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Global Debt Crisis 2024-25 Emerging

Economy of China (CCP) collapsing, salary cuts for governments employees, hundreds of thousands of businesses closing, outsourcing to cheaper Southeast Asia countries for manufacturing, currency inflation, globalization, sanctions chip fab & similar. Ghost cities built for online images for face or appearance now vacant or empty ghost towns where people go to shoot images of all the uninhabited buildings and infrastructure left to rot without being maintained since it was all fake process driven by a building boom from foreign investment, but there was no real local economy to produced shared weather so no local people can buy any of the condominiums or homes. 

Fake Fiat Currencies are increasingly worthless compared to silver and gold which keep their value for millennia in all countries through out time and are easily convertible back to the local current currency for immediate spending on credit cards online for example. 

In America, it's similar in a different way, but the US dollar been losing value continually. This makes everything increasingly expensive progressively increasing income inequality, or gentrification via specialization and globalization such that labor markets now compete internationally. It's all a big game played by people who control trillions of dollars. War is just the adult military industrial version of a street fight in a local neighborhood between two people. The national states are manipulated by the global elite to do the fighting, since everyone just a pawn controlled by powers evil and satanic.

Don't listen to me, clearly if I knew the best way I would be practicing it and not talking about it! Then again to talk about any issue we have to know about it. If no one talks about the issue then how would anyone think about them or how could a collaborative complicated solution to these issues emerge if no one is talking about them? Besides we can't watch everyone all the time, there are too many people and not enough hours in the day. 

Processed UPF food disease epidemic, with colorful bags and boxes o ultra processed hyper palatable foods designed to hook consumers into eating more "once you pop you cannot stop" kinds of engineered foods with artificial ingredients and strange synthetic chemicals with no history of consumption by people with toxic effects like pesticide residue or shelf stabilizer synthetic chemicals. Bliss point engineering with flavor, taste, aroma engineering so that that Oreo cookie tastes better than anything a normal person can made at home without going through an insane process using highly specialized expensive equipment not feasibly to own or operate on a small domestic kitchen scale. Making UPF food at home impractical because you lack the special equipment and special ingredients in your pantry or kitchen or fridge.

Eating industrial processed food causing morbidly obese children in India & China, who are increasingly less physically active spending most of their time playing games or gaming on smartphones. Sedentary lifestyle of sitting around & not moving very much, never playing sports or doing any kind of physically demanding work or leisure. Lazy, causing decreasing brain function of preventable stupidity, the science now shows that a sugar rich diet plus low activity levels kills many retired people who stop working within a few years of retiring, watching TV all day eating UPF snack foods from Costco for example.

Sugary soda or pop or candy or baked goods, lots of added sugars + refined industrial seed oils called "Vegetable Oil" even though it contains no vegetable, very little Omega 3 and way too much Omega 6 and forms trans fats proven to cause cardiovascular disease, joint pain & chronic inflammation. Eating industrial processed starches and carbohydrates the primary cause of dementia and Alzheimer, while many children suffering from ADD & ADHD have been eating UPF junk rife with added sugars, artificial flavors, engineered starches that break back down into blood sugar quickly, causing glucose-toxicity in their developing brains. 

The overuse of smartphones by children and adolescences also causes hyper activation of the brains pleasure and reward centers, while reducing blood flow to the hypothalamic pituitary axis and prefrontal cortex, therein causing a reduction in brain memory function, decreased learning, reduced task salience or focus, effectively setting the children up metabolically and neurologically to be less intelligent with an inability to hold their focus for more than 30 seconds. 

Diabetes, Cancer, Kidney Failure, Pre-diabetes, Type 2 and Type 3 Diabetes, say "Mitochondrial Degradation from Chronic High Blood Glucose Levels." That means that eating too much in large serving sizes, too often, too many times per day, causes and increase in blood pressure, blood sugar, and plague formation in arteries, giving rise to capillary damage, stroke, clots, edema, embolisms and increasing risks for many kinds of cancer of the liver with non-alcoholic fatty liver disorder or pancreatic or brain cancers, even tumors and metastasis of cancers accelerated with added sugars to diet since the high blood glucose resulting fuels the out of control development of cancer cell proliferation. Heart Disease and Many Cancers are the long term consequence of Metabolic Syndrome disorders caused by eating the ultra processed wester American SAD diet. 

Add income increasing income inequality stress, wages not keeping up with the increasing costs of rent, food, housing, fuel, energy, making the global middle class shrink, while forces of gentrification and snobbery make people who have a lot even feel like they are not enough. Add currency inflation, globalization and trade that exploits workers competing for labor around the world. Insourcing and outsourcing, online retail competition. It's not one thing, but really the long term outcome of hyper individualism that emerged in America in the 1960's. Now we have people meeting at conventions to talk about Flat Earth theory even though it's a known pseudo-science or factually untrue. Shut ins, loneliness, depression, anxiety, fear, uncertainty, doubt, confusion, ignorance, bigotry, racism, hate, evil. People are having mental illness because society changed more in the last 50 years than it did in the last 50,000 years. 

Real food around the outside of the grocery store, not in colorful bags or boxes. Real food been real food for thousands of years, part of traditional home cooked meals, largely forgotten as mom and dad both have to work full time to cover the increasing costs of life's basics. Having children has become a luxury premium affordable only to people with high income, the protected professional medical and legal industries or software or similar high income jobs. With a shrinking middle class that means more poor families that rely on SNAP or state assisted food funding. Looming WWIII between American & China & more like crime and fraud and scams on the rise. Add climate change and existential threats like CME or coronal mass ejections from the SUN. What about hurricanes and earthquakes and other natural hazards and disasters like drunk drivers who kill and hurt other people on the world's roadways? 

Humanoid Robots & Artificial General Intelligence 

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