Global warming, Climate Change, CO2 emissions, do these ring a bell mentally? If so, you are not alone, many of the world's leading scientists have been waving their hands or "red flags" warning that global pollution emissions from all human activities are affecting the climate & weather of the Earth, notwithstanding that the Sun varies it power output as a giant gravity confined hydrogen fusion reactor that fuses 600 million tons of hydrogen per second producing 3/4 Helium ions, & solar heat & light that reaches the Earth powers algae in bodies of water & plants, trees, forming the base of the food webs that comprise all edible foods on Earth as many animals that produce milk or meat or fish eat plants or algae, so stuff like coal, oil, natural gas made of ancient sunlight that hit plants billions or hundreds of millions of years ago, or dinosaurs, or a combination of ancient plants & animals, yeast & bacteria & viruses, were covered by volcanic eruptions and emissions of asteroid impacts, under lakes, under ancient oceans, under heat & pressure of tectonic activity of Earths geotectonic plates moving on molten lava underneath, compressed & pressurized organic matter to form coal, oil or petroleum & natural gas roughly.
Japan. Aomori, the capital of Aomori Prefecture in northern Japan, population exceeding 260,000, experiences ~26 feet snow annually November to April when Temperatures dip to a low of -11F. Located between Hakkōda Mountains & Mutsu Bay such that colliding winds generate clouds, leading to snow formation, which is nothing more than tiny rain droplets that become ice crystals in air cold enough to freeze water into its crystal solid form frozen cold or freezing or subfreezing cold air colling with rain forms snow, sleet, hail, ice storms, blizzards, or similar weather in winter snow storms.
Sake from made in the cold mountains of Japan some of the smoothest & best tasting rice wine I have ever had the pleasure of enjoying with friends while visiting Japan :)
Record subfreezing weather & snow record fall can easily damage crops important to the local economy, particularly Apple trees more than 60 years old, some of which were broken under the heavy weight of the snow in below 0 temperatures. The region famous for fresh seafood like many other locals in Japan, noting that fish protein comprises large portions of the typical Japanese persons diet & it has been this way for many thousands of years, according to what I learned at the National History Museum of Japan in Tokyo when I was visiting touring Japan in 2010, special thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Onuma for hosting me at their home near Yoyogi station :)
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