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Understanding What Makes Pollution Toxic

Different ways that common pollutants harm the human body /

1. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, they have unstable outer orbital valence electrons that cause them to act like DNA and cell damaging catalysts in the body, where the heavy metals cause unwanted damaging chemical reactions that damage cell organelles & cause cell death, mutations or DNA damage that can cause cancer or harm your epigenetic factors. 

2. Some pollutants damage the citric acid or TCA cycle of body energy where ADP made into ATP. By blocking cell energy production, the poisonous or toxic pollutants robs the body of energy, causing lethargy that translated into disease via a lack of activity or exercise, as the pollutant exposure makes the person exposed fill sick and painful or causes inflammation. 

3. Yet other pollutants behave similar to the bodies hormones, causing imbalances of important critical hormonal levels, such that some estrogen like chemical pollutants can feminize men, enlarging male breast tissue and suppressing the production of testosterone. Hormone disruptors can cause sleep problems and can be damaging to the heart, brain and other organs, especially flesh, where some pollutants cause acne, boils, scars and skin sensitization that makes the skin more sensitive to sun damage. 

4. Hydrocarbon vapors and solvents cause kidney and brain damage when they are inhaled as intoxicants as a cheap drug of abuse, usually by children in 3rd world countries, though many people working in US foam blowing industry developed rare cancers associated with exposure to the toxic foam blowing agents that were chosen for low cost even though they were know to have toxic impacts on human health, especially since less toxic alternatives like CO2 can be used as a foam blowing agent at slightly higher cost, such that greed on behalf of the foam factor owners responsible for the sickness and suffering of the people harmed by solvent exposure via the solvent based foam blowing agents. 

5. Particulate Matter of PM the super fine dust or soot from coal power emissions and the tail pipe emissions of fossil fueled vehicles that burn gasoline or diesel as fuels. CO or carbon monoxide also released in automotive exhaust, along with oxides of nitrogen & sulfur which are irritants to the eyes, nose and throat because the dissolve to form nitric and sulfuric acid when NOX and SOX interact with water, the same reason their form acid rain that causes increased corrosion of vehicles and infrastructure while also making bodies of water with fish acidic, which reducing oxygen content in the water and kills the fish, which as a negative impact on the fishing industry. Vehicles also release tire microplastic as tire erosion products or what the treat of the tire become as the tread of the tire wears off or wears away from regular use as tires on the wheels of automobiles of all kinds. 

PM extended : When this super fine dust gets into human lungs it cause asthma, coughing, black lung, lung cancer, COPD & cardiovascular damage. Coal power emissions also contain heavy metals and radioactive metal fly ash oxide products that are ionizing radiation emitters proven to cause cancer & toxic heavy metals. This is why the urgent need to decarbonize transportation exists, its not just CO2 emissions causing global warming and climate change, the pollution emitted by billions of vehicles produce a huge toxic burden on the biosphere of Earth making everyone sicker faster, causing healthcare costs to rise in all countries. 

Overall, there are solid particles pollutants, liquid pollutants, and gaseous pollutants, so pollutants exist in all three phases. This means we eat pollutants like pesticide residue, drink water pollutants and breathe air pollutants, all of which cause different medical diseases and disorders depending on the dose and route of exposure and how long the exposure lasting. Are you sitting in stop and go traffic breathing vehicle fumes for hours every day, people intrinsically understand that such is bad for mental and physical health. 

Using Electrical Arc Plasma to Break Toxic Exhaust Products into Non Toxic Gases

Interestingly electrical plasma can catalytically reduce common pollutants in vehicle exhaust for example as an alternative technology to catalytic converts or in concert with catalytic exhaust remediation technology. 

What makes pollution evil boils down to how it befits a tiny minority of elite income earners while making everyone sick with preventable diseases and disorders caused by pollution exposure. Can you say increasing income inequality via toxic emissions industries that make money by emitting pollutants since doing the actives they are engaged in cleanly would cost more, reducing their profit margins. 

This means evil green people are guilty of the idolatry of money & wealth and place money over people & nature. That is these creepy evil billionaire not just sex traffic children, the ill-gotten money they enjoy often results from the exploitation of cheaply paid foreign workers in Bangladesh for example, or externalizing their operating coast as an externality such that polluting is cheaper than doing those things cleanly. 

It means they do the wrong thing knowing that it harms and hurts other people, just so they can make even more money, when they are already so wealthy they want for nothing. Well they can't but their way into heaven! And to be hated by all people not nice either. These bad actors know in their hearts that what they are doing is wrong. God said in the Bible that he encoded in everyone heart an intrinsic knowledge of the difference between good and evil. 

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