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USA Carbon Intense Economy Also Heavily Polluting

USA 590 billion tons of CO2 released since 1850, more than 2X that of China, the world's second biggest polluter now. 6KW American Dreams to deadly air pollutants causing acid rain & climate change to accelerate now. 

Foam blowing agents, solvent exposure causing cancer rates to surge as people exposed to these solvents as work become sick with cancers from the toxic solvent exposure effects that accumulate over time. I am thinking of Camp Lejune water pollutants that sickened people stationed there. I am thinking of toxic tailpipe emissions from old diesel trucks that blow black soot into the air that smells terrible, that's toxic to lung & heart cells while the HC fumes from gasoline vehicle tailpipes are brain toxic & toxic to kidneys & liver.

Coal Power Emissions When We Know How to Make Renewable Energy

Silent spring or acid mine drainage into lakes killing off birds. Cadmium, lead, mercury released when coal is burned as metal oxide fly ash of heavy toxic & radioactive metals like thorium present in the coal. I call this thoughtless inconsiderate development because of all the toxic externalities or unintended consequences of making electricity by burning coal in an age when nuclear power able to phase out coal power, when we can use solar PV, wind, geothermal, hydro & energy storage to broadly decarbonize grid power & transportation with Na-Ion battery electric vehicles charged with green renewable energy with excellent uptime & load following & installed capacity able to phase out natural gas & coal power generation & replace these base loads & peeker plants with more renewable energy generation + enough energy storage to smooth out the production peaks & extend the uptime to 24/7 Firm Power output :) 

Flaring Emissions at Local Oil Refineries 

Say Oil Refinery Flaring Emissions out loud! Have you been near an oil refinery recently. It smells like burning plastic with thick funky air pollution emitted from the flare burning column that burns off unprofitable waste products in a dirty yellow soot emitting massive flame that emits so much heat IR and light that you can feel a warming effect from miles away.

I was driving into Salt Lake City Utah on a road trip and smelled the orange-brown nitrogen dioxide haze in the air, from several flare gas burners at the local oil refineries that regularly degrade the local air quality with air pollutants toxic to public & environmental health. Its money that talks & speaks loudest as ethics & morality walk away. 

Oil refineries are second only to aluminum production in terms of electricity use on the industrial scale, think gigawatt current flowing to the tune of terawatt hours per year. Oil refineries have to use electric heating of the crude oil distillation columns in order to achieve the required heating precision. 

Idolatry of Money & Fame

If we zoom out beyond oil & gas, to the larger US economy, it's a consumptive market profit focused economy based on 6kW lifestyle culture or the "American Dream" which consists of a 1/2 of land with a single family home with a 2 car garage & front lawn made of grass, with natural gas & electricity, running water heated, air conditioning, microwave oven, sewer connection, trash & recycling curb side pick-up service, multiple vehicles including SUV' truck, car, minivan, motorcycle, motor scooter, boats, jet skis, snowmobiles, 4-wheelers, utility vehicles, riding lawnmowers, think suburbia sprawling such that people require a car to commute to work & the grocery store or Costco or Walmart or Safeway or Fred Meyer or whatever retailer happens to be nearby, often not within walking distance.

Single Use Throwaway Ethics 

A society of single use nuclear reactors that use the fuel rods once then put the hot rods in a cooling pool for 3 years even though the rods still contain 95% of the nuclear fuel energy. The 1 time use throw away plastic package people. Single use packages, food containers, often not recycled even when they are made of recyclable or compostable materials, thrown in the trash. I could post disparaging photos of the trash & recycling facilities near my apartment where people moving in or out trash bomb the floor & block access to the dumpsters, blue for recycling & grey for trash. Selfish inconsiderate people abound in America, the most selfish country in the world. Individual special snowflake focused peoples who care more about what they look like than having a high-quality character of virtues. Fake, phony people who are superficial & vain. Hated around the world for being the most wasteful people in the world, who promote wrong as right & right as wrong in media. Misinformation & disinformation from the government inspiring broad distrust from the public to the point of causing flat earth theory to abound. 

Stressed Out Americans 

Overworked, and insourced & outsourced out of their economy as wages have stagnated & the costs of life's basics like housing, rent, food & fuel have increased 10X while wages have only increased 3X over the same period. 24/7 NEWS exposure, light pollution from screens, bulbs, lamps, traffic & street lights. Sound pollution from barking dogs, young children upstairs in multifamily homes running around banging things, or from traffic near roadways. Air pollution from fossil fuel power plants, chemical processing plants, oil refineries, or other industrial pollution like tailpipe emissions of gasoline & diesel fueled cars, trucks, SUV' and more near congested traffic corridors or busy roads. Lack of walkable cities, dependent on cars to get around. Not one, but many sources of stress. 

Social Decay in America

Thus, the Middle Class of America has been virtually hollowed out as social division increases anxiety, stress, hatred, social decay, divorce rates, suicide rates & other symptoms of societal decay or the degrading the social fabric of society. I am talking about obsessive selfishness, obscene greed, even evil corporate excessive profit obsession promoted as normal to the point of causing corruption between large businesses & government. 

Mow Down & Build Homes 

Real estate developments created by bulldozers where the developer names the resulting neighborhood after the natural features of the landscape that were destroyed by the development, like Forest Creek or similar Spring Lake, natural features damaged by runoff of lawn & garden chemicals the home owners buy at the local hardware store & then apply in their yards not according to the manufacturer's instructions since the time crunched person using them rarely reads the instructions to stop weeds from growing in the front yard with a popular eco-toxic herbicide like Roundup applied incorrectly.

Toxic Expensive Boomer Landscaping

My ignorant boomer parents who are now both dead, would buy Casoron 4G by the 50lb bag from a local agricultural supplier to spread around the beauty bark in the yard so weeds would not grow. I was the one tasked with using the plastic wheeled rotor slit vain spreader to distribute the toxic herbicide granules and powder mix evenly. I remember feeling sick or ill after applying it. I would never personally buy or use anything like that given the aquatic toxicity of such substances, especially given the prevalence of streams, tributaries, creeks, rivers, lakes & wetlands nearby.

The big green front lawn people who spend $400 billion per year mowing & maintaining lawns that feed no one, not even animals, while the food industry feeds cattle grain, when cows naturally eat wild grass lands grass, herbs & weeds. Moving cargo on a ship, shipments in a truck, parking on the driveway & driving on the parkway, its ignorance on many levels. 6 national laws to standardize metric while SAE or imperial units like inches, feet & miles are the norm for measurements in most industries in America, especially at home, though most personal garages have tools of both metric & SAE since many cars and lawn & garden tools have bolts of both formats, SAE & Metric respectively. 

Values Skip Generators

They were not interested in gardening or farming; my mother was such a brown thumb she was unable to keep a house plant without flooding it by overwatering it constantly. My mother's mom or grandmother was good at gardening & taught me about it as a small boy. Its seems that gardening skills & interests skipped the plastic industrial boomer generation who also pioneered insourcing & outsourcing that has progressively degraded the US economy.

Boomers Sold Out America for Lavish Retirements

Shame on the boomer generation, they were able to buy houses and real property for less than I paid for my car. Most of them should be very wealthy now, having had the ability to multiply their wealth with investments easily. My generation born after 1980 were shafted by the boomer generation. Now homes are 20x more expensive. Jobs that pay enough to afford such homes are even more rare. Currency inflation, sound pollution, air pollution, light pollution, traffic congestion, stress, fraud, scams, crime, war & worse on the rise. Ironic given that technology continues to improve rapidly with Intel launching Tunnel Falls quantum bit processors now.

Smartphones & Social Division

Yea, we are able to hold the internet in our hands now, but that did not make life better did it? It causing e-waste rates to increase and e-waste one of the most toxic & complex of any waste stream to intelligently recycle ethically. Like nuclear spent fuel rods, e-waste requires very complex intensive means to separate the complicated mixture of elements back into purified forms of the base minerals that go into the chipset, magnets, speakers, screens & mainboards. Text neck & thumb joint problems in children as young as 6 years old now. Smartphones are not all roses and sunshine with screens made of glass that cracks & breaks easily and fade prone lithium polymer batteries damaged by all night 100% charging, high heat & discharging to low states of charge. 

Capturing Heavy Toxic & Valuable Metals from E-Waste

Polymer bead heavy metal recovery technology with bead regeneration technology one of the best ways to capture gold, cadmium, rare earths, silver, copper, platinum, aluminum, nickel, boron, palladium, rhodium & other valuable elements from e-waste that's broken up into powder & then dissolved into solvent baths with vapor recovery emissions reductions & solvent vapor recovery conservation technology. Aqueous phases of which go into polymer bead capture filtering that traps the heavy & valuable metals as ions. The bead regenerator helps to concentrate those valuable elements for further refinement into valuable products for use as feedstocks in other manufacturing processes. 

Decarbonizing with Vastly More New Nuclear Reactors & Fuel Breeding

We have many emerging technologies to address climate change like electric vehicles charged by new fuel breeding NaK breeder power reactors, or new renewable fission reactors with onsite fuel rod recycling known as fuel reprocessing because of the complex chemical isotope recovery processes highly automated required to take old fuel rods apart & remove all the post fission products and separate them into element streams to make new fuel pellets, then rods, spring loaded & laser welded closed, assembled into fuel bundles for the core reaction with enough neutron flux to breed fuels in the outer U238 blanket around the core.

Fuel breeding nuclear power reactors can make enough neutron flux to breed new fuels to fuel vastly more new nuclear fission reactors to make electricity for 10 billion people for 4000 years or more. 

Deep Green Movement

You might notice that many of my blog postings cover electric vehicle issues, emissions issues, societal decay issues & other energy topics that affect public & environmental health. Thats because there is a growing global deep green movement happening as climate change worsens and public awareness increases. Even young children now understand that carbon emissions are bad for air quality and making climate change worse with acid rain & forcing tipping points out of balance that are making storms more powerful, flooding worse & longer lasting, droughts worse & longer lasting, that are damaging agriculture & air & water quality, making pollution levels increase, making the biosphere of Earth more toxic to people & animals & damaging nature & ecosystems with thoughtless inconsiderate concrete jungle wasteful development.

Entrenched Corruption Hindering Progress

Corruption between the largest businesses and the worlds governments keeping the big problems around due to technological lock-in or blocking of better emerging solutions to broadly decarbonize energy since the carbon energy industry can make $100 trillion more profits by blocking emerging technologies. Many officials in governments are bribed into office with campaign contributions from the largest companies who demand special favors in exchange for paying to get them elected.

This kind of bribery an example of Crony Capitalism and one of the major failure modes of capitalist markets that communism tries to stop from forming, even though similar corruption happens in communist governments because of flaws in human nature, our propensity to hook up our friends & family even if it hurts other people indirectly, especially when convoluted rhetoric used to justify such unethical & immoral choices. 

Serving Man, Money, the Kingdom of Hell or God

You cannot serve two masters. Most people are unwittingly serving the kingdom of hell. They worship the desires of the flesh, the apatite of the body, idolizing immoral sexual or carnal pleasure & hedonistic self-worship, fame, wealth, celebrity, money, or power to exert their personal will in government.

I know because for 38 years I worshiped information & knowledge to try and understand as much as humanly possible about as many topics as possible by reading online on Wikipedia obsessively daily for years on end. I worshiped technology, science, development, concrete, steel, titanium, solar PV, nuclear reactors, radioactive & rare earth elements, chemistry, physics, math & STEM topics, information about the economy or state of human development, about how to create shared wealth & prosperity, later about toxicology, pollution, emissions & climate change.

Learning to Love Life on Earth 

I was a late bloomer in terms eco-friendly ethics & embrace of renewables & energy conservation. I worshiped or glorified civilization & industrialization & even promoted globalization & free trade worldwide to share the wealth & how to make water systems, sanitation, industrial agriculture, to subdue the world & use it for human benefit because I misunderstood what the bible was saying about God giving mankind the world for our benefit. We are called to be good stewards of the Earth & ecosystems, to take care of the plants and animals so they will still be around for our grandchildren's grandchildren. 

Ecology Ideology Upgrade

I included the last two sections about my personal ideological conversion to Eco-Friendly loving life & other people because it was my new Faith in God through Christ Jesus & by the power of the Holy Spirit that helped me to love myself the way God loves me as the only good Father, and overflowing that love towards other people, animals, nature & ecosystems, to bee's and flies and ants, spiders & beetles, to weeds & wild flowers.

I slowly learned about the ecosystem in my gut, eyes, skin, hair, nose, an ecosystem of microbes inside & outside the human body that are harmed by pollutants in such a way that causes diseases by causing hormone imbalances, in the case of many persistent pollutants like some pesticides, herbicides, fungicides & insecticides. Other toxic industrial emissions toxic to lung, brain, kidney, liver, skin, eyes, nose & throat cells. 

These blog postings spring forth from my mind into my fingertips and into the computer via the keyboard because I want to share what I have learned to help win over more people to love God, to love themselves, to love other people, animals & nature. So they choose to make eco-friendly choices when spending money, when shopping, when cleaning, when taking care of their homes yard, at home & at work, making eco-friendly intelligent balanced fair & taking reasonable steps to improve everything for everyone's benefit by reducing pollutants & waste progressively optimizing everything in all domains of life in the biosphere of Earth. 

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