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Sugar -> Insulin Resistance -> Obesity -> Type 2 Diabetes -> Hypertension -> Heart Disease -> Vascular Disease -> Embolism -> Clotting -> Stoke -> Cancer

Let's get this perfectly straight, a steak, bacon, eggs, eat a bunch and they are high in calories, but they will not make you fat or sick.

Drinking liquid sugar a soda made from high fructose corn syrup as soda pop turns into body fat, then insulin resistance, then pre diabetes, then type 2 diabetes, then heard disease, then liver or kidney or pancreas cancers + ADD & ADHD, Dementia, Alzheimer disease, sleep disorders, memory problems, anxiety, stress, depression & suicide!

Sugar is a mind altering substance

Metabolic poison (added sugars) that harm cell mitochondria causing cancer, diabetes, heart disease and worse! Making people obese where the obesity becomes diseases plaguing industrial western disease forming diet dysfunction countries via processed, ultra processed & fast foods & a distinctive lack of home cooked meals made of health fats, with enough fiber from whole nature fruits & veggies with less sugar & no weird ingredients and minimal processing // 

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Sugar sickening people in the form of added sugars added to products that sell in bags and boxes with colorful labels and nutritional information about the Calories, Grams of Fat, Grams of Protein, Grams of Added Sugar, Grams of Fiber, Vitamins : if it has a nutritional label and more than 5 ingredients, thats not food, that ultra processed food typical of diseases of civilization or western SAD or standard American disease forming dietary dysfunction and nutritional confusion + supplement overload lies and hype & tobacco industry style marketing the most unhealthy cereals with lots of added sugars, artificial colors, arterial flavors, artificial sweetens, shelf stabilizers and other strange chemical additives with hard to pronounce chemical names that one one cooks with at home and never has; that one stocks in the pantry or fridge or cabinets at home. 

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil are trans fats and similar to eating plastics or polymers as the human body has no idea how to metabolize these chemically modified seed oils, such that they caused endocrine damage, act as mutagens, carcinogens, causing arterial plaque and cardiovascular disease. 

Real food is cooked in lard, butter, olive or coconut or walnut or almond or peanut oil, not refined chemically processed vegetable seed oils. 

VSO and HVO are poisonous metabolically and cause mitochondria dysfunction just like chronically elevated blood glucose levels. 

Sugary beverages are the worst because they jerk up blood glucose levels rapidly producing a toxic sugar high dopamine nucleus acuumbens reward center hit similar to smoking crack cocaine in terms of limbic lizard brain reward center highjacking, and sugary added sugar beverages (read the labels) are metabolically toxic to nearly all people, just like the difference between eating healthy whole fruits like apples vs drinking metabolically toxic sugars added processed refined denatured apple juice which has almost nothing in common with eating a whole natural organic apple, and is more like drinking soda pop, since most commercial juices have as much added sugar as many soda pops which are also metabolically toxic and cancer is usually the result of mitochondrial dysfunction. 

In a healthy person the cell's mitochondria allow oxygen from our breathing to take electrons from the TCE or citric acid cycle to facilitate the reduction of ADP to ATP, as +H hydrogen ions migrate across cell membranes to engage in hydrolysis making water that we people and CO2 that we breathe out. Our cell energy center organelle the Mitochondria literally take free electrons created by oxidative phosphorylation to make ATP cell fuel from deplete cell fuel called ADP. 

When a person has chronically elevated blood glucose levels their cell mitochondria are overwhelmed by glucose uptake created as insulin opens the cell to imports sugar from the blood into the cell, and the Mitochondria switch to low metabolism fermentation in what is also known in medicine as mitochondrial dysfunction which is what caused most cancers, not DNA errors like most oncologists think. The food industry funds most medical colleges and perverts what doctors are taught to make cancer doctors think cancers are caused by carcinogens and DNA mutations. It is true that toxins, some viruses, some heave metal poisoning, some chemical pollutants, some pesticides, some synthetic chemical waste, some microplastic types, some fumes and vapors, there are many carcinogens that interrupt enzymes by blocking their function or blocking the electron transport chain needed to buffer O2 electrons to the mitochondria and H+ ions out of the cell membranes. Carcinogen exposure promotes unregulated cell proliferation because of metabolic dysfunction created by mitochondrial dysfunction created by chronically elevated blood glucose levels, created by eating too many simple carbs and added sugars, especially drinking sugary beverages.  

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