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Predigested Industrial Food

Slurries, dried flakes, mono-and diglycerides and or the diglycerides of fatty acids are a kind of commonly used emulsifier used in industrial food processing to combine unhealthy industrial vegetable oil with water based ingredients so all the ultra processed powders, flakes, dust & predigested ingredient parts can stick together in a commercial potato chip or similar sugar added salad dressing or breakfast cereal with strange health claims printed on the box.

You can't make ultra processed foods on a small scale at home. You lack the processing equipment & you don't have the strange ingredients and special flavors and artificial and synthetic chemicals to make an OREO cookie or other ultra palatable food at home even if you tried. 

Traditional Heirloom Classic From Antiquity

Real Food was a food 1000 years ago like a carrot or an apple or beef or chicken or root veggies or salad greens or nuts or seeds. Real food is raw, minimally processed, or something you can cook at home with common ingredients. 

Real Potato Chips Simple 

If you want to make potato chips at home, you thin slice a potato into very thin slices then deep fry them in peanut oil or butter or lard, then shake the oil off in a metal mesh basket, or use paper or cloth towel to pat them to remove some of the oil, then into a bowl for some salt and or spice or seasoning added to boost the flavor. Just a few ingredients (potato, oil, salt/ seasoning)(+ heat energy) you can also make real potato chips in an air-fryer since those are trending and popular.

Industrial Western Food Companies

Using the Tobacco industry science playbook from the 1950's to cover the bags and boxes with colorful graphics and funny suspicious health claims about this or that ultra processed breakfast cereal being good for heart health or immunity, just like the Tobacco companies claimed that more doctors smoke Camel cigarettes than any other brand before 1994 with colorful anthropomorphized mascots designed to peak the interest of children like Joe Camel. 

Nutritional Confusion

Western Ultra Processed Foods are proven to cause diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and other health problems when consumed as a regular part of diet. 

Watch this video 

Simple Food Truth 

You can find real food around the outside of a grocery store, fresh, whole, natural, real food that people eat all around the world daily in most countries as real food, prepared at home, made of natural organic whole food that has been real food for nearly all of human history. Most people like a home cooked meal made of real food ingredients! 

Many people today never get to eat a home cooked meal because everyone at home has to work to make enough money to support the increasing costs of life basics as the fiat currencies like the USD keep loosing buying power or value as a fungible token exchangeable for products and services, via quantum easing or the elastic increasing supply of currencies (Thanks Federal Reserve in America) 

Consider the following image of healthy foods to eat from another YouTuber Dr. Sten Ekberg 

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