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Ventricle Fibrillation or VFIB or V-FIB & Overpriced Portable Defibrillators

This means the left ventricle or bottom left pumping chamber of the heart not pumping blood to the brain & other parts of the body. CPR or Emergency Portable Defibrillator or EP Defibrillator that cost $1000 to $2000 and require a $200 per year battery & electrode replacement service, since the primary battery energizes the daily self testing function. 

The Portable Defibrillators send 1600v at 70ma or around 100+ joules of current pulse into the VFIB affected persons chest to electrically stabilize their heart rhythm. Higher energy more expensive versions are featured on hospital crash carts that perform a tunable similar function that a cardiologist has expertise at matching to the affected patients specific cardio problem, which might be different than just VFIB or AFIB or heart attack, since there are many other failure or error modes which cardiovascular disease can trigger in the human heart. 

Like hearing aids, I think there is price gouging going on in the Portable Defibrillator market, like ink jet printer cartridge scams, price racketeering or price fixing or huge margins seem to be the mainstay with these mass produced medical devices. 

For many decades hearing aids prescribed and tuned by an audiologist could cost an elderly person with hearing impairment many thousands of dollars, even tens of thousands for the best available technology.

I recently wrote about tiny overpriced military imaging drones called Black Hornet Nano, that cost nearly two hundred thousand dollars with the included spare drone & control charger package. Sure the development cost of such was 20$ million, but they are made by the tens of thousands and have been sold since 2013, so it seems like the price could be a lot lower. 

The FIM-92 stinger missile system originally with the command module was less than $20K per unit, now in 2024 they are selling for over four hundred thousand for each system, which comes with the control module, argon cooling battery canisters, in a large foam padded rugged plastic fold case. $420,000 for each FIM-92 makes supporting the Ukrainian war against Russia vastly more costly. 

I don't like pricing scams anymore than counterfeit goods, scams or fake products sold as the real deal. Scams, fraud, crime, corruption and similar evil that people do to other people makes me upset, angry, frustrated, annoyed, skeptical, distrusting, and even somewhat maniacal in thought, such that I naturally distrust other people & view them at first as wolves in sheep's clothing looking to take advantage of me at any moment with seedy personal lack of integrity, greed, idolatry, money worship or similar in their inner thinking motivating them to take advantage of unsuspecting innocent older people who grew up and lived in a time before such pervasive personal extreme individualism caused people to turn a blind eye to the suffering of other people, animals and nature, engaged in pollution or the investment into polluting industries.

I am guilty of many of these moral and ethical failures, idolizing engines, electricity, motors, appliance, power tools, vehicles of all kinds, information technology, the internet, YouTube videos, the web, online access, microwaves, fridges, vacuums, pressure washers, generators, power systems, gateways, routers, modems, telecom, HAM radio and radio systems, TV's, laptops, gaming digital and digital COTS or consumer off the shelf technologies of all kinds. I have an industrial engineering industrialist military elite mentality as a physically fit, mentally intelligent, coordinated, gifted, judgement prick mentality and struggle to show other people loving kindness the way that God demanded of me though obedience to him as to Christ Jesus and enabled by the Holy Spirit. I am guilty of idolatry of fasting, fashion, clothing, fancy fabrics, nice home, nice cars, perfect street surfaces, fixing and repairing or upgrading everything possible, making life better for everyone, helping other people to make the world a better place, sharing powerful ideas and doing whatever I can imagine to be edifying or helpful to other people I encounter, including be polite, respectful, reasonable, fair, patient, treating other people as better than myself, I am really struggling to execute with volition or free will these superior ways of operating as a person. 

Who wants to overpay anyways? On top of all that I just said, I am also a cheapskate or frugal and very deal conscious and price compare online to find the best deal on stuff that I want. There in lies the problem, why do I want a 2 stoke motor yard tool? Perhaps because I love the sound of those small engines at high RPM, even though it's so loud it can cause hearing damage. Perhaps it's because I want to wield cordless power over the tree crap dropped in our yard without resorting to raking all the time or manual sweeping the yard. Perhaps its to mow the lawn, like Lawn People the book. I feel tormented by a desire to buy a 2 stroke chain-saw, even though I have no direct immediate application for one. I centered my research on 58-62 cc units with 20 inch bars & an upgraded tungsten carbide blade chain. I forced myself into a DNB or Do Not Buy mode and only purchased wiper silicone replacement cartridges for $6 and a 25 foot 12-3 lighted end extension cord for $22 today on Saturday May 4th on early in the morning, even though I want to go to Home Depot and get a 2 stoke yard tool to vacuum up tree garbage from the yard for $300 with tax out the door. Hold Pending More Research another idea, since I feel unsettled about such a purchase. 

Does everyone want something? People even worship coffee or tea or food or drink or taste aroma flavor experiences and hedonism of content of all kinds and more. I feel like a hedonistic sinner and flawed hypocrite consumer deep down, then compare my spending to that of the US Pentagon to make myself feel less guilty for needlessly or pseudo-need consuming of tools and devices that I sparingly make use of, with so many items in our personal inventory that I can't even keep track of everything and many things are lost in translation since we have moved 4 times within 5 years and much of our stuff in a giant storage unit. I also absorbed many more things from people who died recently in our family who left me with many things. I feel like I am drowning in stuff that I am not even sure what to do with and already donated more than 30 car's full to charity to minimize. 

Meg has been actively taking boxes and other items out of the 12X30" $600/mo storage unit & bring it to our barely affordable rental basement unit so she can sort through and determine what is worth keeping or not, with the long term goal of getting rid of the storage unit. 

I agree, almost entirely, and would bring more of my items home, but am hesitant to do so because we are inventorying items that belong to someone else who will be taking them away soon, but also because I am very skeptical about causing a personal injury since my job requires a lot of upper body repetitive motion but drawing to a summer break by the end of June 2024, before it starts up again in late August, effectively yielding 50 days off, though I do not get paid for the time off, so I have to be extra super cheap or careful to not spend money over the summer. Ironically it's during summer that I like to go motorcycle riding, bicycle riding, scooter riding, hiking or doing outdoor fun that I find miserable doing in cold rain. 

Where we live in Western Washington USA it's too cool for my liking, so outdoor fun limited to less than 100 days per year. That means my Yamaha MT-03 sits around too much disused and that pisses my off almost more than anything else. In the same vain we have 3 cars and two drivers, so the Audi in the garage sits around a lot, only being driving on most Sunday to church 40+ miles away one way drive, because thats the only church we were able to find where its not about money and the pastor has a real job outside of church, owns his own business doing commercial flooring coatings, but also a church where the central focus is review of the Biblical Word and how we can translate that into our waking real world realities as people today. 

I know that God tells me to love myself, but I hate myself, so I am disobeying in this respect. I hate myself because I feel internally contradictory, with ideas that conflict, fractured, emotionally disturbed, frustrated by high housing costs, insourcing, outsourcing, unfair trade, the CCP, currency inflation, the cost of food rising, the cost of gasoline rising, income inequality, merger and acquisition formation of global monopolies, and many there societal issues with crime, scams, fraud, and worse, like pollution that sickens people and animals in nature with preventable disease, mostly cancers of many kind. 

No community means I don't feel connected to any friends. Meg assures me that people I know of care about, but I have no one to meet up with or hang out with. I don't have any real friends other than Meg herself and she is my wife & favorite person. 

I struggle with not feeling that life is arbitrary or pointless or without intrinsic meaning other than that which people ascribe to it arbitrarily to feel comfortable even though nearly everyone knows that human societies today are cold inhospitable mean spirited dangerous cities with evil people and no government that actually cares about the general public. 

There are no perfect people, not perfect governments, no perfect businesses, nothing that people do or make include people, is perfect. Everyone without exclusion is a flaw hypocrite sinner who fall short of the Glory of God, who should be ashamed of themselves, and humble themselves before the Lord, asking God to forgive them for their sins and inequality and failures mentally, morally and physically. 

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