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Obesity | America | India | China I Explain How Sugars & Carbs & Ultra Proceed Foods in Bags & Boxes or Fast Foods are Making People Fat & Sick

I am not setting out to shame, insult or make anyone who is overweight feel bad. The intention behind this posting is to share what I learned from watching this video

There are more than 160 million obese people in the USA

India has an obesity explosion too

Many people in China have adopted western America diet habits becoming obese, even some Chinese children are morbidly obese now. Combining processed refined sugar, trans and saturated fats, artificial flavor and color, synthetic shelf stabilizer chemicals that no normal person can pronounce, I am talking about the widespread adoption and increasing popularity of ultra-processed and refined foods made American Style that more younger people in India are eating daily becoming fatter and sicker like Americans as the abandon traditional foods and traditional diets that their parents and grandparents ate. Combined with a sedentary lifestyle of no exercise or activity or movement other than playing video games on a smartphone, laptop or computer, or watching internet videos, the same problems that plague America with a healthcare epidemic are also now harming and hurting and sickening people in India making their fatter and sicker by the day and the same can said of China,

Watch this video

During the 1960's a terrible famine killed almost 20 million people in China. Today obesity affecting the new generation as health eating habits are largely the domain of older Chinese people. The youth in China are often raised by their grandparents since both of the parents have to work to afford the increasing costs of life basics as the country has been propelled rapidly out of poverty into 1st world status as a wealthy country that now outsources a lot of the actual work to cheaper labor markets in other parts of Asia, the same way that European & American companies previously outsourced work to China when labor in China was cheaper in the past. This economic trap of gentrification after industrial development often translates as rural to urban migration of people seeing income generating work, abandoning the harder manual labor simple low cost life of living on the farm like they grandparents do. 

Now 20% of Chinese boys and 10% of Chinese girls are overweight, often double their idle body weight. For example a Chinese child that would have historically weighed 47 kilograms now weighs over 100 kilograms from eating fast food, fried foods, and foods designed and made western America style with virtually no dietary fiber, lots of added sugars, simple carbohydrates mixed with saturated fats and lots of salt, and almost no water or enzymes; I am talking about ultra-processed junk and fast foods with artificial dye, artificial color, weird hard to pronounce unregulated synthetic chemical additives and similar SAD or standard American Diet like food like substances that resemble real food but have little in common with home cooked meals of the past. Combining the unhealthy western diet patterns with increasingly sedentary lifestyles of sitting around playing video games on smartphones or laptops or desktops, or watching TV or internet videos or similar, the Average younger Chinese person today moves much less than their grandparents did at the same age. Sitting diseases that plague many retired people with death within 3 years of retiring, aka eating chips from Costco sitting around watching TV all day and barely moving and never exercising or doing any physically demanding activity of any kind, which causes heart disease, stoke, clotting, edema, embolism, demential, Alzheimers, (liver, kidney, pancreas)-cancers, ADD, ADHD, sleep disorders, sleep apnea, hypoxia, brain damage & worse. 

Carbohydrates like bread, rice, pasta, beer, soda, candy, baked goods, ice cream, novelties, fruit juice, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, brown rice syrup, glucose, dextrose, berries, sugar really hits the blood stream quickly like smoked crack cocaine when a human drinks a sugary beverage, since sugars dissolved in the liquid of the beverage of easily able to quickly diffused through the thin permeable membranes of the human digestive system, spiking blood glucose levels which promotes the formation of inflammation, heart disease, cancer cell proliferation, ADD, ADHD, dementia and Alzheimer diseases and the biggest problem of all a series of metabolic syndrome disorders epitomized by Pre-diabetes converting to Type 2 diabetes as the patient continues eating ultra processed foods low in fiber and with lots of added sugar. 

The low fat movement caused food processing companies to add even more sugars in order to make the low fat food palatable. Sugar becomes body fat after the body releases insulin the signaling hormone which tells cells to take in sugar from the blood and create glycogen and body fat. Sugar becomes body fat and sugar in excess is why so many Americans are obese. Carbohydrates are made of polymerized sugars, so when we eat carbohydrates they break down into sugar that raises blood sugar levels. 

Everyones body is different

Our metabolic rate and nutritional requirements change as we age

Gender and hormone levels affect how we absorb food energy from what we eat

Gut flora and our digestive biome strongly influence the immune system and how food is broken down and absorbed, with issues like leaky gut or gastric colitis or digestive problems because people do not chew their food enough to help break it down and mix it with saliva enough before swallowing. 

Many Americans are also chronically stressed out, and chronically dehydrated, causing kidney failure and brain damage. Anxiety, fear, depression, nightmares, difficulty breathing, sleep apnea, hypoxia, attention deficit disorder, dementia, Alzheimers, memory problems, difficulty recalling memories, learning deficits, sleep issues with staying asleep or waking up sweaty with clothing or sheets soaked in sweat, pre-diabetes, then Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer cells proliferating at an accelerated rate in the human body with chronically elevated blood sugar levels from eating too many carbohydrates and added sugars in their food, eating too many times per day, not interval fasting, not going for a walk, not drinking enough water, not making healthy lifestyle choices because they are confused from the lifelong onslaught of confusing food ad's bunk government food pyramid advice, and family lessons in the wrong ways to eat, or a culture of bad eating habits especially about a proper serving size, and eating slowly enough to let satiety kick in over a 30 min to 1 hour meal session. 

Take your hands & cup them together to make a bowl shape facing upward towards the ceiling or sky

Now imagine that if you were to fill your cupped hands forming a bowl shape with food to fill that bowl

That is likely about the right size serving depending on the density of the food and type of food

Measuring the amount of food you eat and calculating the calories one way you can gain insight into how much you are eating daily. Have a food notebook with a pen, and write down every time you eat, by measuring with measuring cups and measuring spoons or a scale in grams, and read online "how many calories does a medium size green apple contain?" or similar to find the data in carbs, fats, protein, fiber, calories, salt, sugar, and read the ingredients. 

If the food is in a bag or box and contains an ingredient that you cannot pronounce or have no idea what it is, then that is an ultra-processed food-stuff designed to highjack your senses of taste and smell and vision, to trick you into thinking its real food when it has very little in common with real food other than nutritional statistics printed on the package and ingredients that were once plant or animal products which were later processed into a dry flavorless bland powder with a 20 year shelf life in nitrogen purged vacuum sealed industrial 600lb bags of protein powder, fat powder, starch powder, that are later mixed with fake colors, fake flavors and strange chemicals to make ultra processed industrial food-like substance that sell well in color boxes and bags with funny health claims printed on the package and often anthropomorphic characters to appeal to young children who see the packing graphics or the inner child in all of us who are swayed easily to buy unhealthy ultra processed food with nutritional confusion since we were never educated about the simple science of real foods. 

When we eat or drink added sugars, that raises blood glucose (a kind of sugar) levels, and when the body senses an elevated blood glucose the pancreas releases insulin the "cells absorb sugar" hormone that plugs into receptors on cell membranes to enable the cells to soak up glucose sugar from the blood, lowering the blood glucose level as those imported cell sugars are converted to glycogen & then body fat thats hard to loses and very easy to gain. 

Ghrelin & Leptin are hungry and satiety hormones such that when we are starting to feel full our gastric system releases Leptin to causes us to stop eating. When Ghrelin released into the body it stimulates hunger and causes us to seek out food, and if we have been eating a lot of carbs, this can cause us to become so hungry we are angry or "Hangry" while going without food on a ketogenic or ultra low carb diet does not produce angry hunger feelings, and it becomes easier to skip breakfast or dinner and radically reduce daily calorie intake, which combined with regular walks and fitness exercises will steadily reduce weight loss so you can get down to your ideal body weight and feel healthy and well again like you did as a teenager or young adult, before you became fat and sick from eating like an American. 

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