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iOS 18 RCS Messaging A Game Changer

Notice that iMessages between iPhones works perfectly, but if you try to text someone with an android phone via SMS sometimes it will not go through, images will not work, videos will not work, links to websites or products online will not work, something that RCS update in iOS 18 will resolve partially.

Sri is a 14 year old girl that rides one of the school busses that I drive professionally. She sits in the seat directly to my right and talks with me about technology sometimes. Her father is a META developer and she talks with him about technology at home. She has an iPhone 13 and he has a Samsung Galaxy S23 and she was telling me that its annoying and stupid that Apple iPhones cannot message Android phones with errors and glitches that never happen when one iOS user uses iMessages to send a message to another iPhone users. 

When people are operating inside the Apple ecosystem, Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad, MacBook, iMac, the messages app seamlessly integrates across all the Apple user devices. But when an Apple product user tries to send an image text, video text, web link text or other complicated text message to an Android phone user, it rarely works correctly or does not work at all. 

My last android phone was a Samsung Note 3 that resides in a plastic bin with other disused electronics. It still works & I have 3 batteries for it. I keep them all partially charged periodically. I need one working google android phone as a data ID verification device for a specific type of cryptography work that I do online sporadically. iPhone cannot use this system because iMessages not compatible with RCS messaging and uses a proprietary communications protocol optimizes for use between iPhones in the iMessages app or Face Time video conferencing or similar. }

iOS also getting Apple Intelligence and Vital apps which vastly improve the usefulness of iPhone by adding features and functions that have been available in later versions of Android for a few years. Nothing magical in the sense that the same features and functions have been around on Samsungs Flagship high end smartphones since 2018, but when Apple releases "Magic" versions they have more polish and work better and are more data secure. 

Apple Vitals App will extend the Health & Fitness apps functionality to give iPhone & Apple Watch users deeper insight into their sleep health, activity tracking, heart & breathing rates, body temperature variation and other bio-data that the users doctor can view to gain a deep look into the patients health history. Being able to conduct an EKG using Apple Watch amazing! It's this kind of polish that gives Series whatever Apple Watches superlative functionality that requires sacrificing battery energy such that the one glaring defect of Apple Watches is short battery life requiring daily charging. 

Apple data security and privacy vastly superior to that of android. iPhone iOS became very secure when former US president Obama wanted an iPhone as his primary smartphone. Apple worked extensively with the NSA to tighten up the backend of iOS or the core stack of software so as to greatly enhanced network and app security, also on the Apple Store App Store, where apps are verified with strict quality control standards. 

Understanding Android Malicious Software

Android is the virtual wildest Wild West in terms of malware, spyware, viruses and other malicious software common in many Google App Store applications developed by distant disconnected 3rd parties with malevolent intentions to steal user information and sell it for a profit or worse. In this respect many under-the-hood security tweaks to iOS 18 will further enhanced Apple device security to protect Apple users from malicious software or similar negative expensive toxic stuff that plagues android users around the world today. More bad actors write malicious software for Google Store apps because Android the mobile operating system used on everything other than iPhone. 

Billions of underprivileged poor people, economically disadvantaged people, people with meager incomes, most of earths people cannot afford a new expensive iPhone. In other countries because of taxes the latest iPhone can cost over $1500. Mid-tier android phones brand new sell for under $400 and many quality examples are around $250 or less. Incredibly even some newest 2024 low-end cheap android phones have decent gaming & imaging performance. So the Android user base so vast its a giant honey pot of user data to mine or steal, motivating bad actors to develop vastly more malicious software for Android. Android software security vastly inferior to that of iOS on many levels. Android is basically very leaky with lots of back doors and side loading apps & something that power users really enjoy, the ability to do many desktop level tasks on an Android phone since Android not a walled garden like iOS. But as with other IT security issues, enabling more software features and functions and user tuning in Android also opens android up to malicious software, similar to that which plagues Windows users much more than Linux users, for similar reasons. 

Namely that Linux has much tighter leveled user permissions and nesting security, making it very hard to execute malicious code on the latest version of common linux distributions. I personally like Ubuntu Linux, since it has great hardware driver supper for newer PC graphics cards and similar, so gaming in Linux finally works well. Obviously Windows 11 way better for PC gaming because Microsoft Direct X and Microsoft Gaming enforced by market forces and profit seeking to make gaming with help from NVIDIA's latest GPU drivers much smoother with faster frame rates on newer gaming PC's featuring the Microsoft Windows Operating System and discrete GPU graphics from NVIDIA.

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