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Smartphones Causing Brain Damage

Yes, by offloading our brains memory of directions in the real world to GPS mapping applications, to dopamine reward center brain hijacking social media app doom scrolling, to activation of the amigdala or fear center of the brain increasing anxiety and reducing our ability to focus or pay attention, causing an uptick in ADD & ADHD, all the while the dopamine content abuse increasing the prevalence of dementia. But what about the emotional, social and real world consequences. If they are harming our brains, then smartphones and internet are making everything worse, since our brains are the master control elements in human activity of all kinds worldwide. 

So social media has highjacked your mind while the internet can be an endless vortex of distraction with lolly perpetual play of music or movie streaming on YouTube or TicTok or porn websites with endless distraction. How about reading wikipedia for tens of thousands of hours trying to learn more about everything like me. 

Meg & I started noticing that families at local restaurants were not paying attention to each other, but each member of the family was staring into a finger scrolling on a rounded rectangle (iPhone or Android Smartphone) with little or no discussion between the family members. Meg & I made a policy to leave our phones alone and focus on each other and interacting and enjoying each other and the food when eating out, but mostly cook at home from scratch now to control the ingredients for our health and wellness focused shift away from refined industrial oils often used by restaurants because they are much cheaper than butter or olive oil for example. 

We cook a lot of high quality expensive butter, eggs pasture raised & high quality expensive bacon at home, eschewing processed junk food in bags and boxes with a focus on eating more salad greens, nuts, seeds, real whole natural food from the outside edges of the grocery store or market, nothing from a colorful bag or box usually made with artificial ingredients, synthetic chemicals and too much sugar and not enough fiber, too much omega 6 and not enough omega 3, and low quality processed starches and carbs, see diabetes #diabetes Type 2 and pre-diabetes or Type 3 & kidney failure dehydration epidemics from industrial western American disease causing ultra processed food debacle etc. 

Information Neurotransmitter Drug Abuse

When we click on things on social media, thats a reward to the brain, dopamine & norepinephrine hit, so we are "getting high on our own brain supply of drugs" 

Those neighborhood signs "Drug Free Zone" are a joke because of the prevalence of prescription drugs, but also because of how social media applications on smartphones are just as addictive as sugar or cocaine. Getting high on internet content a real thing now! Your might even be doing it learning about this by reading this hear, more or less, probably less since its all text mostly! I had type these after thinking about what I read about and learn online on wikipedia and YouTube educational videos and editorial and analytical content that appeals to my specific information centered thinking type as an autistic savant. 

Sorry my English sucks, since English is a Giant Meme see

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