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Food Addiction Manipulation In Common Ultra Processed Foods

In 1860 cocaine was first isolated by chemical extraction and alkaloid concentration increasing techniques and the same sorts of chemical trickery or witchcraft used to concentrate cocaine out of coca leave also used to concentrate sugar, fat and salt together in novel ways in ultra processed foods to make them so addictive that rat studies have show a rat will choose a sugar soda beverage over cocaine during research conducted on food addiction and contain addiction to compare how sugar and cocaine affect the human brain with MRI research showing the same brain regions lighting up with human consumption of a chocolate milkshake as the areas of the bright that light up when the person snorts cocaine. 

Historically leaves of the coca plants have been used as a chew in the mouth, as tea brewed in hot water, or a sachet pouch containing burnt ashes as a base so saliva can base extract the fun juice from the leaves when these are held against the inner cheek so that saliva mixes with the ashes and leaves to perform a slow steady warm basic extraction. Slow was the important term, since that slow influx of magic substances limited the addictive qualities while providing gentle stimulation. 

With the western scientific concentration of cocaine, the magic substance enters the blood rapidly activating the reward centers of the brain. Interestingly what the food processing industry has done to food increases the brain reward to greater than narcotic consumption levels, causing reinforcement learning that unpins food addiction, made worse by the fact that everyone has to eat something to live and the overwhelming message from advertisements showing processed foods is that eating them will make you feel good, and for a moment that might be true, but in the end it will cause heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, Alzheimers, hypertension, inflammation, pain, suffering and premature death, robbing people of mobility by making them obese and sick so the only thing that brings they joy is more cocaine style ultra processed food. 

Lets not forget the biggest most lucrative beverage industry in the world, that regularly includes added sugars, artificial flavors, synthetic colors and other questionable substances to spirits, alcohol, beer, wine, and ethanol containing intoxicating beverages like Kombucha (joke, given low 1-3% alcohol content) 

Look at the harm the Alcohol causes society and how the governments of the world do virtually nothing to reduce consumption of adult beverages. I consider beer part of the food industry because beer contains water, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and many other food like substances. Ethanol is a GABA receptor activator, such that when people drink alcohol it turns off parts of their brain and more of their brain is turned off if they increase the amount of alcohol consumed during a drinking session. When I drink a little bit of beer with my father in law and wife at dinner, I consume about 4 oz in a tiny glass since I have negative reaction to any more than that but enjoy the flavor, taste, aroma, smell, mouth feel, and relief from the essential tremor that ethanol provides in small doses. Look at the Economic Cost, Injuries, Family Adversities, Environmental Damage and Community Harm caused by different substance of abuse, including alcohol the one that scored highest when compared to all the other narcotics and psychoactive recreational and drugs of abuse. 

Many world government did ban the use, production, distribution, supply, and trade of common psychoactive drugs a criminal offense, but the war on drugs never achieve its aims and failed to address crime, drug abuse, addiction, use of drugs by juveniles, stopping the flow of drugs into America, and has actually increased these problems of society. Regulation offers a superior pathway to curbing drug abuse by providing taxes, regulation, labeling, and improves access to therapy, drug counselors, psychologists, psychiatrist, mental health services and helping people to overcome addiction. Food addiction is a real problem and much pervasive because it affects people of all ages. 

Portugal decriminalized drugs and achieved a reduction in the adverse effects of drug abuse by providing drug uses with factually accurate information about drugs and the negative effects they have, such that most users freely choose to minimize and phase out the use of dangerous drugs from their lives, going straight edge with replacement therapy switching to tea or coffee or fitness or a health activity or hobby that lights their brain up! Find something you like to do, in my case, ride a bicycle, and do it, go for more bicycle rides and enjoy them more :) Say enjoyment, happiness and fun :) 

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