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Curing Aging : Age Reversal : Death Escape Velocity : Curing All Diseases : Using AI & Science + Trillions in Investment $ to Create Solutions to All Problems

Ending pollution, designing the atmosphere to block harmful UV so sunlight becomes healthier to be exposed to all day. Biological comprehensive soil protecting sustainable permaculture agriculture based on the best methods and practices for long term safe clean food production.

Genetic Reprogramming Age Reversal 14 Day Pills Made From Your White Blood Cells & DNA

The best selling product in 2029-2037, effectively a $6K or six thousand dollar patient custom made treatment made using white blood cells and DNA of the patient as a custom 14 day genetic reprogramming pill treatment that reverses your biological age by 10+ years, making you feel and look younger like you did 10 years ago. We are talking about a multi trillion dollar block buster sales record breaking product in medicine and healthcare that lets nearly anyone able to pay reverse their age by 10 years, and done repeatedly can get back to 23 biologically while retaining all the learning and wisdom they have accumulated in their natural 30-80 years alive. 

Commercial Age Reversal Genetic Reprogramming Treatments will enable women to stay fertile and young their entire lives, dramatically changing the economic and social fabric of all countries. Economically more disrupting than commercial nuclear fusion decarbonization, enabling people to cheat death by escaping all disease pathologies with cures for all diseases using the patients undamaged bone marrow DNA copies that contains everything they had a baby for a clean copy, even with the ability to edit their epigenetic factors and DNA to remove errors that are know to cause disease risk, so we can clean up the gene pool and end all rare genetic diseases, radically reducing healthcare costs in all countries, thus helping the economy by allowing investment into cures and other lifespan enhancing technologies, products, and services. 

We are talking about nutrition tuned daily with AI using urine & feces analysis smart toilets, smart underwear, biological tracking like the 20th generation Apple Watch or Samsung Gear 23+ smartwatches of the near future. Think smart contact lenses, the ability to upgrade the retina of your eyes for better color and light sensitivity, to install adaptive hearing upgrades that improve noise filtering and signal analysis from your ears, in your brain computers that integrate intuitively at the wetware cell level to add the internet to your knowledge and understanding so you can instantly fact check anything on demand and download new skills and abilities like the Matrix Movie protagonist Neo. 

I am talking about smart flooring, smart roofing, smart walls, smart carpet, smart clothing, smart cars, smart tools, adding AI and digital analog compute chips and passive energy capture electrical power technology and passive PV into all engineered surfaces clean perpetual renewable electricity and energy storage batteries and capacitors at the terawatt scale by the billions of devices distributed at the individual level enabling every person on earth to live a happy, low eco impact, 12KW lifestyle like an upper middle class American did in 1990. 

I am taking about ending all poverty, all crime, making everyone alive fantastically more intelligent. I am talking about making technology so advanced it will seem like magic for decades as it diffuses and sells better than anything in history worldwide, creating untold wealth and value added prosperity paving the way to increasing R&D investments into radically innovation and more wild alien like age ending technology that will enable some people to cheat death for thousands of years. 

Can you say the sizzle that upgrades the steak, something beyond most people's imagination, just as most scientists before 1900 said that airplane flight was impossible until it was proven so in 1903 by the Wright Brothers in Kansas. 

If this sounds crazy, that's because it is exactly what's unfolding during the 4th Industrial Revolution as artificial intelligence and robotics enables Lights Off Manufacturing and hyper efficiency in many industrial mining operations, in agricultural pest management and soil generating technology.

We are going to gain mastery over Earths Climate. Remember technology is just the realizations commercially of things learned using the scientific method about how reality works objectively, factually and accurately modeling real physical phenomena so super computer AI can find novel drugs faster and cheaper that have better efficacy and no side effects as they are custom made for each patient. 

Everything involves electron exchanges between the valence electrons shells of atoms, the elements from the periodic table. As this proves true repeatedly more products and services will leverage this as the core intellectual property since it will enable radically improve materials, radically improved magnets, radically improved motors, radically cleaner engines, radically more efficient nuclear energy, deeper space access, more exploration, leveraging the human desire to understand and travel to infinite and beyond, even enabling commercial access to warping worm holes, a complete understanding of black holes, harvesting dark energy for space propulsion bending and warping spacetime to go faster than light travel to access other galaxies in months or weeks where it takes lite photons years at the speed of light. \

Religious Zealots will call this game changing innovation satanic or evil because it will remove the limits of gravity, aging, and other so called natural laws of physics and chemistry. I am talking about commercialization of quantum technology, remote viewing, dimensional gateway travel access, faster than light travel, energy abidance with unlimited clean energy available perpetually everywhere for everyone's benefit. There will be no need for money or currency, energy the only important subject, since it enables everything to happen. Our energy technology about burning carbon to make heat and power makes all countries poor today and makes an unfair world with war and income inequality and drives most crime and drugs and problems. We need a science based society that embraces an energy defined economy so that radical innovation enhances everyones life's while reducing pollution at the same time. 

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