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Water Fasting with Electrolytes

When people try multi-day fasting without adding electrolytes to their water, they often experience headaches, muscle pain, joint paint, lethargy, and almost all of the negative symptoms can be traced to depletion of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium electrolytes that get pee'd away as the body burns through about 3-5 lbs of glycogen making metabolic fuel since you haven't been eating or consuming anything with calories. 

Adding a sugar-free or no-sugar electrolyte (read ingredients and make sure it has no sugar) to some of your water, or even putting pinches of pink salt into your mouth periodically can alleviate most of the negative side effects of fasting. 

Drink lots of water, like 5 liters + throughout the day. Your flushing your body as it converts to burning glycerol from your stored body fat to make ketogenic ketones that your brain can use as fuel instead of glucose. When you fast your brain becomes alternate metabolically fueled by body fat burning into ketone bodies that float around in your blood instead of glucose from protein or carbs or starches or sugars consumed in your regular diet when your not fasting. 

Starvation the term medicine uses to describe fasting, but this word carries a negative connotation when in reality not consume calorie containing foods or beverages for 100 or so hours perfectly safe for most healthy adults, especially those people with T2D or type 2 diabetes or obesity and related health problems from metabolic syndrome diseases and disorders like high blood pressure or hypertension. 

Day 4 & 5 Autophagy

Cell recycling and cell cleanup processed are strongly attenuated towards day 5 and beyond. This is when the body will start breaking down tumors and cancer cells for metabolic fuel. Insulin resistance reversed and insulin sensitivity greatly increases. During day 4 a hormonal cascade increases BNDF or miracle grow for your brain cells, while also increasing HGH or human growth hormone, by 500+ and 900+%, meaning the body will prevent muscle loss and improve the formation of neural networks as new connections in your brain synapses by strongly improving learning, memory, vision, coordination, balance, your body literally goes through and self optimizes in the absence of food by activating the survival genes or Sirtuins or genes related to survival. The ancient Sirtuin system helps humans to survive the absence of food intake for up to 40 days during emergencies or food shortages. Its essential to drink water when your not eating because your body will eat itself ("autophagy" especially beyond 100 hours or after 5 days when its really only save for morbidly obese adults to continue much longer. 

I am on day 2 of water fasting & reading and writing about it, feel sharp and awake early and good overall, excited for the 3 day weekend & looking forward to healing of my gut and anus, the burns on my left hand, lowering of my blood pressure and increased insulin sensitivity. I am not fasting to loose weight, since I have a normal body weight, workout regularly, and am very physically fit for my age, gender, size, etc. I am fasting for health and wellness reasons since I already succeeded at reversing Type 2 diabetes with interval fasting and radically reducing carbohydrate consumption and replacing the carbs with more fats, fiber & moderate protein intake, when I am not fasting :) 

Resume Eating after Multi-Day Fasting

Lets start day 1 after the fasting ends with some bone broth soup

Day 2 after fasting you can increase to some vegetable soup 

Day 3 a medium normal meal, back to one good balanced meal per day

Day 4, depending on activity levels, back to 2 meals and no snacks, 8:16 interval fasting

Focus on staying physically fit and well hydrated. Exercise or heavy duty work, something that causes you to workup a full body sweat and breathe so hard that it is hard to speak a few words without taking another breath. I am talking about a nice Kickboxing or HIIT exercise, for at least 10 minutes per day, and aiming for 150 minutes of moderately intense physical exercise (why we had PE in school) per week. 

Research Your Personal Body Age Gender Activity Level Macros

"Macros" a faster way of saying macronutrients, namely carbohydrates (non-essential), fats or lipids (essential) and proteins or amino-acids (essential) 

You're going to need to understand food and nutrition at very high level to optimize your macros, but you can shortcut or think of it easily by just eating unprocessed natural whole organic foods. You are thinking of how many grams of each nutrient you need to eat daily. 

Avoid refined so called vegetable oils, they are too high in omega 6 the inflammatory fat and much too low in omega 3 the anti-inflammatory fat, and refined industrial seed oils that are cheap and widely available, are also prone to oxidizing when heated and forming trans fats proven to damage the human cardiovascular system. Use butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, walnut oil, ghee, or high quality natural cold pressed minimally processed organic oils, lips and fats like lard or tallow. 

Carbohydrates, Starches and Sugars Fuel Marathon Level Activity

Athletes need carbohydrates to burn fast in their muscles when they are at full mechanical body output competing with other people, playing sports, training for the Olympics, or being very physically active at work for example doing heavy duty construction with lots of heavy living that causes full body sweating and heavy breathing. 

Carbohydrates & Starches Become Blood Glucose Elevation

That means that eating processed and ultra processed foods high in added sugars, modified starches, carbohydrates, and other strange or questionable artificial or synthetic chemical ingredients (read the ingredients list) This means these foods found in bags and boxes of typical grocery store isles are not real food. The real food at the grocery store can be found around the border, namely greens, salad, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, berries, beef, chicken, lamb, fish, dairy, the food that was food 10,000 years ago, 1000 years ago, and still real unprocessed natural foods today. I love bacon and eggs and try to eat a mostly ketogenic diet with some carb treats thrown in for happiness and joy in small amounts, namely as honey added to salad dressing, or low sugar home made custard ice-cream. 

Sugar, Starches & Carbs Cause Body Fat Storage

If your having trouble losing weight, its probably because of added sugars, starches, and carbohydrates in excess. Consider skipping dinner or breakfast to start interval fasting as that will wipe out a lot of your food intake calories if you were eating 3 meals per day and continuing to gain body weight like most people who eat western processed food diets, nearly everyone who is reading this. 

Watch this

Last night on day 3 I drank 1 oz of beer, 3 teaspoons of no sugar hot sauce, had a gram or so of pink salt and dreamed about food all night until I woke today at 5am naturally

Day 4 fasting today on the Holiday (Labor Day) and a black tea & black coffee + 2 quarts of water so far

My blood glucose dropped to 83 stable as glass

Body weight dropped from 169 pounds US to 158 pounds US now. I am 5 feet 11 inches tall if you want to calculate BMI. I am not fasting for weight loss, I am fasting for insulin sensitivity, autophagy, relief from leaky anus mucus emission, scrubbing of cell waste and purging of cancer cells and for overall health and wellness. I was previously able to reverse type 2 diabetes and lower my blood pressure with 18:6 interval fasting, but have relaxed to 16:8 where I have 8 hours to eat lunch and dinner, as I almost never eat breakfast.

Day 4 Morning Update

I just took a shower for the first time since last Wednesday and it felt nice to clean up and put clean fresh clothes on finally. My urine smells like barbecue, possibly because I helped cook dinner last night (grilled chicken over wood pellets and propane. This morning I spent about an hour cleaning the grill out of all the ash and similar from putting wood pellets in it near the propane burner. I held a drill brush attachment in my hand and scrubbed all the parts generously, then collected all the junk and put it in my solo stove and burned it off with some twig fire to get it all started, then the pellet adapter, and poured the grease collection tray filled with carbon and partially burned wood pellets and animal meat drippings and let it all burn off as an early morning mentally stimulating activity since I can't exercise without damaging my muscles. 

Ended Fast near dinner time on Day 4

Went to the Burke Gilman trail with Meg today, she was walking, I was riding the Highboy S2 Pro electric kick scooter. We went from Marymore Park to the Overlake Christian Church or OCC, then after walking around he church we turned around and headed back. It was around 6.1 miles today from 11:53am until 3:40pm. That included a few stops to talk with outgoing people with dogs, and Meg saved a bumble bee from the trail, causing two very friendly people from South Korea to stop and talk with us for a bit. The trail was incredibly busy owing unto the Holiday "Labor Day" and the weather was sunny and slight overcast and around 70 F or very temperate summer like weather. I bonked with a low blood sugar that slightly rebound to 75 when I got home, but my body weight had dropped to 151 lbs, so I decided to end my fast and resume eating, one small meal around 4:30pm, then a proper dinner at 6:45pm (steak seasoned and cooked over wood pellets to a rare state, yellow potato & squash cubes seasoned and baked in the oven, some coleslaw made with kit from Trader Joes, and some fresh raspberries. I am stuffed and feel odd or slightly off. Glad to be done with the fast. It was about 90 hours long. 

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