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Highjacking Your Senses : Flavor Smell Aroma Taste Color Entertainment

$3.5 billion in sensory research to determine empirical evidence data science about what people find palatable that they will crave enough to keep buying more of it, even if it makes them fat and sick with preventable disease of Western Ultra-Processed Food Like Substance Consumption.

The American big Food industry using the playbook of the 1950's Tobacco companies to market to children with colorful package with nice sound nutritional information printed on the front with characters or animal depictions and graphics that grab the child's attention towards the sugary cereal for example. The apple slice with peanut butter have hard competition from bags and boxes with colorful graphics. In 1994 a landmark law passed to ban big tobacco from marketing to children, thus the Marlboro Man and Joe Camel were gone from colorful ads. I am just old enough to reminder these tobacco industry characters, or graphics used in Cigarette ads.

Back in the Black & White TV days before 1960, commercial TV ads showed doctors smoking cigarettes, suggesting that leading doctors smoke this brand instead of that other brand. It was known as early as 1858 that cigarettes are toxic to human health. 

Did you know that a cigarette is only about 30 tobacco? The rest of the cigarette is made of reclaim and fluff where all the fun special chemicals are added so that nicotine enters the blood stream faster and exists the body faster, making the cigarette even more addictive with ammonia chemistry and other trade secrete chemical additives, like the flavor pellets in the filter and worse, made entirely of synthetic chemicals designed to make them more addictive.

Now Yogurt products with lots of added sugar have the same kind of sensory highjacking engineered into the product. Junk foods like bags of chips, candy, ice cream, novelties, but also bread with 26 ingredients, rice full of arsenic that you have to rinse 5X to clean while most people don't even know about this and don't read the package. 

People are too trusting thinking that bread, rice and pasta are metabolically safe to consume with virtually no ideas the over consumption of these simple high glycemic index carbs become body fat and cause weight gain and obesity, type 2 diabetes after an earlier brush with the symptoms of type 3 diabetes which is high blood pressure or hypertension, ringing in the ears, pain in the joints, inflammation. Let me be perfectly clear, obesity increases inflammation in the body, not the other way around. Inflammation does not cause obesity, obesity causes inflammation.

The science is perfect clear since a long ranging debate about this abounded for so long, the official science says obesity caused increased inflammation in then body. That's a lot of pain and suffering from eating western diets of disease caused by eating ultra processed junk foods like Oreo Cookies or drinking Soda Pop like Coca-Cola which is known to cause gum disease and eat the enamel off of teeth. They add phosphoric acid to soda to "preserve the flavor" and while that might work it also is so acidic it will dissolve teeth away.

There are children as young as 6 that have rotted away all their teeth from constant consumption of highly acidic sugar soda pop from different brands, though I pick on Coca-cola because they are the largest player and most guilty of trying to make soda sound healthy and blame consumer for buying soda instead of bottles of RO water out of the same vending machine or at the same grocery store. "No one has to pick soda pop" and while that is true, people are being bombarded by engineered food products to highjack their brain, causing them to buy junk food, and so many people today do not know how to cook from raw ingredients, so their diet consists entirely of pre-prepared engineered foods with strange ingredients.

Fiber missing, since fiber reduces shelf life and makes it hard to freeze foods, fiber is removed from processed foods on purpose. As a result many Americans and other people eating western diet are deficient in fiber consumption and have digestive problems as a result of not getting enough fiber in their diet. 

People are not drinking enough water to stay well hydrated enough to protect their kidneys or brain. Combine cold and flu viruses, stress from work or parenting, an onslaught of negative world news, and social division, we see an increase in stress, anxiety, fear, depression and suicides, and a loneliness epidemic of shut-ins that never leave their homes, often staying in one room for months at a time. Given that you can order groceries online and have food delivered, some people spent years without ever leaving their house.

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