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Without Serious Battery Improvement EV's Have Expensive Rare Earth Lithium-Ion Packs that Fade with Time & Cycling

You might wonder why I called lithium-ion batteries rare earth, explained in the current state of total global lithium mining maxed out to capacity, when much of these batteries are made for portable COTS or consumer off the shelf electronics like tablets, smartphones, smart watches, laptops, portable battery banks, portable jumper packs, power tools, battery electric lawn & garden tools, & many other kinds of flashlights, power banks, battery generators, literally billions of things containing common lithium-ion batteries, even battery powered blenders & battery powered chainsaws, almost anything featuring a lithium-ion battery like E-bikes or Electric Kick Scooters widely popular as "Last Mile" devices in big cities. But as almost everyone knows who has owned a smartphone for a few years, lithium-ion batteries fade with time & cycling. In an EV battery fade progressively reduces range per charge, reducing the functionality of BEV as it ages, even if its sits without being used very much. Just sitting without use a lithium-ion battery loses capacity, they are also incredibly complicated to manufacture. 

I am not going to get into the physics of how much energy gasoline & diesel & jet fuel provide vehicles with engines or turbine engines, like every car, truck, bus, & airplane in the world, where BEV represent perhaps a percent or so maximum market diffusion or penetration or adoption as in BEV's purchased as daily use vehicles by normal people worldwide. Not everyone can make good use of a BEV, let me tell you after trying 3 different Nissan LEAF models, each with more battery capacity & performance. 

Not only can we not make 8 billion cars for everyone alive, we certainly do not have enough lithium to make billions of EV battery packs of 100kWh or more, or a similar number of very high capacity whole home battery banks with hundreds of kWh of storage capacity, or God forbit, huge GWH scale renewable energy storage systems for intermittent wind & solar power development so they can output firm power 24/7, instead of only when the wind blows or sun shines, which not only varies through the day but also by season throughout the year, and climate change means those inputs, wind & solar, will change with time. I am saying that lithium the metal is the problem with making billions of BEV's, there is not enough lithium mining capacity or proven reserves of lithium in the crust of the earth in feasibly to mine locations or resources if you call nature by such names as a mining company producing lithium.

Sodium & Aluminum Ion batteries can be made by the trillion because sodium & aluminum are thousands of times more abundant in terms of easy to mine & produce at huge industrial scales needed to make trillions upon trillions of battery cells for billions of battery electric vehicles powered by Sodium-Ion battery packs or Aluminum Ion battery Packs, or Magnesium Ion battery packs, or Silicon Batteries, or batteries made of earth abundant elements like those of AMBRI for grid power storage at the GW scale.

To replace gasoline & diesel with battery electric, we would need to be manufacturing TWH terawatt hour worth of battery cells, trillions upon trillions of kilowatt hours of battery production. Vastly more than all batteries of every kind mass produced today worldwide in every country using input materials for every mining operation worldwide. So how are we going to make enough batteries to power billions of BEV's? Fossil fuels including sadly coal, natural gas, bunker oil, crude oil, diesel, gasoline, jet fuel, propane, butane, tar sands, all said, contribute PWH or Thousands of Trillions of Kilowatt Hours of input prime firm energy, & 98% of transportation worldwide powered by fossil fuels as of 2025. Replacing all those fossil fueled vehicles with battery electric models will take many decades. We can make synthetic fuel from many feedstock inputs for hundreds of years, from coal & natural gas, so gasoline & diesel, synthetic versions called synfuels will be around for at least 300 more years. 

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