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Electronic Music EDM & Dubstep

An example of one of my more eccentric tastes, is the 2014 Song "So Butterfly" by Bassnectar; see this YouTube video for an example

If your automobile has a decent stereo system or you have good headphones with base or earbuds with base, this example cuts deep with tasty electronic patterns that hit the spot on repeat for me, especially while I drive my 2022 Corolla Hybrid with hyper efficient techniques to maximize fuel economy & lower emissions to the tune of 70 MPG or 70+ miles per US gallon of 87 octane ethanol free unleaded gasoline. 

Smartphone & laptop and built-in computer speakers cannot render this one correctly, as you need deep base for it to shine in all its electronic dubstep glory in your earns or body as vibrations. 

Hedonism or pleasure worship an aspect of the 1st world life that I struggle with, hating myself for being an industrialist promoting development for the sake of creating more wealth and prosperity to enable more middle class lives such that more people are lifted out of the squalor of poverty, refugee camps, genocide, rape, war, incest, human trafficking, child abuse, animal abuse or neglect, pollution from needless consumption, or similar to that of turning a blind eye to the suffering of other people, animals and nature to embrace the enjoyment of things that many people will never have the privilege or fortunate to enjoy. 

I was born into relative wealth as a regular Joe lower middle class American in a gentrified area thats so expensive to live that rent and home prices are now completely unaffordable to nearly anyone who is not upper middle class or wealthy, given that homes that originally sold for just under or just over 100,000 dollars are now selling for 1.2-2.5 million dollars. Gasoline sold for $0.99 when I graduated high school, now it's $5/ gal. A US pound or 454 grams of organic butter was $1.24 when I graduated high school and is now $4.49. Filet Mignon steak was $6.49/lb when I was in high school, now it's $34.99/lb. 

In these examples and many others, the cost of food, fuel & housing has risen much faster than wages, while the currency or USD or dollar has also lost a lot of its buying power, combined making everything more expensive or costly in terms of purchasing parity, or the relative cost to regular families or the general public, not to elite income earners, billionaires and the other hyper privileged lucky winners of society, like the royalty of past times who enjoy effortless access to luxuries other regularly people will never know about or experience. So you might wonder how I can listen to this kind of music and enjoy it.

The Background Music of Modern Marvels the TV program I used to watch with my adoptive late father Ken or the background music played at the shoe store DSW or discount shoe warehouse, electronic music thats easy to listen and a celebration of the liberated technology that makes so many lives in OECD countries like those of Western Europe or America, so wealthy with goods, internet, electricity, clean water, clean air, effortless streaming access to content of all kinds, making it so easy to live that many people reproduce with terrible gene's that produce unfit children who learn to eat processed garbage from their low functioning low IQ parents with bad DNA, and thus the Gene pool of mankind being polluted with garbage DNA that creates avoidable mental retardation or at least a preventable reduction in average IQ in a way that increases traffic accidents as people who are unfit to operate a car on public roads are awarded drivers licenses, who are too stupid to safely operate a motor vehicle, such that my 3 year old sister Erika was killed by a low skill driver with limed experience. It took until 1988 to outlaw Drunk Driving in all States of the USA or nationally in America. 

How stupid is that since New York outlawed drunk driving in 1910. How many things are known to the State of California to cause cancer or birth defects in warning labels that say as much, so why do the other states not recognize these toxic or carcinogenic substance or products as hazardous since factually speaking in science terms, they are poisonous, toxic or hazard, like many fraudulent radioactive items sold on Ebay and with purported health benefits that actually harm the DNA of people who buy and use these items in close proximity to their body, since ionizing radiation more damaging the closer the source is to your bodies DNA or cells. This is why radioactive waste hazardous and most radioactive consumer products were banned in the USA a long time ago. 

Most of these toxic products are made in China, and the CCP probably deliberately exports toxic products to harm people abroad, since the CCP and evil sick immoral unethical horrible evil government guilty of and with history document of making COVID19 virus, and many fake knockoff or counterfeit products, adding lead oxide instead of titanium dioxide to make white pigment in wire insulated and cases and other products that people touch and interact with physical, such that it exposes the user to lead. We banned lead from gasoline because it was proven that leaded gasoline emissions were lowering the IQ of people since lead exposure causes brain damage. Sure lead is an excellent anti-knock agent in fuels for gasoline engines, and acts as a lovely metal lubricant, which is why 100LL still used in some piston powered helicopters as 2024, even though the last country to ban leaded gasoline sold to the general public was Algeria in 2011. 

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