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Pirates in 2025 are also Terrorists

Merchant ships moving goods around the world should be able to safely transit without trouble from pirates. Ships have been central to the trade of goods throughout the world for hundred of years, & smaller boats have been used for fishing for thousands of years, but the Bible says no new sin exists, for pirates existed back then in antiquity & still exist today, so lets explore why. 

Pirates from Somalia 

Start with Somaliland, like many other impoverished developing countries, the government of Somalia fails to invest in infrastructure, education, healthcare, finance, or anything else like mining or manufacturing, say "Value Added" or "Export Revenue Generation" economic functioning. In business terms most modern economies transition from Making Things to Selling Services, & most services can be made up with thinking from thin air, so any developing country could easily invest in educating its people about how to crate value added services.

Greed Confusing but Common

You want millions of dollars, so does everyone who play the lottery in America, DUH! But as I have pointed out many times before, money alone does not make a happy life, at least past $400K per year in family income, after that its all mirrors & smoke of illusion of luxury items that are of no better actual quality & often made in the same factories in china as much less expensive things.

Overprices Luxury Goods Often also a Scam 

Who pays $18,000 for a pay of jeans when you can get a really nice pair, the highest quality for $250 hand made in America using American fabric sewn by Americans with American brans names, while many imported jeans of much lower but still good or ok quality can be obtained for $50 or even $30 or on the low end $20 or even $10, & my wife always shops the clearance items for anything like clothing especially, so being frugal also intelligent. 

Intelligence Means Being Practical & Frugal & Wise with Your Money

Raise your hand if you want to overpay for things? Some dumb rich people will only buy things if they cost enough, because they want to feel special as if no one else has deep pockets to buy the same things, when this is rarely true, thus largely illusionary. 

Most of the wealthiest Americans are also the cheapest in terms of spending on daily items of use, like clothing, cars, homes, the basics of life, they take all the money they save & invest in high income stocks & other profit generating passive income creation investments. A long known method for increasing personal wealthy that nearly anyone can also use to increase their income, including people in Somalia or anywhere else, online especially, if they were educated enough to know the difference, I mean to make that mental difference that translates into improved income usually easily, since I know people who are intellectually dumb who are multimillionaires.

Man is Job, Job is Man

Get off your ass & go do something, nobody owes you anything, you have to go out there into the world and make a life for yourself by getting a job with income so you have money to pay for life basics. Oh but I don't make enough, the don't have children if you cannot afford children. Do not buy an expensive home if you cannot afford an expensive home, since being house poor also sucks. 

Use the brain that you have by turning your brain on more & think about how to make your life better than do it & make it happen. Stop complaining because that is not a pathway to improvement, it's winging & bitching & complaining which no one likes to listen to. The Christian Bible says that a man who can work who chooses not to work does not deserve to eat. That means to be a man means you have to make money one way or another so you can pay for your life, your wife, your family, man up & stop complaining.

From Google AI Answer 

Piracy is a criminal act of violence or robbery by a ship or boat against another ship or coastal area. The goal of piracy is to steal cargo and other valuables.

How do pirates attack ships?

Pirates approach the target ship from the stern or quarter.
They use small arms and RPGs to intimidate the ship's crew into slowing down and allowing boarding.
They bring light ladders to climb aboard.
They try to take control of the bridge to gain operational control of the ship.
Where do pirates attack ships?

Strait of Malacca
Pirates in this area are often armed with knives, guns, or machetes. They often attack ships at night, whether they are anchored or underway.

Off the coast of Somalia
Pirates use small arms and RPGs to intimidate the ship's crew into slowing down and allowing boarding.

What has been reported about piracy in recent years?

In 2023, there were 120 incidents of maritime piracy and armed robbery against ships.

In 2024, there were 116 incidents of piracy reported to the IMB Piracy reporting Centre.


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