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What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Eating for 100 Hours (Water Fasting) by Dr Sten Ekberg

Watch this starting at this point and look at the benefits, by clicking the following link to YouTube

Fasting Awesome For Adults, especially people with Type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, brain fog, vascular problems with the retina in the eyes or similar issues caused by high blood sugar levels or chronic high blood sugar levels. 

Reduces insulin resistance which helps to regain control over blood sugar levels, which combined with a healthy diet made of the 10 best foods (see the bottom part of this posting) promote healing, reduction in inflammation, better brain function, improved learning, improved strength, improved overall health, better sex, better sleep.

Fasting causes the body to release anti-inflammatory cytokines which reduce swelling, redness, joint pain, autoimmune problems and causes the body to eat cancer cells and tumors and loose skin, and can clear up skin acne too. 

Improves your heart health by reducing high blood pressure and by reducing triglycerides, & reducing bad LDL cholesterol levels, and promotes cleaning of your capillaries, veins and arteries of plaque and improve lung and overall cardiovascular function, enabling you to breathe more easily. 

Boost brain function & prevent neurodegenerative disorders, by boosting BDNF brain cell fertilizer levels that improves synaptic neuron-network formation that enables faster learning with better retention and easer grasping of harder concepts with enhanced faster understanding and better memory depth formation and memory recall speed.  

Promotes weight loss by boosting metabolic rate as your body switches to a ketone burning triple fuel mode instead of only burning glucose like it does from overeating the western disease promoting diet of not enough fiber, not enough healthy fats, too much added sugar and processed junk like artificial and synthetic chemical additives. 

Promotes clearing of cancer cells and toxins during Autophagy (to eat self) or an up regulation of cell recycling processes, and this helps with nearly all kinds of cancers, but also reverse metabolic syndrome diseases, and promotes enhanced overall health and wellness. 

Increases growth hormone secretion, vital for growth, metabolism, weight loss, & muscle strength, so when you finally start to eat a healthier disease reversing diet like I outline based on Dr. Sten Ekbergs advice, you can become faster, smarter, stronger, healthier, younger, more vibrant and live more life in your years and gain more years alive. 

Boost the effectiveness of chemotherapy agents, helping the body to clear cancer naturally also, its been shown that 3 to 5 day fasting helps nearly all cancer patients. 

Easy & cheap since anyone can skip breakfast & drink more water and go hungry easily, the feeling of hunger goes away after a little while and you will really enjoy lunch more anyways. 

Fasting a good practice of saying no to your impulses and urges, showing yourself that you have control over your body, feelings, emotions and impulses, which can cause further positive lifestyle changes by enabling you to go for a walk for 10 min every day if you have been sedentary and not walking at all for a long time. For other people skipping dinner will be easier, then go to bed earlier, since it will be easier to sleep without having to digest dinner so close to bedtime anyway. 

The Best Foods to Eat When Your Not Fasting (organic, high quality, best quality) 

1 Non-starchy veggies like leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts 
2. Berries in small servings, strawberry, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries
3. Meat like beef, pork, chicken, lamb, wild, salmon, sardines, mackerel, oily fish high in omega 3
4. Pasture raised egg Not pasteurized (heated * damages nutrients) 
5. Fats & oils like butter, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, MCT, lard, tallow
6. Nuts like macadamia, pecan, walnut, almonds
7. Seeds like chi, flax, hemp, pumpkin 
8. Avocado or waxy fatty fruit low in fructose
9. Tubers-sweet potatoes, potatoes, rutabaga, turnips, carrots, celery 
10. Herbs & spices like garlic, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, cardamon, cilantro, parsley, dill, rosemary, black pepper, onions, hot pepper flakes, 

Avoid GMO, Added Sugars, Vegetable Oils, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils, Trans fats, Junk & Fast Food 

Eating stupid and lazy trains your brain and pallet to like sugary processed and ultra processed junk foods like Oreo Cookies and Coca-cola. Eating stupid makes people stupid, fat, lazy, trains them in bad food practices, trains the flavor preference and taste preference to prefer engineered ultra processed diseases causing foods, bad for cellular mitochondrial function and can cause cancer, heart disease, joint damage, inflammation, stokes, clotting, embolisms, edema, sleep apnea, brain fog, demential, alzhemiers, trouble or difficult focusing, difficulty recalling memories, sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, ADD & ADHD and worse. 

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