Expensive $18 per us gallon or $6 per liter, liquid Hydrogen or high pressure H2 gas the most expensive of the feasible fuel alternatives to petrochemical gasoline or diesel. Long utilized in pressurized tanks like propane, anhydrous ammonia can be a fuel for ICE or internal combustion engine vehicles.
DME in pressurized bottles can fuel Turbo Diesel truck engines retrofitted, NH3 ammonia gas can fuel gasoline engines retrofitted, although like methanol the flow rate has to be increased because ammonia even as a liquid has less chemical energy than gasoline. DME & Ammonia at the billion-gallon scale cheap like $1/ gallon jet fuel. This makes DME for diesel engines & Ammonia for gasoline engines attractive as cheaper alternative fuels.
Synthetic gasoline & diesel are also poised to take over the sales leadership as fuel sold at millions of gas stations for hundreds of more years into the future. Made from gasification of coal gasses, natural gas, biogas, dump gas, sour gas, landfill gas, trash gas recovery, gasification of plastics or old tires, even used motor oil can be gasified into light gases that Shell GTL FT small gas to long liquid molecules polymerization technology can turn into synthetic gasoline, diesel, engine lubricating oils or anything petrochemicals, for high value added polymers for example, which can also be made by polymerizing propane, butane, small light hydrocarbon molecules into longer chain molecules, like n-octane for gasoline.
Even crop waste, spent corn cobs, peat, moss, wood, forest debris, many kinds of dead dry plant material can be heated in sealed steel containers to make gases that can be put through Shell GTL FT processing to make synthetic transportation fuels for hundreds of years.
That means piston engines & aircraft turbine, turbojet, turboprop, generators, all the ICE engines we fuel today with petrochemical gasoline & diesel will eventually be fueled by synthetic fuels, or such engines will be modified along with their fuel system to run on propane, butane, DME, ammonia, or any other such pressurized biofuel gases, which can be made from all sorts of abundant natural feedstock or recovered synthetic materials like old plastic or old car tires.
Synthetic gasoline already sold for $9 per us gallon so it cannot sell well or compete with regular gasoline made the old guard industrial oil refinery way at prices of $4.40 per us gallon locally, or as low as $2.30 per US gallon in other parts of America today in early 2025.
Converting a car to run on Ammonia, Hydrogen, Propane or Butane costs thousands of dollars, & not a mainstream car mod outside a few selected markets, like some cities in Germany where gasoline so much more expensive than propane, that converting a car to run on propane means fueling costs are 60% lower, so the propane conversion cost has a short ROI or return on investment & after that running on propane so much cheaper as a fuel.
In South Korea many commercial diesel trucks have already been converted to run on DME & fuel with DME a solvent mass produced for chemical processing elsewhere. As a fuel DME cheaper & much cleaner burning than diesel, just as propane much cleaner burning than gasoline.
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