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Retail Ancient; Here is Why Many Stores in America Closing in 2025

Online E-Commerce Shopping Gaining Popularity

Competition online from Ebay, Amazon Prime, Alibaba, Bulk Supplements, Clearance Prices Items on Costco or REI or Nordstrom Rack, Pets Dot Com, & Other Online Stores like Other World Computing for Apple device upgrades :) 

For example in the new 2025 Mac Mini the proprietary SSD in the base model can be upgrade to 2 TB for $300, where paying Apple to configure it with such capacity costs $800 more, so you can save $500 doing it Your Self with tools & parts you can obtain easily online & instructions with step by step photos & descriptions + tools and parts from for example, as the device repair laws become adopted & implemented, even Apple is being forced by the EU to make iPhone battery user replaceable by 2027.

People are shopping online more & in first person less, or shifting consumer habits

Retail Costs Rising

Operating costs for stores are increasing because labor laws that require more pay per hour for employees, while rent for store locations also increasing

Specialty discounter retailers like Marshals or Home Goods offer the same stuff as big box stores at hugely discounted prices and have become more popular as incomes have stagnated vs rising life costs while the US dollar and many other currencies of fiat type have been losing value in ways that continually make everything more expensive. 

Mall traffic also decreasing as more people stuck in heavy traffic have less time since both parents have to work full time to pay for life, that makes it less time efficient to stop at more stops, so the people still patronizing retail tend to be the same who read newspapers instead of online, or the kinds that pay for cable TV instead of streaming, who also have a land line instead of a smartphone, who tend to like flip phones or basic cells phones, a shrinking parts of the population fading away just like the retail stores, malls & other "Brick & Mortar" locations. 

Personal Financial Problems

Currency inflation means loss of buying power of the US dollar and for so many households in America that makes the money not go as far for buying essential goods, you know life's basic consumables, flour, sugar, salt, steak, veggies, fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, spices, rent, cars prices, home prices, it seems everything from clothing to toilet paper & building supplies have prices on the rise or everything is becoming more expensive for everyone, reducing personal financial stability so people economize by buying even less, which slows the economy down, which reduces economic opportunities known as jobs, which reduces income, which increase consumer concerns & decrease consumer confidence, further reducing spending, as the middle class shrinks and the wealthiest people who own all the emerging industries online see their personal wealth increase radically. 

Many Americas today are just one paycheck away from financial ruin or bankruptcy. This trend getting worse as more people are forced out of the middle class with gentrification into the low class, working class or poor class, known as increasing class disparity or increasing income inequality, it was warned about by Adam Smith in the 1700's in his landmark paper The Wealth of Nations, specifically the 10 principles of the concentration of wealth and power. 

1 Reduce democracy

2 Shape ideology

3 Redesign the economy

4 Shift the burden onto the poor and middle classes

5 Attack the solidarity of the people

6 Let special interests run the regulators

7 Engineer election results

8 Use fear and the power of the state to keep the rabble in line

9 Manufacture consent

10 Marginalize the population

COVID Problems Continue

During the COVID19 pandemic, caused by Sars-CoV-2 virus designed & produced at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Hubei Provence China with CCP funding from the PLA military since 1999, more than 7 million people died from COVID infections while almost 699 million other people were badly sickened or injured by COVID, the net costs to all economies worldwide total more than $8.5 trillion in losses due to COVID19 supply chain shortages & other problems. Many retail stores were stripped of inventory of consumable like flour, toilet paper, rice, sugar, bullets, timber, construction materials, seafood, beef, eggs, milk, you know basic consumables, while more people staying at home 

Fear of World War Three or WWIII Emerging Soon

Consumer confidence in America at an all-time low because of radical changes that Trump making with many executive orders. Trump was shot at 3 different times when running for officer & winning to become the 47th president of the USA and promised to get rid of the IRS & replace the IRS with the ERS by taxing imported goods, strengthening the US dollar & economy by incentivizing companies to manufacture stuff for sale to Americans in America, or Made in the USA. He said he will use revenue from tariffs to pay off $36 trillion of US National Debt also. I voted for Trump and so did my wife to protect the US economy & to prevent other nations from continuing to take advantage of America's economy like many nations have been doing for the last 50 years. 


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