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Many Christians Go to Hell For One Reason, they fail to Forgive someone who hurt or wronged them, hold this in their heart until they die & face God for Final Judgement

 Could this be you, do you pray, go to church, love God & Christ Jesus? Did did you think you would be ok when you face God when you die, that you have time to get things right before you die? What if you suddenly drop dead or die in an automobile accident? Did you know that every minute a Christian somewhere in the world dies & face God & he says to them, Depart From Me I Did Not Know You, and know this, there is no second chance, this is an absolute rejection unto hell, not just physical torment, mental, emotional, psychological, a crushing weight that gets heavier endless, eternity with no end and endless torment of every kind, hell was created for Satan & the fallen Angles who followed Lucifer, also known as demons, yet people who have had near death experiences, who have died & come back, who got a preview of life without God, for that is what hell consists of, its a dimension where everything good is missing, for all that is God comes from the Lord our God, so the real without any of God's presence not just cold & bleak, there is noting good there, worse than the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia, its worse than being thrown into a volcanic cauldron of liquid magma, like doing that repeatedly for eternity, think of your flesh burning, eyes & nose & mouth searing with pain that just keeps getting worse endlessly & never ending, worse than any torture we can concoct on Earth by human thought, its a wicked terrifying frightening place that no one was intended to go to. 

God never wanted any human person to go to hell and hell was not designed for people or peoples souls, it was designed for Satan & Demons. So many people think its ok to have these feelings, that they feel natural or justified, they might brush them off, think it is not a big deal, that they do everything else the way God says in the Bible, so they are ok, when its the one thing that deceives many Christians, a simple thing that many people dismiss as not important or hide away in their heart. But we know that the Brain, Heart & Gut's have neurons that remember. 

When a person dies the memories from our Brain, Heart & Gut are all examined, and if you have any un-forgiveness in your heart, it says in Matthew 3:15 "If you do not forgive others of their trespasses, neither will the Father (God) forgive your. trespasses." Forgiveness a choice, can be powerfully healing to your mind, emotions, psyche, when you forgive it does not justify the wrong doer who hurt you, forgiving them releases you from torment from un-forgiveness that creates deep seated bitterness & anger in your heart as you refuse to forgive, feeling justified because of the way that other person harmed or hurt you. But be warned. 

If God see's that you have any failure to forgive in your heart, then God will not forgive you & you like me & everyone else did not leave a perfect life of obedience, not especially if your fail to forgive someone else, then the Lord, when you die and stand before God for final judgement, will say "You have failed to forgive then name who so you know, for he judges your heart & mind, every choice, word or action in your life" and has an Angel review your Book of Life with you, & will show you if you messed it up with the one sin that God will not forgive, that is failure to forgive someone else in your heart. You have to seriously forgive all people, anyone, everyone, & not hold any failure to forgive in your heart. If you find it difficult to forgive someone who cheated you, stole your identity, took all your money, killed someone you loved, or did something else horrible to you, you have to be willing to forgive them, a choice not a feeling, a choice to obey God, because God says if you do not forgive that person who hurt you then God cannot forgive you & will say "Depart From Me, I Did Not Know You"

You must forgive anyone who has done anything to you. Any failure to forgive results in rejection by God from heaven, as it is clearly described in Matthew 3:15, furthermore it backs up the main message of being Godly in character, showing other people loving kindness & thinking of all other people as better than yourself, that includes even the most vile evil sick person you can think of, you are commanded to think of that person as better than yourself. So the way under salvation not only hard, its also narrow such that many people will not enter that gate, but this moment is a chance for you to free yourself by forgiving anyone who has hurt or wronged you in any way, even if you do not feel like it, this is a choice, a deliberate act of obedience to God, for he commands those who love him to readily easily freely forgive so that God will do the same for you when you die and face God for final judgement. 

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