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What is Life For : Learning Loving Kindness

You might get to a point where you start to wonder about the meaning of life as a natural consequence of quite reflective time thinking about your life and how you related to other people in your life or in the world in general. 

The meaning of life is to learn to love yourself as God intended, to develop a loving relationship with the Lord your creator, and out of respect for yourself and God, treat other people, animals and nature with loving kindness in every possible way you can imagine in all situation and circumstances regardless of how your feeling, doing what you know is right in your heart to make th world a better place for your children, friends, family, neighbors, community, state, city, country, or just as a human on Earth doing humanitarian humanism related good works to make the world a better place. 

You might take time to reflect on what was real food 10,000 years ago, 1000 years ago, and what is real food today compared with refined and processed food proved to cause preventable disease that plague westernized foods made of heavily industrially processed junk foods that cause ADD & ADHD in children via glucose toxicity to brain cells, noting that sugar is a drug and sugar is psychoactive and very addictive and even hard to avoid in processed food that comes in bags or boxes as added sugars. Go around the outside of the grocery store to the fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, salad greens, fish, meat, chicken, dairy, the real food not processed or minimally processed with few ingredients that are simple and fast and easy to understand if you read the ingredients. 

Chronically high blood sugar from eating too many added sugars, too many starchy foods, too many carbs, soda, fruit juice, break, rice, pasta, baked goods, donuts, candy, you know carb rich foods typical of the SAD or standard American diet responsible for the kidney failure epidemic, diabetes epidemic, heart disease epidemic, cancer epidemic and many other diseases and disorders like obesity, high blood pressure, stroke, clot, edema, embolism's and worse like dementia and Alzheimers disease in older people who have been eating the high sugar high carb low fiber bad oils diet for many years and have sustained a chronically high blood sugar level and associated elevated HbA1C or the level of oxidation of their red blood cells that tells about how high the blood sugar levels have been for the last few months. 

When excess sugar consumed with carbs, it not only becomes body fat stored, it also deposits plaque on the inside of the arteries and causes atherosclerosis or thinking and hardening of the arteries caused by plaque build up in the inner lining of the artery, caused by increased levels of LDL and triglycerides in the blood combined with chronically high blood sugar levels that caused obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease. 

Out of loving kindness shared with your spouse you might have children for all children are born of an XX female human mother and XY male human father. #Biology #Science #Fact // this is the biological paradigm for a human life, to produce children and raise the children to produce adults that have children with other adults, thus perpetuating human civilization by perpetuating human population. 

Everyone must eat to live, have something to drink to stay hydrated, something to do to avoid boredom or slithery that demoralizing and gives rise to depression and worse. Everyone must have somewhere to call home, someone to love, something to believe in or care about. For many people this is a dog or cat as a pet, for others its human children, for others its caring for other people directly or helping to restore degraded ecosystems damaged by inconsiderate industrial development by greedy selfish ignorant jerks who never consider the negative impacts of their actions or activities releasing pollutants bad for nature or other peoples health. Sometimes with added toxic food ingredients the hard is deliberate, but a search for bad actors reveals that any adult human can turn into a bad actor given the right conditions. In other words there is a dark side to all people and no one is perfect. 

That's why we are called to hold each other responsible, to have personal integrity, and have goals and ideologies that encourage personal development and the pursuit of excellence in all ways, especially encouraging one another as people since all people struggle with something and could you help from a friendly loving kind person willing to help them improve their life so that they can be encouraged to go make that positive difference for someone else, thus paying it forward endlessly through random acts of kindness motivated by love in our hear for other people platonically, seeking the best for others as a go giver and lover of life, encouraged and enable by the Holy Spirt while we love God in our hearts, to make an even bigger difference helping others, thinking of them and seeing them as better than ourselves. 

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