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US Military Involvement in Iraq and Iran

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Joking aside, the Pentagon causes more debt spending than any other part of the US Government. This means that people in power in the congress & senate & presidential office are saddling future generations of Americans with more debt that will have to be resolves as the people in power now fill their pockets with blood money. 

Thats satanic evil, since the Christian Bible instructs believers in God through Christ Jesus to not even have anything to hint at regarding greed or immoral, impure, unclean, or evil carnal lust behavior & to not even hint at what such confused peoples do in private. In other words, if you are a real Christian, your not supposed to even say anything negative, vulgar, distasteful, insulting, of ill repute, gross, disgusting, perverted, dishonest, unethical, or immoral. 

You are called to be a loving grace filled doer of what the Holy Word instructs in Ephesians the entire chapter for example. I am talking about treating other people with dignity & respect, acting with humility, gentleness, emulating God himself in your thinking, actions, choices, behavior, speeds, writing, utterances, singing, content watching, & music listening.

You're supposed to live above reproach in such a way that no one could even hint at making an accusation against you, not only obeying the law of the land, but moreover always observing thankfulness & appreciation to God for your salvation through Christ Jesus by never doing anything displeasing to God, that you can know through exercising your conscious focus to read the Holy Word & practice what it says to do as a Christian who claims to follow Christ Jesus who during his life always pointed other people to God, telling them to live a clean sanctified & consecrated life of innocent purity & cleanliness & honesty never doing anything similar to habitual sin & actively repenting to God when you do slip up and sin, therein separating yourself from the sin. 

We do not wrestle with physical enemies in the world alone, we also wrestle with unseeable spiritual forces of wickedness & darkness that only seek to kill, steal & destroy people because God loves people & Satan hates God, so Satan hates people. 

You were as a person beautifully and wonderfully made in God's own image, amazingly. God loves you and all people as his beloved children, but he allows Satan to confuse people who sin against God because God cannot bless sin or inequity. Not really that God allows Satan to mess with people, but God lifts his blessing from people who dishonor God by serving the kingdom of Hell by habitually sinning & doing what they know to be wrong in their heart. No one is born evil, we are born into a sinful nature, carnal lust and a desire to do things that are displeasing to God. 

This is why reading the Bible about proper Christian Conduct helps people to practice practical ways to become better versions of their former selves. In this way faith in God renews people by the power of the Holy Word executed as thinking in their minds after the read & understand what God is telling them to do in the Bible, such that the world reveals Gods will for people, and through Christ Jesus we can learn what is pleasing to Lord, our father God, the one true God who reigns supreme in all realms now & forever Amen. 

When you praise and worship God & practice living above reproach as a clean person inside & out with clean honorable speech, actions & behaviors as examples to other people of the best way to live, as an exceptional person imitating God. People are not their mistakes. People often sin because they are under demonic oppression or rather they come into agreement with demonic whispering that sounds like their own inner thoughts to them. By coming into agreement with these demonic ideas, a person become a conduit for demonic entity to live out their desires through the person who is being mentally hijacked by the demon. What the world calls mental illness is actually spiritual oppression by demonic forces.

Narrow is the way into salvation as few shall enter the gate without great difficulty. It is a hard calling to emulate God as a person. People are tempted to sin nearly constantly by life in many ways, so it very easy to slip up and say something wrong out of anger or frustration, bitterness or confusion. To combat negative thoughts, you have to actively choose to focus on appreciation, gratefulness and thankfulness, specifically to God for your life, for the universe, for nature, for animals, for your food, for the water, for the air, for the land, for the good times, for the people you love, for your friends, family & coworkers or members of your community. 

Showing other people love as though they are more deserving of it than you. I am talking about selflessly treating others with benevolence & kindness, actively committing deliberate acts of kindness helping other people and making the world a better place than when you entered it. 

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