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Sugars | Carbohydrates | Glycemic Index | Insulin | Blood Sugar Levels

Not everyone is addicted to carbohydrates or sugars, after all you have free will to choose what you eat or drink. What about hormonal & neural endocrine science, what do these facts tell us about low fat foods with added sugars? Added sugars are not good. Added sugars are unhealthy. The body can make blood sugar using proteins broken down into amino acids, via gluconeogenesis #science #facts #data

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I am not a zealot about sugar or alcohol toxicity, as both can consumed safely in small doses or small servings, such that less than 50 grams of sugar daily for an adult seems like a reasonable level, just as a single serving of alcoholic beverage with dinner when the person going to stay home for many hours after drinking the single serving so their blood alcohol level declines well below the legal limit, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a small desert item, small serving of ice-cream, a few pieces of candy or similar.

Globalization of bad dietary habits brought a high sugar, high saturated fat, high salt, empty calorie chips and cereals, and soda, and ultra processed snack food, and engineered added sugar beverages have exploded in popularity worldwide. 

A single 12 oz soda pop can contain up to 38 grams of added sugar, usually in America as high fructose corn system made from genetically engineered inedible industrial corn. So drinking a single soda not going to harm most people, but not everyone is the same. 

Consider the nutritional requirements for a 3 year old human vs a 45 year old adult human. Just the differences in body mass and size mean radically different daily nutritional requirements.

How about fitness, exercise, or activity levels? How long do you have to ride a bicycle or walk or jog or run before your bonk with a low blood sugar level? That depends on your fitness level, age, gender, genetics and other factors, like how big is your liver and do you have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease from abusing carbohydrates, sugars and other high glycemic index foods in very large servings so often that you are also overweight and have type 2 diabetes? 

When a avid cyclist is actively riding and their leg muscle output effort burning energy then that person can afford to consumer high glycemic index carbs as gels or fluids or similar because the resulting elevation of blood glucose will be reduced by using the glucose in the muscles to power the bicycle though the leg activity actions and activation of the muscle in the legs to facilitate riding long distances over long durations of time, in marathon style long rides.

Grocery stores are a complicated maze with more than 40,000 items, the majority of which are made of ultra processed foods where the fiber has been removed and where added sugars dominate and where fats have been removed. Strange chemical ingredients are abundantly present with more than 10,000 different chemicals perfectly legal by the FDA to add to processed foods. Your known you are buying a processed food if it comes in a container with nutritional label, ingredients listing, funny health claims on colorful labels, in a brightly colored box or bag or plastic or glass container or can. Read the ingredients and if you see added sugars put that product down and get the alternative that has no added sugar. 

Making Ice-cream at Home. 

When I make ice-cream I use a mixture of whole milk, half&half, or heavy cream (organic) and add vanilla extract or vanilla beans, a small amount of sugar mixed with stevia, xylitol, such that the resulting ice cream contains 75% less sugar than commercial ice cream. This is a type of custard ice-cream that is low in sugar, with more creamy dairy fat, as an emollient mixture of fats, air, water, sugar and salt + vanilla flavor and eggs, that is very tasty, delicious, with a lovely aroma.

I mix between 4 to 8 eggs yolks with the sugar and vanilla extract and salt in a glass bowl using a stainless steel whisk. 

The milk and cream are heated in a stainless steel pot until they reach 109 F, at which point I start slowly adding the sugar egg vanilla & salt while vigorously whisking to prevent the continually heated milk cream mixture from cooking the egg yolk. 

Once the ice cream mixture cools in the pot to just above room temperature, I transfer the ice cream mix back to the glass bowl, and cover the bowl with aluminum foil, then place the coved down in the fridge to reduce its temperature to 38 F. 

In the freezer the ice cream machine bowl made of a plastic bowl with a steel liner contains a salt mixture that is frozen to below 0 F in the freezer. The ice cream bowl is removed from the freezer and installed into the motor rotation base of the ice cream machine, then the white plastic paddle that scapes and mixes is added to the bowl, then the clear plastic cover is added such that it holds the paddle in place as the bowl rotates. The ice cream mixture removed from the fridge, aluminum removed and then slowly carefully poured into or added to the rotating churning assembly and it takes about 20 minutes to form soft-serve. 

Review Ingredients of the Custard Ice-cream || 5 Cup Recipe 

2 cups of whole milk organic

1 cup of half&half or heavy cream organic

4 egg yolks

1/4 cup sugar

1 teaspoon stevia

1 table spoon of xylitol

1/2 teaspoon of salt

2 tablespoons of real vanilla extract

The stevia and xylitol replace the sugar, since a normal recipe like that calls for 4X more sugar. In order to reduce the glycemic index, improve the nutritional profile, make it more savory, but still sweet, the salt, egg yolks, vanilla extract., salt and sugars combine with the milk fats and water to make a sweet savory custard ice cream thats lower in sugar while still being very delicious or highly enjoyable to eat.  

Ultra-processed ice-cream by comparison contains many more ingredients, modified starches, artificial flavors, "natural" flavors, dye, colors, more sugars and many kinds of sugar, preservative chemicals and other not healthy to consume chemicals food additives that the FDA does not regular. 

Real food, like fruits, nuts, seeds, berries, meat, fish, milk, butter, are found around the outside parameter of a typical grocery store. The processed food items are in the center isle and shelves with colorful packing with nutritional labels in bags and boxes. 

How to Gain Weight & Acquire Type 2 Diabetes

Eat lots of sugar, simple carbs, drink soda & fruit juice, snack on candy all day, sit around watching a screen and never exercise. Eat more bread, rice, pasta and other high glycemic index carbohydrates and starches, especially more fruit, berries and baked goods that taste amazing. Don't drink any water and avoid dietary fiber. Avoid meat and dairy, eat more sugar, ain't sugar grand! Jokes aside the preceding text an extraction of the US Federal Governments Food Pyramid Advice. Surely anyone who followed the advice of the Food Pyramid Dietary Guidelines would become in short order fatter and sicker.

Sugars, Starches & Carbs in Excess are Sickening the General Public 

Sugar, Carbs & Tryglicerides or High Blood Sugars combine with elevated insulin levels to create and store body fat. The obesity epidemic can be sourced to the low fat movement where added sugars replaced healthy fats. Now a reasonable scientifically illiterate normal layperson might assume incorrectly that eating fat causes more body fat, when in reality factually speaking, its sugars and starches and carbs that become high blood sugar levels that body responds to by secreting more insulin which takes the sugar out of the blood and stores it as glycogen and body fat. In response to a sugary diet, the person liver will swell up and become 3X larger than normal by absorbing excess blood sugar, in what is known in medicine as non-alcoholic fatty liver disorder. 

Stubborn Hard to Lose Belly Fat

Have you ever heard of beer belly? That's because most typical beer has about as many carbohydrates as a typical slice of bread. Note that beer and bread are both made using yeast, fermentation, and grains ground into flour. So beer can be thought of as liquid bread with a low concentration of alcohol content. Think white visceral fat chocking out your organs, even in "thin people" who are thin on the outside by fan on the inside. This is why BMI and body weight are only estimates about some aspects of your body but tell you very little about your overall health or wellness. 

Demonizing Sugar

Most people today acknowledge or know that added sugars are dangerous, toxic and the cause of the obesity epidemic. Did you know that eating extra sugar, starches and carbs can made your body more dehydrated. To perform glycolysis and break down sugars, blood glucose, and similar, the body will use up about 4 molecules of water for every one molecule of excess blood glucose to store glucose as glycogen, which is then converted to body fat. So sugar, starch and carbs make water in your body less available to your brain and kidneys, and uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes is strongly associated with kidney failure and dehydration for logics reasons that match the science of medicine and physiology of the human body and how the body makes energy and cells from foods that we eat. 

Insulin is a blood hormone that opens locks in cells to enable the cells to take in blood glucose, where the blood glucose then converted to glycogen and body fat. Insulin removes sugar from human blood and stores those sugars in the body as body fat. Going back in human history, sugars were seasonable, rare, or hard to find or expensive, and not readily available, as all food was raw, natural, local and unprocessed, during the hunter gatherer age in antiquity. That means our body was never setup genetically to handle nutritional abuse from excess consumption of refined sugar, processed carbs, and starches. 

Eating meat & dairy provides the body with essential amino acids required for health & to prevent diseases, promoting better bone density, stronger muscles and improved mental executive function. 

Eating sugary western diseases of civilization industrial ultra processed foods a surefire way to develop high blood sugar, ADD, ADHD, dementia, Alzheimers, some Cancers, Heart Disease, Type 2 & 3 or pre-diabetes or diabetes, and hypertension that increases the risk factors for edema, embolisms, clotting and strokes that no one wants. They are called diseases of civilization because they are associated with industrially produced ultra processed food consumption. In every country around the world where the American Sad Diet adopted, the people become fatter and sicker with diseases that never occurred before the introduction and population of western industrial ultra processed food consumption. This is not a conspiracy theory, its factually accurate, that western industrial food high in sugars, low in fiber, low in healthy fats, and with low quality proteins, usually questionable seed oils made from GMO soy beans via 26 industrial chemical processing stages. Plant oils sold for cooking are inferior to olive oil and butter and lard, since cooking in butter, lard and olive or coconut oil associated with a reduction in all diseases. Vegetable oil is cheap because it's produced like gasoline at an industrial scale using the same kinds of processing that crude oil undergoes to become transportation fuels. Ironically these same seed oils can be burned as fuel in modified VGO fueling diesel engines. 

Post WWII Fertilizer & Pesticides (Herbicides, Insecticides, Fungicides) made from Petrochemicals

Making natural gas into ammonia or nitrogen for planting, industrial farms were able to triple yields per acre of cultivated corn between 1950 and 2000. In 50 years we radically increased industrial farm productivity until there was a calorie glut, not to worry, ultra processing can convert one food stuff into another or a bland flavorless powder form that can be ingredient added to all sorts of processed foods in boxes and bags that people will buy by the billion. Now we have obese children as a consequence. An epidemic of dehydration, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, all from increasing sugars, starches and carbohydrates in the diet, mostly as ultra processed foods with colorful labels. 

Nitrogen Explosives to Explosive Agriculture Output Increasing 

We needed more nitrogen compounds to make explores for munition in WWII and after the war ended big agriculture was helped by government to fog anhydrous NH3 into farm soil to radically fertilize huge yields during the 1960s-onward that is known as the Green Revolution that resulted in tripping human population worldwide. Foods were more widely available and cheaper than ever with bunk nutritional advice as the Food Pyramid to convince everyone to eat more even if that made them fat & sick. The government not looking out for you now, and was not back then, and never will be, the people in power serve the people who paid for their campaigns and running for public office has become more expensive every year. This means senators and congressmen are beholden to provide special favors to big corporations or special privately owned interests with billionaire owners who always want more money!

Double Income No Kids & Rent & Homes Still Unfordable

Mommy & Daddy are getting a divorce, we both have to work full time just to make enough to cover life's expenses and can't really afford to have children, so we didn't, but we never have time to spend with one another, and come home tired, hungry, so where is that TV dinner? DINKs were called yuppies in the past, able to live the high life without the constraints of parenting, but the wages only went up a little since then while the cost of life basics has done up a lot, so now husband and wife both have to work just to cover lines basics and thats without children. Having children now means a person has to make two hundred thousand or more per year. This means that children are luxury item for high income earners now. This means the middle class American Dream died years ago, along with the declining value of the USD or dollar as it is known around the world. This gives convenience ready to eat or simple to rapidly prepare processed foods a major advantage over raw ingredients that have to be cooked into real dishes made from scratch in what can take hours from start to finish including the dishes. 

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