful for operating the vehicle in parking lots or indoor parking garages, for example. The Vehicle Proximity Notification feature alerts pedestrians of the vehicle’s presence when running in battery mode.

Along with the expected NORMAL and ECO drive modes, a SPORT drive mode setting allows for an increase in power for stronger acceleration response when desired.

  • NORMAL mode: Allows the hybrid system to achieve an ideal combination of fuel economy and vehicle acceleration. The accelerator opening amount changes linearly in response to accelerator pedal operation.

  • ECO mode: Improves hybrid system efficiency by limiting power in response to light to moderate accelerator pedal input.

  • SPORT mode: Available power is increased, allowing for improved acceleration response.

Stopping the Corolla Hybrid. Another boost to efficiency comes from the Electronically Controlled Brake (ECB) system, which coordinates operation between the regenerative braking force of the electric motors and the hydraulic braking system force to provide optimal stopping power. By proactively using the electric motors to recover as much electrical energy as possible from the regenerative braking system, this extremely efficient cooperative control helps to maximize fuel economy.

An active hydraulic booster on the conventional (non-regenerative) braking system improves pedal feel and feedback for the driver. Critically, should there ever be a malfunction in the ECB system, the conventional hydraulic braking system can stop the vehicle.

Brake Hold, when engaged, is a convenient technology that reduces driver effort while waiting at a traffic light or while driving in heavy traffic. When the driver presses the accelerator, Brake Hold releases instantly. Brake Hold also helps when stopped facing upward on steep hills to prevent roll-back. 

The engine. The 2ZR-FXE 1.8-liter inline four-cylinder engine was designed specifically for a hybrid application. The long-stroke configuration employs the Atkinson cycle, which uses a very high compression ratio (13.0:1) along with a shorter intake stroke (seeing intake valve open longer with variable valve control) and longer expansion stroke than the Otto cycle. The Atkinson cycle extracts more energy from the fuel with superior thermal efficiency, and the electric motors compensate for reduced low-end power (versus the Otto cycle) when the engine at low RPM and low power output, where the electric motor generators MG1 & MG2 produce peak torque at lower RPM. In this way the engine and electric motors are complimentary, contributing to enhanced performance while reducing fuel use, or greater energy efficiency. 

Reducing friction in the piston skirts, crankshaft, camshafts, bearings, and the oil pump, while variable speed electric water pump more energy efficient than conventional belt-driven pump, while also enabling faster engine warm up and optimized cooling in different operating conditions. Toyota sought efficiency gains in every system. The highly-efficient air conditioning system, for example, uses S-FLOW control, which automatically optimizes airflow throughout the cabin according to the temperature setting, actual cabin and outside temperatures, sunlight intensity, and occupied seats.

Getting the engine up to operating temperature quickly is critical to conserving fuel and reducing emissions at start-up or cold start. Corolla Hybrid exhaust heat recirculation system speeds up engine coolant warm-up, pumping engine coolant to a heat exchanger located near the catalytic converter in the exhaust pipe system. That in turn allows the hybrid system to stop the gas engine earlier and more often in the driving cycle. The energy efficient HSD system turns the engine off regularly, and enables the Corolla Hybrid to coast with very light throttle pedal. Coasting does not regenerate power to change the hybrid battery, but allows the engine to turn off, and achieves the highest fuel economy in this "coasting mode" something you aim for when hypermiling or applying fuel saving driving tricks to get better fuel economy. 

The PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) heater quickly provides cabin heat electrically in cold temperatures.

Hybrid Exclusives. The Corolla Hybrid rolls on 15-inch aluminum alloy wheels with low-rolling resistance tires. I removed the plastic wheel covers and revealed the beautiful magnesium aluminum alloy wheels :) The new multi-link rear suspension improves both handling agility and ride comfort compared to the previous-generation Corolla Sedan.

The instrument panel uses a high-grade meter with a 7-inch Multi-Information Display (MID). The MID shows the speedometer, as well as a hybrid system indicator/real-time battery charge status indicator. ECO accelerator guidance, also shown in the MID, can provide a guideline for maximizing fuel efficiency by coaching the driver on optimal accelerator pedal operation to match driving conditions. Drivers who like the visual appeal of seeing engine rpm can choose to display a tachometer.

The Corolla Hybrid features eight standard airbags and Toyota’s Star Safety System, which includes Enhanced Vehicle Stability Control, Traction Control, Electronic Brake-force Distribution, Brake Assist, Anti-lock Braking System, and Smart Stop Technology. All Corolla models come equipped with a standard backup camera.

All 2020 Corolla models are equipped as standard with Toyota Safety Sense 2.0, an advanced suite of integrated active safety features.

  • PCS (Pre-Collision System): Is designed to automatically activate the brakes to help avoid a collision or mitigate the impact force. PCS is able to detect a vehicle or pedestrian in day and low-light conditions, as well as a bicycle during daylight. 

  • Full-Speed DRCC (Dynamic Radar Cruise Control): Designed for highway use, designed to maintain a set vehicle-to-vehicle distance and is also capable of low-speed following up to speeds of about 24 mph. The Corolla can stop when the vehicle ahead comes to a stop, maintaining an appropriate distance to it.

  • LDA (Lane Departure Alert) w/ Steer Assist: Designed to give the driver audible and visual warnings and, if necessary, provides steering assistance if it detects the possibility of leaving the driving lane. It also detects excess weaving within the driving lane that might indicate driver distraction, inattention or drowsiness.

  • LTA (Lane Tracing Assist): LTA is enabled when LDA and DRCC are both on and active. LTA employs a lane centering function that will make constant steering inputs to help the driver keep the vehicle in its lane. LTA is designed for uses on relatively straight highways to preemptively avoid unwanted lane departures and reduce driver fatigue. 

  • AHB (Automatic High Beam): When enabled, detects the headlights of oncoming vehicles and taillights of preceding vehicles and automatically switches between high and low beams as appropriate.

  • RSA (Road Sign Assist): Designed to recognize speed limit, Stop, Yield, and Do Not Enter signs and display them on the vehicles MID to help assist the driver.

God the Best Father, Jesus Christ Healed Thousands, The Holy Spirit Empowers and Encourages People

Consider saying no to evil and sin when you make a mistake and try to repent and tell God your sorry for doing what you know is wrong in your heart when the knowledge of Good and Evil encoded into each and every human by God himself who programmed knowledge of Right and Wrong into our DNA and epigenic mechanism. 

Listen to this beautiful song about Trust in the Lord our God (click following hyperlink "blue text"

You have agency and free will to deliberately choose not to sin or do wrong or be a bad person and you know how to be a good person, how to do what is honorable and right, how to become a better version of yourself, remade and redeemed by being accountable to God, your country, other people, doing your duty to be morally strong, physically fit and mentally straight, taking captive over every thought and comparing it to what God says about you in Romans in the Bible. You have an obligation as a socially conscious human adult to be a decent human deliberately even when you do not feel like it. Life is not just about feelings, it's about moral integrity and being an honorable, fair, kind person who treats all other people with dignity and respect. 

Everything that science learns about the mind body relationship confirms what the Bible says about being honorable, loving, kind, sincere, humble, respectful, polite, slow to anger, quick to forgiveness, speaking blessing over other people, animals and nature, being the best version of yourself possible by showing all other people genuine loving kindness, inspiring other people with edification, education and showing them the best ways forward by example, giving song and praise in your heart to God, thankful for your salvation if you call upon the name of Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior, who died for you as a blameless innocent man, so that whoever calls upon his name shall be saved and forgiven of sins by the Father God, master God and supreme absolute master of all realms, who reigns supreme in every dimension, to all beings in all places, who is all powerful, all knowing and always present, championing anyone who turns to him wanting a sincere relationship with the Lord, our God and creator, who created all that is seen and unseen in every realm and every dimension such that everything belongs to God, praise be God, thank you Father God, in the name of Christ Jesus, thank you father, and thank you Holy Spirit! 

I pray a healing blessing of peace and healing, restoration and happiness over anyone who reads this and turns to you father, that you will appear to them in their dreams and bring them profound deep inner change so they can learn to love themselves and other people the way you intend, therein making the world a nicer place for everyone's benefit according to your holy intention for people father, Amen! 

Thank you for my life, my lovely wife, for other people, animals, nature, ecosystems, air, water and food. Thank you for all of your blessing and for redeeming me from a life of sin to become a kinder nicer and more loving person so much that people who have known me for a long time in real life have been asking me if I had a makeover because of how much I have changed from reading the Bible and practicing daily what it says about proper human conduct, especially in Romans and Ephesians. 

Thank you for being consistent, unchanging, loyal, honorable, honest, fair, gracious and reasonable, and for your underserved grace and favor Father God, thank you Lord God, thank you in the holy name of Christ Jesus, and thank you for sending me the Holy Spirit who empowers and enables me to make better choices and to have better thoughts and to feel better and think nicer thoughts and sleep better and become stronger, smarter and faster, thank you father for remaking and redeeming me, for breaking the chains of sin around me, for freeing me from evil, for removing demonic forces from my life, for helping me to love my wife, for helping me to wish the best for other people with a grandfather like platonic generalize concern for the health and wellness of all people. 

KTM Camshaft Debacle: Placing Profits over Customer Care: “KTM Failed Camshafts - 790/890 & 901”

Blaming customers for a problem created by bad quality control, flawed designs, flawed construction, flawed manufacturing, errors or glitches in the programming of the electronic controls or similar problems caused by negligence or oversights or mistakes made by the manufacturer at different levels, should be treated as free to fix recall to correct the error or mistake. 

Incredibly even Yamaha goofed the CP2 engine in different ways, but at least they acknowledged it right away and paid for customers repairs as recalls, for those customers who had to have these engines repaired in their Yamaha motorcycles. 

When I was researching the 2020 MT03 before buying one, I had considered getting a KTM Duke 390, but the research said that Yamaha motorcycles had better higher quality longer lasting electronics, better wire harnesses and connectors, better engines that last longer and are also more reliable and more fuel efficient with lower emissions, but also class leading best design smoothest shifting motorcycle manual sequential transmissions and are also easy to perform oil changes on as the most common kind of regular maintenance aside from cleaning the drive chain or refueling or adding compressed air or nitrogen gas to the tires to keep the tire pressure up before riding while the tires are still cold or room temperature. 

The MT03 was less expensive, had better ergonomics, and better overall reviews. The 320.3 cc offset twin engine in the MTO3 was refined many times over in the R3 sport bike used in road racing and track racing events for the 300cc class sport bike races. The MTO3 also got better fuel economy and had a superior emissions control system that makes the exhaust even cleaner with a combination of air entrainment, energy efficient ECU maps, and O2 sensor and 3-way catalytic converter integrated into the blacked out stainless-steel exhaust system. I wrapped the down tubes of the header with ceramic fabric painted black with a special high temperature exhaust paint and secured the ceramic wrap with stainless steel zip-ties. Using the FLIR camera to compare before and after, the ceramic exhaust wrap minimized thermal IR loading of the engines radiator and improved the heating rate of the catalytic converter to make cleaned exhaust emissions even faster after cold start. 

I promote and professionally engaged in device repair, ideologically because I believe that people should be able to repair things they own. That means that when someone buys a vehicle, computer, smartphone or anything, if they pay for it and own it legitimately, then that thing is the persons personal property and they are free to do whatever they want with it, including who they choose to have work on, maintain, fix or repair their things. 

When Apple or Samsung or John Deer install software locks to prevent 3rd party repairs, they are cheating or defrauding owners of these products. Thats not just immoral, its sleazy and evil and extremely excessively greedy. 

There is nothing wrong with a company turning a reasonable profit, but when they engage in immoral activities that harm or hurt their employees or customers to boost profits, that crossing the legal ethical line and become sick evil excessive greed or probably the result of narcissism or arrogance on behalf of the corporate owners or executives who make evil choices that harm the environment with pollutants that are toxic to human health or bad for nature or toxic to ecosystem where our food air and water come from, when they act like this and do things like this they are bad actors just like despots Vladimir Putin or Adolf Hitler. 

Some elite income earners are evil and are guilty of self-worship and self-idolatry, placing increasing profits over the health and wellness of other people, or to justify emitting toxic pollutants because doing it that way is cheaper than doing the cleaner safer process. 

This is why we are still burning coal for energy despite widespread knowledge that coal power pollution emitted widely around the world is the most toxic of all emissions released making electricity or heat in industrial power plants. 

Natural gas for example is radically cleaner burning that coal, and coal can be easily and cheaply gasified into cleaner burning gases, with toxic heavy metals and radioactive metals removed during the gasification processes. 

Concrete Example of US Senator Engaged in Bribery and Corruption (Cash + Gold Bars) with Egypt and Qatar

Democratic senator from New Jersey, Bob Menedez found guilty on 16 felony counts for engaging in bribery, accepting cash and gold bars from the governments of Egypt & Qatar, engaging in extortion, acting as a foreign agent, obstructing justice and many other counts of conspiracy. 

Businessmen Wael Hana, Fred Daibes, and Jose Uribe, looking for special favors and favors for the governments of Qatar and Egypt, gave him gold bars, a new Mercedes Benz to Nadine his wife, and more than $480 thousand in cash, found stuffed into clothing stored in closets bearing the guilty parties name, at his home in New Jersey back in 2022. 

Menedez the son of Cuban immigrants who distrusted banks teaching young Menedez to store cash and gold in hiding places for safe keeping. 

Fingerprints belonging to the businessmen were found on the cash and gold bars, making it unambiguously clear where the hundreds of thousands of dollars of cash and gold bars found in the home of senator Menedez came from. 

Gold bars are often used to bribe in part because the gold can be cut up easily and melted down and cast into new clean bars, erasing any trace of origin, burning off fingerprints and DNA, making the gold untraceable. 

The CPP in the PRC, namely the official of the Chinese Government, love gold and money, and do all sorts of unethical immoral horrendous things to get more of both by any means no matter what they damage or who they harm or hurt. 

For example, to make more money and gold, no mining safety measure or safety equipment at typical coal mines in China, and many fires and explosion in these coal mines have killed many tens of thousands of Chinese coal miners, who would be alive today if mine safety measure like spraying mist to keep the coal dust down, or giving face shields, gloves, masks, LED safety lamps sealed and similar to keep clean fresh air in the tunnels. 

The Chinese coal mining industry consider coal miners a disposable asset, and the negligence executed in Chinese coal mines has also set many coal seams on fire, with combined emissions from these coal fires in China greater than the emissions of every engine powered vehicle of every kind in America. So if we want to clean up global air quality, it would be cheaper and easier to put out the coal seam fires in China. 

You might notice that I regularly find a way to slam and call out China, and that is because I hate the CCP and am calling on God in heaven in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus to pronounce a curse over the CCP and its executive members, that their money shall depart leaving chaos in the wake, that they will be humiliated and removed from power. That the CCP will fail and be replaced by the ROC and a freedom preserving privacy protecting ethical fair democrat government with free elections and human rights given to all Chinese citizen will prevail victorious, triumphantly defeating and taking away power from the CCP, so that China will become a nice country engaged in fair trade, that focuses on improving the lives of Chinese people, especially with clean air and clean water laws to reduce pollution emissions in China.

Artificial Food Coloring Industrial Chemical Food Additives Commonly Added to UPF or Ultra Processed Foods

Watch this video

"After removing food dye from my kids' diet, my autistic son showed major improvements in his behavioral responses" said one commenter on that the linked YouTube video

Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 1: DNA damage, gastric cancers, brain damage, and behavioral problems and learning disabilities in children that regularly consume these artificial color compounds. Titanium Dioxide used as white pigment powder to make the Skittles color pop more now linked to DNA damage that can become cancers long term. 

Avoid eating these 20 things

1. Doritos if you want gastric problems then keep eating more, they actually taste amazing
2. Fried Sweet Food from bad to worse, this is great as a birthday treat once annually
3. Ramen, make it on your day off, flour, water, salt, recipe online, air dry
4. Fruit Loops at breakfast time, UPF sugar + artificial colors = behavioral problems
5. Milk Shakes are fine a few times per year, but a sure way to become fat and sick
6. White Chocolate, or candy ok in small amounts
7. French Fries, you can make them at home in peanut oil, herb seasoning
8. Ice Cream, you can make it at home with 500% less sugar & more egg yolks
9. Salty Fried Foods taste amazing, but they cook them in industrial seed oils
10. Flavored Yogurt high in sugars added, not much real fruit either
11. Donuts probably obvious mix of fat, sugar and salt: classic UPF
12. BBQ Sauce high in added sugars or high fructose corn syrup
13. Margarine straight trans fats a great way to have heart disease
14. Frozen Pizza the bottom, tons of salt and not enough flavor
15. Mayonnaise, some are made with better oils and better eggs
16. Nachos, depends on what chips and toppings, not all the same
17. Hot Dogs, some are great like Butch Box, but many are only 1/2 meat.
18. Skittles and M&M's brightly colored with industrial chemicals bad for you
19. Fake Dark Chocolate and fake honey and many other fake foods
20. Candy containing artificial colors, preservatives, trans fats, artificial flavors

Big alcohol, big candy, big pharma, big industrial food, big automakers, big aircraft companies, if its not a diesel Gate emissions scandal from VW, or its faked imported vehicles with fake empty non-working catalytic converter exhaust systems missing the ceramic catalytic material as a metal tube shell filled with fiberglass, counterfeit of fake, appearing as Yamaha models, but actually clones or knock offs made in China that have nothing to do with the Yamaha Motors of Japan or any of its global official manufacturing plants. China makes fake cities, fake money, fake vehicles. fake luxury goods, fake foods, fake morals, fake people, fake personalities, shallow vain inconsiderate rude people, and really a bully as a country that is doomed to fail. 

In China, a resent edible oils scandal caused widespread public outcry and controversy nationally. The issue comes down to food and edible oils being transported in chemical tanks that were just before used to move heavy industrial oils that are poisonous or toxic to consume, without being cleaned out before being loaded with cooking oils and edibles oils, contaminating the edible oil with lubricating oils, diesel, kerosene, jet fuel, gasoline, brake fluid, steering fluid, varnish, polyurethane, solvents and other toxic poisonous industrial liquids that tainted the edible oils transported in the same tanks, sparking a huge public controversy and outcry. Many other fake foods and counterfeit food scandals happen in China. 

The CCP does not seem to value human life, and seems to care about vanity, gold and money above all else, even morality and ethics out the window for the sake of making more money, since the CCP membership worships and idolatrizes gold and money, as greedy vain heathens. The CCP considered the most unethical government in the world my many organizations, many people, many other countries, many human rights groups, many environmental groups, nonprofits, charities, faith organizations, NGO, many other world governments, diplomats, scientists, teachers, regular people, nearly everyone around the world hates the CCP including Chinese people that live in the PRC. 

But many toxic prescription drugs are sold in America, drugs that harm the patient with dangerous toxic side effects. Many people are taking multiple different prescription drugs with OTC or over the counter drugs and supplements in combinations that are mysterious in terms of what is happening inside their bodies with these complex mixtures of fake, concentrates, and synthetic substances that must interact and for side reactions and side products, some of which have a toxic effect on different organs, membranes, cell components, the liver or kidney or brain, or skin, or eyes or retina of the eyes. 

I think a lot of disease that plague older Americans are actually side effects of unknown combinations of things that people choose to put in their bodies, often without telling their doctor or pharmacist. Many of the foods at a grocery store or supermarket are metabolic poisons for inactive or sedentary people that do not work out or get enough physical activity to keep up their bone density or muscle strength. 

From Wikipedia BHA "Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) is a synthetic, waxy, solid petrochemical. with antioxidant properties have caused it to be widely used as a preservative in food, food packaging, animal feed, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber, and petroleum products. BHA has been used in food since around 1947."

From Wikipedia TBHQ "consumption has some negative health effects on lab animals, such as producing precursors to stomach tumors and damage to DNA."

People unfortunately exhibit associations with colors and flavors that influence the way they perceive flavor, taste, aroma, or smell. Industrial processed foods lose flavor and color as they sit on the shelf for long periods before being purchased by a consumer who usually is also suffering from diseases and medical disorders caused by eating excessive amounts of UPF junk foods and industrial processed food with artificial colors and flavors added that are scientifically proven to make people fat and sick.

Cancer, DNA damage, almost like eating ionizing radiation! I am surprised the tool the TEL out of gasoline after learning about industrial food additives. Maybe back then, the government was less corrupt, and some semblance of ethics and morality existed in the law-making processes. That seems to have been replaced with campaign contribution bribery in what actually Crony Capitalism of runaway increasing income inequality with a shrinking middle class and increasing costs for basic life expenses like food, rent, fuel, cars, clothing, that means mommy and daddy both have to work full time, and no one is home to cook home cooked meals anymore.

UPF food companies fill in this gap with time saving microwave and instant foods that are faster and easier to prepare quickly, cheap enough to work ok with the budget and create a quick fix for dinner or lunch or snacks. Actually, it's so bad nearby, that homes cost over a million and having children a luxury premium for people that make many hundreds of thousands per year, or the upper-class income earners or high-income people. My wife and I are dual income with no children and can barely afford life's basics with a single kitty cat. Oh, and the USD or dollar keeps losing buying power every year making this issue worse progressively. Meanwhile billionaires and the law makers they own seem to be excellent at turning a blind eye toward the suffering of everyone else. Seems like a hollow victory to me, especially since they can't take the money with them when they die like everyone else eventually does if they stick around long enough to grow old and die of old age.

UPF foods do not have enough healthy fats or fiber to be nutritionally healthy and all the artificial additives are not good for your body either. No one really knows what microdosing artificial colors does to the human body, though some studies show weak evidence that children who regularly eat artificially colored UPF items tend to have behavioral problems and difficulty focusing or holding still long enough to learn complicated ideas, or learning disorders, ADD or ADHD like issues. Elderly people who eat a lot of UPF seem to have more memory problems and dementia and Alzheimer's, especially older people who eat too much and are morbidly obese.

Constantly snacking on UPF junk foods once retired seems to cause early mortality within just a year or so of retiring. It's not just about weight gain and chronically inflaming the bodies finite number of fat cells, it's also that many of these chemical food additives harm the liver and kidneys, the bodies filters of blood and apocrine fluids.

Many people are also chronically dehydrated from not drinking enough water and have kidney problem. There is a kidney failure epidemic in America, caused by chronic dehydration!

Fake chemical substances are added to make food look better, more appealing, or more appetizing, as the colors indicate to the human brain that the food is higher quality if it has better color, when this is largely untrue because the artificial colors are added to unhealthy UPF or ultra processed foods that have almost nothing in common with real food that has been food for nearly all of human history. Real foods that are around the outside edge or border of grocery store or supermarket. I am talking about nuts, seeds, dairy, meat, fish, leafy greens, veggies, fruit, berries, foods that people have eaten since antiquity in nearly every country or real food, not UPF junk made with industrial engineering and questionable strange chemical additives.

It's fine to add strange chemical colors and preservatives to brake fluid, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, industrial lubricating oils, paints, adhesives and in products that no sane person eats or drinks. These poisons should never be added to foods or beverages.

Many artificial food colors are made from tar extracted from coal, then chemically engineered like a pharmaceutical drug into brightly color deep hue substances, solid, liquids, dye, gel, paste, powders, that are added to UPF items to give the unhealthy junk products more color so they look more appealing to our eyes and brain, since the expression you eat with your eyes first the reason that common UPF or ultra processed foods come in elaborate high color packaging with nifty computer generated graphics multi color printed on foil plastic mylar bags, or boxes with ultra processed foods that are made in complicated industrial processes just like clandestine LSD or MDMA manufacturing high quality psychedelic drugs and similarly healthy to consume regularly, or not healthy at all!

Why fry your brain with drugs if you can air fry food in GMO industrial seed oils called paradoxically Wesson oil or canola oil? I am not sure that eating that much Omega 6 fats good for someone who already has joint pain from chronic inflammation and heart disease from chronic inflammation. Did you know that children in China and India are becoming fat and sick from eating western industrial engineered foods with artificial colors, artificial flavors and all the strange chemical additives of typical UPF or ultra processed foods proven to sicken people who eat them.

Do you know what happens to your body if you only ever drink sugary soda pop? The highly acidic fluid eats tooth enamel away causing dental problems, damaging oral health, but are also bad for the digestive system and metabolically unhealthy by overloading the body with sugar or high fructose corn syrup, + synthetic chemical colors and flavors that overload the liver and kidneys which struggle to filter these strange industrial chemical food additives or the questionably toxic metabolic downstream substances formed when biochemical processes in the liver or kidney attempt to break down artificial colors and produce side reactions that make increasingly toxic substances that the body has no mechanism to clear, since human have no history of eating such things and such industrial substances are not food and should never be added to foods.

Did you know that super heating food causes polymers like plastic to form, as in poisonous substances like those present in cigarette smoke. In some cases, eating burned foods like microdosing pesticide, fungicide, herbicide and insecticide, oh wait, those are already present along with microplastics in the commonly sold foods made in factories of strange ingredients that almost no one cooks with at home.

I don't have any modified starches in my pantry or any artificial colors or flavors and would never add synthetic chemicals or chemical preservatives those to anything I cook at home.

Why are manufacturing companies adding poisons and toxins and synthetic chemically engineered strange chemicals to your food? To increase the shelf life, or with bliss point engineering, to keep you hooked, coming back for more. "Once you pop you cannot stop" the lingo goes //

They even market UPF foods to children the way the Tobacoo companies did before being banned from doing so in 1994. The UPF food executives are literally using the 1950's era Cigarette company playbook to figure out how to sell more UPF junk that are bad for people's health when they eat it, because of how it introduces non-food substances into their diet, harming their liver and kidneys, like artificial colors that have an appropriate ethical application in car paint, road paint, sign making and clothing dye applications, but should never be added to anything that anyone eats or drinks.

UPF a $4 trillion dollar industry, with lawyers, lawmakers, corruption, bribery, all the hallmarks of evil crony capitalism and industrial inconsiderate excessive greed or evil from the pit of hell, since these sleazy arrogant rich people who own these UPF companies are effectively and in some cases openly serving Satan and deliberately harming and hurting the consumers of UPF by designing poisons into the food and then perverting the FDA into allowing it, since the toxic substances are chemically pure food color additives and similar artificial flavors and preservatives. The FDA can't even keep track of all the newly chemically engineered substances that UPF makers put as ingredients in heavily processed foods.