See the YouTube Video
Right around freezing cold outside, we leave our home on foot & walk about a mile to the Bullet Fireplace Entry to this system of hiking trails. It became colder as we climbed higher in altitude, causing snow to stick to us & the ground, building up to about an inch crunching under our feet. We went higher than the Bullet Fireplace because we made a wrong turn, but will go there next time.
Saturday Feb 1st, 5.5 miles, 1100 ft elevation gain overall, 2.2 hours, 423% of workout goal for day
We brought along almost a gallon of water to stay hydrated, some nuts for snacks & pre-made plant based protein shakes were the first thing we consumed while climbing. The return hike and walk was much faster than the climb up. It was really beautiful to see the green tree's actively being coated with snow. We got really wet as the snow on us melted, but not far from home, we just accepted being cold, going numb, it was fun & the first time we ever hiked in an active snow storm in an upper alpine environment.
That makes today, Sunday Feb 2nd a rest & recovery day, to rehydrate, chill, take it easy, recover. If the active hiking day was catabolic, as in tearing up the muscles and joints, then today is anabolic, rest & recovery. Its very important to alternate high energy days with grueling exercise with a rest day for anabolic processes to rebuild your bones, joints and muscles, while other biochemical changes increase your metabolism, improving your arteries, veins & capillaries, making your heart & brain stronger with improved blood flow, improved oxygen transport, improved bone marrow function, improved balance & coordination, improved agility, endurance, stamina, energy level, and overall boosting your net health & wellness.
Hiking is also great because it gets you into nature where green light abounds which has an anti depressant effect, while the air quality better away from traffic, & other hikers tend to be really friendly to interact with, at least around these parts, Issaquah, Washington State, USA.
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