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CO2, Carbon Emissions, Climate Change :: Smoke & Mirrors to Cover Up Air Pollution Proven as Causal Basis of Diseases Harming Public Health & Environment w/ Acid Rain

I am talking about NOx's or oxides of nitrogen that react with atmospheric water droplets that become acid rain contaminated with dilute nitric acid that acidifies bodies of water important to commercial fishing industry, but also increasing corrosion of vehicles & infrastructure that has economic toxic and environmentally toxic impacts. 

Oxides of Sulfur from combustion also form dilute sulfuric acid in rainwater contaminated by SOx's or sulfur oxide emissions from combustion of coal, gasoline, diesel, wood, fuel oil & other common widely utilized hydrocarbon fuels like butane & propane or similar. 

Particles of super fine soot that go deep into lung tissue membrane causes scar tissue in lung membranes that reduce gas exchange efficiency so a reduction in blood oxygen saturation, increasing respiratory difficulty COPD, more asthma & lung cancer & worse. I am talking about PM2.5 tiny soot particles in coal power emissions plus toxic heavy metals & radioactive fly ash emitted. Coal the dirtiest burning most toxic emissions profile of all carbon energy sources utilized industrially at thermal plants to make heat and electricity, or similar. 

Given that gasoline and diesel power 98% of passenger vehicles worldwide & lithium ion mining already maxed out, we cannot make BEV or battery electric cars for 8 billion people, as there is not enough lithium metal or cobalt or copper or aluminum or steel to make 8 billion passenger cars like the highest volume produced ever Toyota Corolla with more than 100 million units sold over 12+ generations of corolla. 

Look, I am a gun carrying EDC conservative American patriot, drive a diesel powered school bus professionally, love gasoline, love diesel, love propane, love biofuels and renewable fuels and synthetic fuels and new alternative fuels and anything innovative or new like range extended electric vehicles that reduce ground level ozone levels emitted where most people are living and breathing in big cities, can you say for the public good or to improve public health by lowering toxic emissions released by REEV's or range extended electric vehicles. 

REEV's or PHEV's are electric vehicles that combine best in class gasoline generator sets of 100kw output with many dozens of kWh of battery & capacity energy storage, so that short trips to the store in town are electric for the first 40-60 miles or around 80-100km, but the onboard emissions controlled clean burning operating at one peak thermal efficiency RPM range as a generator gasoline engine can enable longer road trips to visit family hundreds of miles away within a day or so, where flying would not make sense, but also where a pure EV battery only would take 3 days to get there with charging along the way L2 style slow an annoying. 

To match the typical gas station gasoline unleaded refueling time of 7 min for 300+ miles of range, that 500km or so, the battery charging station needs to feed an EV one megawatt or a million watts of energy to charge a 150kWh lithium ion 800vdc EV battery pack to 80% from a low state within 10 minutes. So no matter how you figure it out, EV charging way slower at 350kW Tesla Superchargers, and those are the most powerful widely available public DC fast chargers deployed worldwide today. 

Making solar panels not ecologically friendly or low impact as there are huge toxic emissions at many states to make mono-crystalline PV panels in shatter resistant glass panels wrapped in aluminum extrusion framing for mounting and securing the panels as arrays or groups to rooftops where they covert incoming solar energy to DC current flow into micro-inverters (best kind, they distribute heat, and provide array redundancy) // but none of this wiring or metal or glass is a free lunch. So called green solar PV actually industrial like a nuclear power plant or diesel truck, just with different kinds of mining and emissions often obscured in complex supply chains and intermediate materials processing stages like making the large silicon signal crystal cylindrical ingots of 15in diameter or 300mm that are 6ft or 2.5 meters tall and weight 1400 lbs or 600kg while hanging suspended extrusion pulled from an argon purged furnace on a thread only 1mm or about 1/22in in diameter exploiting silicone amazing tensile strength even if its more brittle than glass in other ways of measuring mechanical strength. 

Fiberglass wind turbine blades & the rare earth metals in the wind power turbines IPM motor generator are also not ecologically friendly as the blades are complicate like e-waste trash after 20 years of spinning making electricity when the wind was blowing fast enough but not too fast. The problems with intermittent renewables is that they cannot make firm power 24/7 that grid loads customers require in modern industrialized economies. 

Industrialization is toxic to environmental health no matter how you look at it. There are cleaner, more intelligent and overtly better lower impact safer ways of doing many things, like adding catalytic converters to automobiles to radically reduce toxic tailpipe emissions to reduce smog in cities and traffic, like on congested freeways and highways of America. 

Does breathing smoke or soot from carbon combustion sound healthy to you? 

Does acid rain from carbon emissions sound ecologically renewable or sustainable or good for the food web or ecosystems or animals or nature in bodies of water where acid rain causes algae blooms that remove O2 from the water, choking out the fish or marine wildlife of commercial and ecosystem functional significance. 

Does breathing vehicle caused ground level Ozone sound health for your lungs? 

Does breathing hydrocarbon vapor cause brain damage or kidney and liver damage like VOC' exposure or foam blowing agents subjected to a class action lawsuit now? 

Do you defend polluting the water or air, or poisoning your friends or family or animals in nature? Are you so greedy as to be blind of the emissions problems from emitting 37 trillion tons of CO2, as it has nothing to do with Carbon Dioxide but everything to do with toxic air pollutant emissions. 

Wake Up : Its for everyone's benefit to reduce pollution! 

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