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God Loves You / Satan Loves Air Pollution that Sickens & Kills People

A letter from Aaron to the World about Faith in God in the holy name of Christ Jesus

Brothers & sisters, I write deeply concerned about air pollution that sickens people because greedy people controlling technological lock-in with political bribery & corruption that are causing carbon combustion to accelerate climate change.

Given that Satan is the prince of the air of the Earth, this means that air pollution is evil, since air pollutants sicken people with preventable disease like lung cancer & COPD, but they also cause acid rain that damages aquatic bodies of water coral & fisheries while the NOX makes nitric acid that rusts & corrodes infrastructure & vehicles faster. 

If you love yourself, your children, other people, nature, animals & ecosystems, then we need to stop burning carbon & decarbonize all human activities worldwide immediately. 

Scientists studying climate have been waving red flags for a long time & even the worlds oil companies now publicly admit that an urgent need exists to decarbonize energy. 

I was praising God in the name of Christ Jesus when this came to me by the power of the Holy Spirit

Satan causes air pollution to steal, kill & destroy people with diseases caused by air pollutant exposure 

~ When people breath air pollution it is toxic to their brain, kidneys, liver, pancreases, eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, digestive system, the carcinogens, heavy and radioactive metals in coal power emissions are the most toxic of all air pollutants emitted by human activities. 

I pray in the holy name of Christ Jesus that God will appeal to those required, to appeal to their hearts & souls by the power of the Holy Spirit. I pray to intercede on behalf of those who are living under demonic confusion, that the illuminating light of God shines on their insides motivating them to make radical positive changes to radically decarbonize energy immediate & end air pollution emissions quickly to clean up the biosphere to make life better for everyone. 

Thank you, Father God
Thank you, Christ Jesus
Thank you, Holy Spirit,

/varloop (pray this in a loop over & over again) 

See Christ Jesus was an innocent man who was put to death so that God can see you & I as blameless, even though all human people are flawed sinners who make errors and mistakes are are not clean in God's eyes without the washing of the blood of Christ Jesus our Lord & Savior who was raised to heaven and sits with God now. We worship God in the holy name of Christ Jesus, giving thanks and praise for our salvation, the redemption of our soul for eternity after we die in this life, during our afterlife which seems endless or without end as far as anyone knows. 

Science does not describe or explain what caused the big bang that started the universe. Scientists do not claim to have experiments to prove what happens to a persons mind / soul after the person's body dies. Science concerns itself with the real-world physical phenomena happening right now using the Scientific Method to design experiments to test isolated variables of interests in the search for expanding knowledge or to verify or validate the work of other scientists by repeating those experiments and sharing the results. 

Over time, if many experiments show the same results that becomes new knowledge, then sometimes some people convert that into a technology to apply to sell as a product or service, like the AMBRI liquid metal battery spun out of MIT for grid energy storage applications to make Solar PV and Wind Power work better by smoothing the output so these renewables can make 24/7 firm power that sells well to utility companies who sell electricity to customers. 

Information Stream Access to Knowledge About Everything

God has all the answers to all questions and solutions to every problem.

If you really lean in to praising & worshiping him, he starts unlocking your life
He will give you exactly what you actually need, sometimes at exactly the right time
He knows everything about you, loves you & wants what's best for you, but requires you to love him
If you love God with all your heart and praise him with prayer, thanking God for your life, he will start improving your life.

That kind of thankfulness, gratefulness and appreciation also great for your mental and emotional and physical healthy via the mind body connection according to medicine & physiology science of the world, the human world, planet earth, the planet that all human people live in. We are all brothers & sisters & all people are children in the eyes of God.

This is why there is no them, there is only US, one Human People on One Planet Earth with one father God and one savior Christ Jesus and One Holy Spirit, who together from higher realms of existence what to elevate your moral character, your integrity, your values, your outlook, your knowledge, your understanding, your skills, your motivation, your salience, your vigor, your endurance, your strength, your drive, your passion, your ability to thrive more so you can help other people, so you can make life better for your brothers and sisters because life is not just about you. 

Forgiveness of yourself inwardly & others outwardly, priceless abundant love, magnificent grace, compassion to understand others, empathy to feel their struggles & pain, concern for their wellbeing, concession to be there for someone else, being kind & humble and doing what you know in your heart is the right thing to do even when no one else watching because you have personal accountability and integrity as a person.

That includes not being selfishly greedy in any way or doing anything that would be displeasing to God in heaven as you can clearly understand by reading the chapter of Ephesians in the New Testament of the Christian Bible over and over again until the truth of the word sinks into your educated idiot box brain so you can abandon living as a sinner who habitually sins according to the carnal will of your flesh, so that you can be liberated and unlimited in order to become the brightest, smartest, strongest, highest quality version of yourself, consecrated, sanctified, cleansed, renewed and remade in God's image, becoming an imitator of God in all possible ways always persuading greater excellence in all ways that you can image. I hope that I said that clearly enough. 

Now Listen to this song 

(Joey Fehrenbach - Hindsight (Fear of falling 2016) 

& think about how God created everything in all realms across all time and is endlessly powerful & beyond comparison in all ways.

You are either worshiping or denying the most sublime entity in all existence, God is without equal. God will eventually destroy Satan.

Join God now by believing in God & praying to God in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus 

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