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Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeff Epstein, Expensive Abuse of Children
Why, you might wonder, do some people abuse children, not just rich & famous socialites. Sometimes poor & middle class people abuse, hurt, harm or kill children. Why? you might legitimately wonder, do sick people hurt & harm other people for senseless or illogical reasons? Is this an extreme type of mental illness, stark cold narcissism, mean spirited evilness, cold blind selfish self worship ? A symptom of hating God ?
Hearing Aids in America (High Cost)
Costing between $700 & $10,000 a pair, hearing aids nothing more than a battery-operated microphone & speaker with a little tiny logic board with DSP & wireless to pair with your phone, something Apple & Samsung & Bose & others offer at a fraction of this cost #BusinessInsider #HearingAids #Technology
Preventable Cell Signaling Dysfunction & Diseases
Pollutants & Toxin Exposure Pathogenesis Basis of Common Diseases & Disorders
DME can replace Diesel & Propane can replace Gasoline with Vehicle Fuel Conversions
DME & Propane cost about 1/2 as much or less than diesel & gasoline fuels respectively. Given that operating costs of a vehicle largely comprises of fuel cost / expenses - any meaningful decrease in fuel prices will reducing ongoing operating costs of vehicles, saving the owner operator lessor or person paying for the fuel, lots of money every day, week, month, year, decade etc over the life of the vehicle.
Petroleum Depletion (overconsumption of crude oil) Solutions
All the easy oil with higher net energy returns on investments gone; long ago pumped up & refined into fuels & other products consumed & depleted during globalization as the human population on Earth doubled since 1950.
Tobacco (Nicotine) Pleasure & Poison
Humans have cultivated the tobacco plant for thousands of years. One of the most profitable crops to grow & grown all around the world. A tax revenue stream that funds governments worldwide. In the pipe, smokeless, vaporizer pens, cigarettes, tobacco the biggest non food crop grown.
780 million liters of crude oil spilled / Deep Water Horizon Oil Rig Failure
Modern life would not be possible without liquid hydrocarbons fuels derived from crude oil by petrochemical refining, alkylation, catalytic cracking, isomerization, fractional column distillation & other processes utilized at oil refineries.
Common Arsenic Exposure Causes Cancer
Human exposure to even low levels of Arsenic III at lower than 10 ppb or parts per billion been linked to cancer of the bladder, kidney, liver, prostate, skin, lungs & nasal cavity. Lets examine why inorganic Arsenic III so toxic to the human body!
Most Significant Inventions of the 20th Century (1900-2000)
A few different applied technological inventions transformed life in ways that touch the lives of nearly everyone alive today; some have origins in the 19th & 18th century, like batteries. Electricity energized transistors that most changed life for most people alive today. Just like jet engines & aircraft powered by them, or antibiotics & vaccines.
Ethanol (Alcohol) Dose Dependent Toxicity
Humans have been drinking alcoholic beverages for thousands of years. Important boiling during beer brewing processes & wine fermentation processes during pre-modern history when fresh water was not sanitary, and often contaminated with bacteria, wild yeast, mold, dirt or soil or animal poop from birds & other wild animals, beer & wine were safer to drink than wild fresh water in most cities & suburban & rural areas.
Faith in God Improves Mental, Emotional & Psychological Health
Examples of specific verses, phrases & excerpts from the Holy Bible from Christianity, a religion based on teaching, sharing & engaging Love in all of its honorable, honest, genuine priceless forms that makes life precious & special & worth defending.
Learn How You Can Actively Reduce Climate Change
Engagement of individual people needed to realize carbon reductions to reduce climate change, please go to this website
Act Now | United Nations < Click Link)
Please consider downloading the app!
$3 million H2 Filling Stations (low-cost Optimization) Urgently Needed
Hydrogen fuel cell in the $70k Toyota Mirai make use of $15 per gallon gasoline equivalent high pressure brown hydrogen made by the cheapest method of stream reforming natural gas. So why are these fueling stations so expensive / sounds like a business insider video on YouTube eh? Do the costs of run-away climate change justify funding the decarbonization technologies now?
Every Transformative Positive Change Starts Small
Think, who invented AC power generation technology & induction motors & transformers widely utilized today ? Nikola Tesla & some of his lab assistants. Every major technology, like started with a simple idea that a couple of people or a few people started talking about.
When Japan Ate its Plutocrats, it created a future Economic Miracle
When Japan at its Rich people in the late 19th & early 20th century, a setup was established for the conditions that resulted in an Economic Miracle that followed as the benefits of this egalitarian socialist progress were realized & applied broadly to the economy of the Japan in the 1960's.
Cheaper Smaller MRI Medical Imaging Machines to Improve Medicine
Smaller super conducting magnets, lower power consumption, less liquid helium coolant, radically lower cost, smaller, lighter, & cheaper MRI machines. Using a smartphone with App as the user interface to further lower costs. Opensource design with plans & drawings to help many groups worldwide to manufacture a cheaper MRI machine using a reference standard perfected design.
Low-Power, Cheap, Acoustic Water Purification with Ultrasonic Waves in a Resonant Chamber (idea)
I was studying a Royal Institution lecture by Felix Flicker about Magnetic Monopoles #physics & thought of a way to use an ultrasonic transducer in a tuned plastic low-cost water vessel to perform high performance low energy consumption water purification without consumable filters or replaceable media, that can run on a small PV panel or a few LR6 or AA alkaline batteries, to improve access to sanitation & clean drinking water worldwide, for all people, to reduce water born disease burden, pain & suffering & to make life better for everyone, especially given the scope of micro-plastics & other water pollutant levels increasing & relative rarity & uneven distribution of fresh water resources worldwide.
Microelectronics in Automobiles: Chip Shortage Hampering New Car Manufacturing
Global chip shortage preventing automakers from building or finishing new cars & SUV's, giving rise to price inflation of older & used vehicles that are selling for many thousands of dollars more than the normal depreciations rate for an older or used vehicle, some used vehicles selling now for more than the price paid for them brand new. So why do automobiles have so many computers anyway? Let us explore chips in vehicles.
Ariane 5 Rocket Amazing Cryogenic LH2 LOX clean combustion too
Ariane 5 ES Heavy Lift Rocket |
Developed for the ESA or European Space Agency by Arainespace, it launches from CSG or the Centre Spatial Guyanais in French Guiana. Powerful enough to move big payloads to GTO or geostationary transfer orbit, it previously launched 82 times successfully from April 9th 2013 to December 12th 2017, making it a highly reliable vehicle to put the JWST into L2 to make NASA premier observatory become a reality - launching 7:20a EST, Dec. 24th, 2021 & broadcast live streaming on NASA's respective YouTube channel!
James Web Space Telescope : Dec 24, 2021 Launch 7:20A EST
Amazing technology with a big capital budget & long program timeframe, its the amazing James Web Space Telescope by NASA
Watch the Launch Live Online 7:20am December 24th 2021 :)
Entrenched Alcohol, Tobacco & Pharmaceutical Companies in America the Plutocracy with Soft Socialist Federal Programs for Seniors
To understand why America not a real democracy you have to look at the assault on social security, medicare & medicaid & social programs to redistribute wealth, that was Aristotle writing about back then.
Nuclear Waste to New Nuclear Fuel in 4th Gen. Breeder Reactors : Renewable Long Term Energy Generation
I argue with merit & empirical facts that fission energy reactors with fuel breeding & fuel reprocessing are an essential non-carbon renewable energy technology important now & especially in the future when the Earth's crude oil & natural gas resources are significantly more depleted than today!
Hydration Healthy (Drinking Enough Clean Water Daily)
In the United States of America, a kidney failure epidemic happening because so many Americans are not drinking enough water, drinking too many caffeinated & ethanol containing or alcoholic beverages. Dehydration one of the main causes of hangovers, as ethanol a diuretic, as is caffeine.
Understanding Capitalisms Failure with Dividend Income Stocks
Some elite people are very benevolent & generous & really are trying to help make life better for everyone in ways that governments cannot, due to corruption in political processes that are a form if deleterious decay internally in most world government to varying extents. Everyone is thankfully slightly different, ideologically, but we can teach anyone to care about other people more!
Reflections on "Requiem for an American Dream" Free Movie on YouTube Chomsky as the world's most cited living philosopher goes on a deep dive in the movie Requiem for the American Dream, explaining the financial bank focus of modern America where up to 50% of the American economy based in private capital banks or investment institutions.
If You're Reading this Your Probably a Human
Being a human a remarkable thing for a lot of reasons! Dogs are mankind's best friend for example, or a house cat if you prefer. The story of being human a complicated emergent history on planet Earth an interesting & complicated tale, the following few paragraphs help to lay these ideas out into a framework perspective & understanding!
Dreaming of Alien Interactions & Spiritual Ascension
Dreaming of Alien Interactions on the night of 12/17/2021
A vivid highly memorable science fiction fantasy!
Your are who you say you are, it does not matter what other people say about you
Anil Seth gives a very interesting look into the nature of consciousness by examining different academic works that explain that your mind & your brain are not exactly the same thing.
Your brain is a metabolic organ with structures & signaling molecules that's electro-chemical & neurotransmitters in a system of plastic adaptation thats dynamic & constantly changing both structure & function in response to what it is doing.
After watching the Anil Seth video about how we are hallucinating our reality or sense of self, our subjective sense of self & personal experience of reality as a self, I was left in a state of awe to reflect on this.
I came home after work, driving a school bus with middle school & high school students to a distant suburban area in the cold dark of night. I logged into Netflix on my gaming laptop hoping to watch Blade Runner 2049 but only the OG classic was available. I instead chose to rewatch TAO, a science fiction thriller movie that definitely got my heart pounding. I have a distant memory of watching this film long ago, but did not remember it well. For the longest time I have had a hard time remember fictional stories, knowing that they are fake & made up & discounting them as the fantasy of other people who might not be mentally sane.
Not to suggest that creative people are insane, rather than sometimes the movies contain themes & ideas that reflect psychosis or mental dysfunction, noting that in some way or others, I believe that all people are mentally unique, this slightly different, & can therein examine one another in the scope of mental illness, especially given the prevalence of anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts & other toxic negative thinking that is likely more common that most people want to recognize.
Sadly, the truth about many things in life, an unsavory topic, since some many things are not all snowflakes & butterflies & sunshine, some facts about the world are cold, cruel, dark, sick & twisted as they are evil sick people who harm, hurt & disturb other people, often for not sane reason, just because voices in their head told them too. It might be easy to discount these dysfunctional people as under the control of demonic influence or other subjective examples of boogymen or theories about dimensional aspects of higher dimensional beings that are not good. To suggest that all beings in all dimensions are good by human moral standards would preposterous. Certainly the universe as space telescopes show it, is a very dangerous, loud, radioactive, hot & very cold, or extreme place, most unsuitable for a human to exist, even with the help of protective space craft without significantly better technology that what we envision at NASA today.
The topic of TAO the movie on Netflix, extracting a persons brain function via painful emotive memories to program a new type of emotional AI, gave me great pause to think. When we take time to reflect on how we treat others, our words & actions, when we stop to think, thats where the positive inner changes in thought & brain function & structure occurs, via neural plasticity. See your mind constantly changes & adaptive throughout your life, in response to all of your experiences.
Its a miracle that we are even alive as people. Life on Earth seems rare in the universe, even if in fact it turns out that its not, when we discover other life, further out from our little solar system. See, most people think way to small, global scale considered a big worldview.
Think about God & the entire universe & other multiverses. What about other dimensional levels, higher dimensional levels. Where do the angles & demons exist. Places where time & place have no meaning, where instant travel & time travel are normal realities. This is what makes playing with the spiritual ream dangerous to a person on Earth. We are not equipped with the knowledge, tools or abilities to handle interacting with these people, just as toddlers are not equipped to invest in the stock market, go grocery shopping, driving or other skills that people have to acquire with experience in life growing up as a human person on Earth.
See, we are as humans, one people on one little blue mostly water covered planet, Earth, next to a relatively small star called the Sun. A GV2 star, the sun does not even produce the kinds of chemical elements present in the human body of which there are more than 126 elements from the periodic table of the elements in the human body. We are literally made of recycled star dust from stars much bigger than Earth's Sun. Stars much older & in vastly different parts of the universe than our humble little corner in the Milky Way galaxy, on one little spiral arm of the Milky Way. Our galactic location just one little neighborhood in billions of neighborhoods.
Folks, Human are not the only living intelligent self away conscious beings in the universe. If you deny the existence of Alien species, you are lying to yourself. Mathematically we have already proven, over & over again, that great complexity, ie life, can energy from random chaos. That entropy not the whole story in every way, there is deeper quantum reality & subatomic reality. Incredibly, we can brake the elements into atoms & atoms into sub atomic & the sub atomic into smaller parts, infinitely. Zooming out, the Earth & all the other stars & planets, its the same patterns at every scale. Perhaps the universe as we know it, itself is like the mind, hosted on a brain of sorts of a higher dimensional being.
When the Good Word of God says that God breathes star systems into existence, perhaps thats what God was saying, that star systems are life, just so great & huge that little human people on Earth can't see the forest for the tree's that comprise it, too ignorant & narrow-minded to look at the bigger reality all around us, with great cosmic irony, so distant from the facts that they delude themself into thinking they are everyone, when we all know that we are not everyone, not even on Earth among human people.
There must be other intelligent entities, but our civilization too primitive, regressive & backwards & we still trying to access space with finite chemical rockets with a mass fuel vs tank size paradox, with some people finally acknowledging that we need nuclear energy density to access space in a much bigger & more meaningful & much cheaper way.
To go to infinity & beyond, we have to master fusion energy technology & apply it to faster than light travel, Einstein Rosen wave bridge travel, warping space-time, using ZPE & any other energy technology to compress spacetime, to time travel & become an ascientient race of superhuman people who achieve biological immortality & explore the universe in a vast & massive way, like Star Trek in real life. Nothing is impossible & we can already see examples of where we need to go & how to get there with state of the art physics & chemistry, aerospace, applied technology & emergent energy technologies. We can also derive inspiration for how to develop from science fiction & other narratives, books & movies about the future, especially with respect to how to survive runaway climate change with climate control technology.
Life science giving us the way to engineer our way out of all diseases, to solve all medical disorders, rare genetic disorders, inheritable DNA errors, DNA errors caused by toxic heave metals like hexavalent chromium & ionizing radiation exposure. Information technology giving way to super human artificial intelligence. We are going to forge a brighter, cleaner, more intelligent future, where science & religions finally merge. We will worship & glorify the Lord our one God with more intensity & more vigor for finally unlocking the utopia that everyone wants with more applied science & technology to solve every problem.
We are going to have a zero crime, fully transparent future with abundant life, healthy ecosystem functioning & better wildlife, more beautiful forests, better weather, no droughts, no flooding, no unwanted storm systems, perfected wind & solar power & energy storage. We can work to remove the flaws from each person & therein remove the flaw from all human system, all business, all governments, & all products & services.
We will never make anything truly perfect, for only God able to do that, but we can perfect everything to the logical extent possible & keep pushing that boundary further & further. To infinity & beyond we will go because we have to escape the future where our own Sun will boil the oceans away from the Earth eventually.
We need to move life beyond the Earth, & to live in space we need to genetically engineer people to be resistant to radiation & cancer & mutations caused by high energy particles & energetic photons, ionizing radiation, the intense temperature regimes of space & being near or far from a star for heat & light energy. Dyson spheres will be wrapped around stars & directed energy beams will send that energy to receivers like a laser with great precision over vast distances through the near vacuum cold outer-space.
Today the Earth lies in the habitable zone, the habitable distance from the Sun, where an equilibrium in water pressure & temperature forms the atmosphere of Earth, all bodies of water, clouds made of millions of tons of water vapor, almost like homeostasis in the human bodies, a dynamic equilibrium. We live in a wet world where all electronics need to be waterproof, IP 67 or better if they are going to survive outdoors like wild animals or people swimming or showering with them.
Thinking of the AI lady in Blade Runner 2049, there will be personal digital electronic assistants like Alexa & Siri from today, but much more advanced. People will interact with these digital agents with voice, natural language. Voice is the next big thing with AI. Humans use voice, in speech & writing to communicate, why not interact with our computers this way? It seems like a natural progression away from clunky touch screens, mice & keyboards.
There will be more ways to do more things & will raise all people out of poverty, have universal animal rights, universal human rights, universal amazing healthcare access to healing & restoration technology. We will soon be able to upgrade the physical abilities of our bodies with commercialized exoskeletons, as some commercial applications are doing today to protect worker handling heavy loads. Artificial limbs will give rise to another category of consumer upgrade, on the spectrum of laser eye surgery & implants, more upgrades like zirconia teeth that are impervious to cavity & decay, strong resilient artificial ceramics. We will be able to upgrade our bone density, muscle strength, executive memory & cognitive functional capacities & capabilities, skills & knowledge, think jacking in like depicted in the Matrix movies series & downloading upgrades to your brain & mind!
No Magnet Electric Motors in Electric Vehicles Made Outside of China :) AC induction motor generators!
Induction Motors like the ones in the Tesla Model S, require no rare earth elements like EV's that use IPM or internal permanent magnet motor. Electromagnetic induction makes magnetrons in microwaves ovens possible, makes electrical energy transmission possible, make large high voltage ac transformers possible.
I Praise & Worship God, the One & Only God Who Reigns Supreme
Because no human perfect, no person has all the answers, & every human person flawed & condemned to death eventually & unable to breath star systems into existence.
Physics & Chemistry are Real
No faith, no theory, no theology, no myth, no guessing, no taking other people's opinions or ideas or words as fact, just empirical factual information based on experimental results & analysis of the data, isolating variables & designing testing procedures, actually doing the tests repeatedly, publishing the findings, having other repeat the experiments & see if the findings are the same or similar & over time if enough evidence collected from multiple sources the facts become verified, like the blockchain.
Charging A Nissan Leaf from a Gasoline Generator / Reflecting on Efficiency
In the past, I leased a 2011 Nissan Leaf & then purchased a used 2015 Nissan Leaf & built a special plug adapter with resistors to satisfy the ground fault circuit in the Level 1 EVSE included with both & used our Honda EU2000i generator to charge the 2015 LEAF with 1.4kw of energy for 4 hours to give it about 20 miles of range.
To the Moon, Mars & Deep Space
How will people live outside the Earth? Adapt to microgravity like they do on the ISS or International space station. How will we produce electricity & heat on the Moon? What about medical & nutritional aspects of these missions if only a few people are going.
Interval Fasting, Keto, Fasting Science
Overeating killing people with preventable diseases. Larger than metabolically safe servings & 3 meals a day confusion. Eating too close to bedtime interrupting sleep repair & restoration by occupying the biochemistry of the body with nutrient processing. First world diet confusion giving rise to a healthcare epidemic more costly than COVID19 could ever become worldwide. Worse, we are exporting harm be causing people in other parts of the world to embrace wester disease causing diets of simple carb abuse, lack of health fats (mono-unsaturated) not enough quality protein & dehydrated from a lack of water consumption & too much alcohol & caffeine consumption.
Dr. Robert Lustig ( Sugar Evil )
Sugars were rare in nature in antiquity. Only very recently have we had cheap access to sugar & fat free foods abounding with sucrose & high fructose cory syrup. Our genome & decent with modification evolution not nearly fast enough to keep up with this kind of radical dietary change, that is also completely unnatural & without a historical analog or no previous examples to draw on from history.
Digital Information like Chemical Rockets / Big Data vs Fuel Mass Paradox
We can't get where we want to go with computers with binary processing alone, we need high performance burst processing offered by Quantum computers in certain special applications.
Consider These Sustainability Topics
A lot of different things influence human civilization or the trajectory of Mankind in Earth's Biosphere! Future looking, past focused, we imagine how to make the world better while few people actually work to do it! Let us examine a list of sustainability topics to consider the focus fragmentation that paralyses people away from pragmatic action & making positive changes but are also key points for renewable energy development & improving sanitation & reducing pollution.
Unbuy : Infinite Growth in Earth's Biosphere Impossible / We Need Space Mining
Unbuy (Materialism Failure) / (Upgrade Your Thinking)
Pollution & Waste & Lack of Recycling vs Sustainability
We must pursue space access technology to enable space mining of resources to build a non- ecologically destructive utopia on Earth while raising the standards of living for all human people without damaging ecosystems or nature with pollution.
Food & Aging, Anti-Viral Drugs & Cancer to Life Extension, Growing Younger & More
I was up early researching the new Merck anti-viral drugs & related antiviral compounds on Wikipedia when I dove into the genetic information & stem cells & found a powerful truth about the most common cause of aging & all diseases that I am inspired to share it with you.
Music that Makes You Cry with Enjoyment
It's hard to explain, but I listen to Paul Cardall on Pandora & some of his songs are so emotive they make me weep with enjoyment. They almost sound like a persons life, the priceless value of a person's soul, the supreme highest excellence in all ways of God or similarly something miraculous that keeps a person from committing suicide.
We Need More Science in Everything
Hypocrisy, non scientific, biased, judgmental, negativity focus & confusion, America promotes ethanol consumption & caffeine use as normal when both are obviously drugs with serious impacts while helpful therapeutic ego destroying drugs like LSD & Psilocybin are banned & outlawed. Worse America externalized & promoted this idiotic drug regulation ideology around the world.
Donald Trump Lost the 2020 Election / Get Your Facts Straight!
Donald Trump did not win the 2020 Presidential Election; statistically valid mathematically accurate information & fact based empirical, irrefutable, truth or reality with evidence.
Selling Type 2 Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome Disorders & Diseases / Soft Drinks are Hard Drugs / Sugar vs Diabetes Type
An irrefutable scientific empirical fact that consuming sugary beverages in excess cause metabolic diseases like Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension or High Blood Pressure & some cancers like Pancreatic Cancer // like ethanol, sugars are dose dependent toxin when consumed in excess, as doing so overwhelms the bodies insulin signaling system in ways that give rise to a whole spectrum of metabolic disorders & diseases that are definitely driving up healthcare costs in America.
Controlling Your Mind & Emotions
Ever get upset about something? Running short on sleep ? Stressed out from a new job like me ? Does a lack of funding or high monthly life costs have you worried ? I know what it is like to feel these pressure & I want to share one method that helps me weather the storms of life without loosing my sanity or having a breakdown mentally.
Chip Shortage vs Nano Machining with Light
Image from |
ASML is the leading supplier of advanced deep UV or EUV, stepper machine maker, with more than 50 versions of their machine, they eventually overtook Nikon & Canon. ASML also the leading equipment supplier for TSMC they kept pushing Moores law so that smaller IC features could be realized with each new generation of highly complex machine, hosting dozens of processors & billions of lines of code.
Gun Problems are a People Issue (Who) & Have Nothing to do with the Guns
Cars are dangerous when driven by a bad driver or poorly skilled drivers & the same can be said of guns or knives or swords or anything sharp or dangerous, including toxic chemicals like gasoline in a handheld can or spray bottle. Government laws to stop "this or that gun" are never going to address the social, psychological or cultural problems that are causing "mass shootings" People need to feel like they are not being betrayed by their country & we have a history in America of outsourcing jobs & insourcing foreign works & marginalizing the middle class with inflation while billionaires become wealthier through merger & acquisition.
Glock Perfection Pistols are Durable & Reliable
Excellent handling angle, durable & reliable, less recoil as counter recoil forces absorbed & dissipated in the"Polymer 2" nylon frame. Only 34 parts (G17) while high volume CNC upper machining, metal investment casting, metal stamping, Tenifer corrosion resistance treatment & polymer injection moulding enabled production cost of less than $100 USD2021 per unit while they sell for $1000 or more, enabling a healthy profit for Glock & vendors & resellers. * Warning - Deep Dive *
Lexus LFA Inspirational, Interesting, and Elevated the Brand Value of Lexus
Toyota / Lexus LFA only 500 Made Image from YouTube Video "Making of the LFA" |
Anyone who knows me well knows I am a automotive nerd enthusiast zealot who looks at cars or automobiles as rolling examples of applied industrial art & science imbued with technology that defines the era we are living in while also creative fun excitement & emotion & freedom by allowing people to use roads to go places together // exploration & the journey & experience of acceleration & deceleration & handling & NVH & sounds of the tires interacting with the road & the exhaust noise or funny motor & motor controller sounds of an EV that are reminiscent of a brushless power tool turbocharged rocket engine performance scale energy out // in the P100 D Tesla Model S or similar.
Worm Hole Space Exploration, Rocket Fuel Limited Designs, Model Rockets, JetPack History & Quantum Entanglement Communication
"Saturn V" Rocket Launch / Image via NASA Coolest Vehicle Ever Made in America |
Sure chemical rockets are cool, a combustion engine turbine nozzle releasing millions of joules of energy within 600 seconds to propel millions of pounds of rocket & payload into outer space, but they can only carry as much fuel as the fuel tanks can hold & most of the rocket vehicle a giant fuel tank that can only be scaled so much.
Rocket Mass Ratios via NASA |
Space X falcon 9 for example, has an exterior shell about 1 mm thick which is thinner than the shell to body ratio for a common aluminum pop can. Rocket fuel tanks also have to hold pressurized cryogenic fluids without failures & most often made of a thin aluminum tank mandrel wrapped with epoxy soaked (prepreg) carbon fiber bundles in overlapping geometrically offset layers for added strength, by a figment winding robot, like the one Toyota Lex us used to make the carbon fiber dive-shaft in the LFA, see "Making of the LFA on Youtube"
I have watched a lots of rocket launches & rocket launch failures on YouTube (<-click) & have never been present at a really big rocket launch like the amazing Saturn V or Falcon 9 more recently. My dad & I started launching hobby rockets powered by solid rocket motors when I was a young child.
Link to Image Clipped YouTube Video |
Toy Rockets with Tiny Solid Rocket Motors (<- link to YouTube example)
Meg & I took our "Big Bertha" rock & some motors & an igniter wire system & fired it at 60 acres in Redmond for fun a few years ago, after my Dad died, to celebrate his life & some nostalgic memories. I tried finding this video on my YouTube channel to no avail // confident I made it using several cameras, probably on my old broken iMac 5K or its 4TB backup drive -- I have a new file management technique since my new iMac (last Intel Model) came with a tiny 256GB fast SSD -- not nearly big enough for larger files used in video editing, so I record with my iPhone clips, import then into iMovie, edit, export the 4K file, upload it to Youtube, then delete the local files off my phone & computer to conserve limited SSD data storage space. Small storage spaces locally remind me of small fuel tanks on rockets -- lol
Finite FuelTank Rockets
I assure you that the fuel mass paradox of rockets & their general lack of reusability or long life as a vehicle, think less like a firework & more like a Toyota Hi-Lux Pickup that runs for decades & millions of miles of heavy abuse. Old single use rockets were like a super car in terms of cost, that is driven once for a few hours & then destroyed & scraped. Not only finite, chemical fuels are a relative dead end because with 8 billion people we can deplete Earth of its feedstocks & at a rate that vastly eclipses the rates of formation of those resources in nature by natural processes that takes eons to slowly go forward with entropy reversing life development in the biosphere of Earth! Nuclear energy offers us a better energy platform for powerful deep space rockets that go much further than any chemical rocket.
Fission & Fusion Rockets
Nuclear fission & nuclear fusion powered rockets have much higher energy density than chemical rockets because nuclear energy makes use of atomic processes that are far more energetic than chemical reactions, both in terms of net total energy output but also in terms of energy density. Consider a common nuclear fuel bundle pellet of lightly enriched uranium dioxide. It contains more energy than an olympic swimming pool full of diesel fuel.
They stack these pellets into zirconium clad tubes, assembled into bundles that are then installed as arrays of bundles & control rods in the core of nuclear fission reactors, the core bundle mass & density used to create enough neutron density to sustain a nuclear fission chain reaction, which releases immense amounts of heat energy over many dozens of months, while less than 4% of the fuel energy actually converted to heat to boil water to turn turbine generators to make electricity.
This means spend nuclear fuel from common 2nd Gen. fission energy reactors, of which there are many hundreds operating daily around the world, still very energetic & can be burned up as new fuel in newer 4th Gen. IFR style reactors or similar with much better fuel economy, enhanced neutron economy, superlative walk away safety automatic operation & scalable designs from as small as a shipping container MMR like the nuclear reactors on aircraft carriers & submarines to larger SMR plants with several to tens of modular units designed to match local loads with scalable future development & added capacity by simply adding a few more units & connecting them up.
Even the Best Combustion Limited
Let me give you an example. Cryogenic liquid oxygen or LO2 & cryogenic liquid hydrogen or LH2 are one of the most potent chemical rocket fuel combinations & the combustion of hydrogen in oxygen produces only non-toxic water vapor as an emission, making this kind of rocket the cleanest burning of them all; similar to the concentrated hydrogen peroxide decomposition thruster that blows H202 past a silver mesh screen at high pressure where the silver Ag helps catalytically decompose the hydrogen peroxide into O2 & high temperature 740 C, high pressure steam.
The original Bell Rocket Belt could only fly for 21 seconds while consuming 5 gallons or 18 liters of concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Development of the pack at Bell Aerospace started as early as 1953 in the works of Wendell F. Moore. Human body a very unstable platform & the rocket motor setup in the Bell pack generates 280 pounds-forge or 1.25kN or 127kgf thrust. The pack weighed 125 lb or 57 kg. Moore had an accident that broke his kneecap in 1961, so Engineer Harold Graham took over development testing. On April 20th, 1961 the first 13 seconds long free flight near Niagara Falls airport reached 4 feet or 1.2 meter height & flew smoothly forward at 10km/h for a distance of 108 feet or ~35 m /
Simple Powerful Rockets
The famous 1960's rocket belt backpack rocket thruster system uses this 100% hydrogen peroxide pressure fed into a set of articulated silver catalyst rocket motors with a controllable throttle setup that enables the rider controller to vary the pitch of the thrust & rate of thrust why flying the jet pack. This system very low mass for its power output & only recently eclipsed by liquid ion battery electric ducted fan wearable helicopter & compact body worn turbine jet engines powered by kerosene or jet fuel or diesel.
Worm Hole Shortcut
Making use of an Einstein-Rosen bridge to warp across spacetime in a worm hold not only the subject of science fiction writers & SCI-FI movies, but also a physical real possibility for future space development. Even at the speed of light it would take a spacecraft 600,000 years to reach Andromeda by direct line of sight, so we need a faster way there & worm hole travel at faster than light travel speeds the only way to do so within the finite constraints of a natural human lifetime of the astronauts doing such a mission.
Quantum Entanglement Communication Needed
We need much more advanced technology as a human civilization to actually leverage worm holes in space to help space exploration missions go further faster in a bigger way & that leaves a communications cutoff issue such that it would be impractical to communicate with Earth from that craft unless quantum entanglement communication systems that perform spooky action at a distance are utilized via applied quantum physics technologies not invented, yet developed or commercialized in a big enough way, just outside a few early experiments with satellites in lower earth orbit communicating with ground stations with faster than light communication speeds by entangled q bits pair entangled on Earth, then one kept on Earth while the other flown to space aboard a rocket launched satellite into space, where if one toggled rapidly between 1 & 0 on earth, the same exact sequence observed on the one in space, without any obvious RF or Light or other physically explicable phenomenon connecting them.
2020 Yamaha MT-03 Magical Riding Experience
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Our 2020 Yamaha MT-03 |
Smaller, lighter, nimble, good ergonomics, upright seating position, R3 pedigree motor & click 6 speed sequential transmission with a solid 520 chain connected to the rear axel. Think 40 hp & 20 fl-lb of torque able to hit 112 mph in 4th gear & a little buzzy cruising at 60-75 MPH in 6th gear on the freeway, its a real pleasure between 30-50 mph in 4th gear // & sings a exhaust note song from 4K RPM onward when you get into the throttle while accelerating on freeway onramps // This a short store about my magical riding experience on the MT-03 recently & an editorial commentary about riding & more :) Cheers
cinnamon buns 946 ml/ 32 fl. oz by philosophy inc. shampoo, shower gel & bubble bath / gel douche & bail, corps & cheveux
I actually have cinnamon buns by philosophy via Connie Schwarz |
A personal care hygiene soap cosmetic scented cleaning emulsion made of an exotic mixture of chemicals. They even include a recipe for cinnamon buns in big font on the front of the bottle just under the "cinnamon buns" name // Lets examine the ingredients one by one / *deep-dive warning*
Nuclear Fission Electricity Reactors & Decarbonization
An urgent global need to decarbonize energy by slowly transitioning away from natural gas, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, coal, coke & other carbon or hydrocarbon fuel resources to renewables like biomass, bio-diesel, bio-gasoline, solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal, wave & energy storage technologies applied on the TW terawatt scale globally in combination with hybrid electric, plug-in hybrid & full electric capacitor or battery energy storage electric motor powered vehicles or EV's
Unlocking Super Brain Potential Feeling More Intensely about Information
I recursively watching this YouTube video by Jim Kwik, & be forewarned its almost 1 hour long but also exceptional Unleash Your Super Brain To Learn Faster | Jim Kwik now lets get down to the good, the bad & the ugly of human brain memory & executive function, learning & forgetting & state dependent operations influenced by mood & music & other philosophies & ideologies & external factors about where you live, work, play, where you are & at what point in your life you are at. This like the talk, is a very a deep dive into my thinking & only very loosely related //
Prayer Healing & Restorative
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Have a look & you choose your position // |
Mindfullness & Meditation
Taking your minds focus to a place of peaceful tranquility by deliberately sitting quietly & focusing on a positive edifying healing restorative kind loving or other uplifting ideas. How can you ever have time if you never take a little time to take care of your mind ? Mental & emotional health are part of your overall health & you need to have some personal time to reflect & or meditate & process whats going on in your life & where you are heading as a person, who you are becoming with the choices you are making every moment of every day.
Digital Dementia
Watching a motivational video on YouTube by Jim Kwik, about Unleashing Your Super Brain to Learn Faster // He talks about the human brain in an alpha state while watching content & digital dementia where people offload their thinking & memory to constantly high speed mobile internet search query access on their smartphone or smartwatch with voice query
Driving a 40 ft School Bus / Day 1
Driving a 40 ft School Bus / Day 1
I spooked my otherwise good driver trainer Samantha by going faster around corners & a hint above the speed limit on longer curvy hilly straights up & down hills on the way back to the School Bus garage//
Human Personal Character Development
No one developed a strong character overnight. You are continually building your character as a person. Making "good" choices the key to developing a stronger character. Think about your positive traits & where you can improve by deliberately making better choices.
Ethanol Free Gasoline or E0 added to 2020 Yamaha MT-03 with Sta-Bil added to Preserve Fuel Freshness
For more than 20 years I have been buying E0 or Ethanol-Free gasoline at The Grange in Issaquah, Wa, USA. Go to & get the iOS or Android App for your smartphone to locate E0 or Ethanal Free filling stations!
The Complex Simplicity of Innocence of Animals & Children
Without the biases of adult humans, animals & children have a purity or innocence that laws protect because we agree as a people on Earth that animals & small children should not ever be abused by adult in any way. With war & social division, negative mindset & toxic ideas, adults hurt each other with crime & corruption & worse & some of the sickest people even harm children & animals in nature.
Finding Inspiration Anywhere You Can
I am on day 4 of training as a school bus driver & very excited to become a higher precision brighter & higher functioning version of myself to do so with excellence & absolute safety to insure pleasant successful delivery of children to & from school or special events, since others will have entrusted me to do so with the greatest degree of excellence possible.
Silicon Boule Production Amazing
Schematic of Silicon Boule Furnace |
Imagine a large single crystal silicon rod weighing 300+ kg of which many hundreds of wafers will be cut in order to make a base material onto which photolithography stages will create billions of transistors connected by tends of km of wiring connections via more than 120 different photo electro chemical processing stages inside cleanrooms in Chip Fabs, the most expensive buildings & operations on earth producing the most complicated products known to mankind!
Chip Lithography 2021-2025 Extending EUV to 1nm feature precision
TSMC, Intel, Samsung, Hynix, ASML & other suppliers of the integrated chipset manufacturing groups of which there are more than 400 ArF machines in use & about 50 EUV machines. Power requirements make deep EUV & beyond dramatically more expensive + the optics all based on reflecting 193 nm light because optical lens materials absorb it. Purified hydrogen gas has to be pumped over the mirror surfaces to keep the tin plasma vapors & high energy electrons from ablating or chemical damaging the primary light source mirror. This is deep dive into how the industry going beyond 3nm.
Covid19 Vaccine, Virus, & Government Mask Mandates
President Biden announced more strong measures in America to make accessing public places like restaurants & schools something that requires every person to produce evidence they have been vaccinated or have a negative COVID19 test result proof with them, completed within the last 72 hours.
We Function Better United as People Worldwide
I am talking about one human People on one planet Earth, with a Moon orbiting, together orbiting a star known as the Sun, in a spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy #physics #chemistry #astronomy #science
Further Oblivion Plot Analytics ** Spoiler Alert
Watched movie Oblivion, a post apocalyptic love story, 3 times in a row recently. My brain & mind now performing advanced character analysis & deep plot analytics that derive even a deeper meaning from the talented writing & positive enduring love story idea presented in the movie! Spoiler Alert **
Oblivion Movie Mindset Ideology Inspiration & More
Transcending time & place, a human clones emotional attachment to his beautiful wife ends up in all the clones of his body, thousands of them. This positive emotional bonding idea so profound it makes the sci-fi movie take on a romantic emotionally warming tone despite the dark premise of the Earth being destroy by worldwide nuclear war to stop alien invaders in the future.
Overcoming Negative Thoughts & Depression
Sometimes if you are suffering from funky thinking, depressed thoughts & negativity, just talking out your frustrations with someone can help to easy your anxiety, stress & tension. Getting some physical activity by exercising can really help to smooth out your emotions & make your feel better too. Writing your ideas down in a journal can help too! Here is an example of what I find frustrating in the world...
Chip Fab Water Conservation, Recycling & Rain Capture Inputs
Water pollution, arid environments, lack of rain water capture, agricultural water use, water used in CHIP fabs & ultra pure water & water recycling
No Headphone Jack on iPhones / Have to Destroy EarPods to Change Battery / Bad Apple
I have really enjoyed my Apple products over the years. Started with an iPod nano back then. Every single one had a 1/8 inch stereo headphone back until my iPhone SE 2020. EarPods turn into e-waste when the batteries fail, no thanks!
Device Repair Ethics & Battery Preservation Facts
Shame on Apple & Samsung & LG & Microsoft & Tesla & other greedy selfish anti-consumer companies who betray their customers by sealing in batteries or making parts proprietary & unavailable or doing other unethical & immoral things to prevent customers from fixing or repair their stuff for a reasonable price.
Antivaxxers & Antimaskers are Harming & Hurting Other People by Spreading the Delta Variant of COVID19
Shame on these fact denying antivaxxers & antimaskers who fail to get vaccinated & who refuse to wear a mask. Both the COVID19 vaccine & masks are about protecting other people by limiting the spread of airborne viral agents, not just SARS-COV-2, but other cold & flu viruses. The science perfectly clear that filtering face masks help to reduce the spread of viruses & the vaccine for COVID19 helps to reduce the spread of the COVID19 virus & helps people exposed to it have less server symptoms & higher survival rates.
Hate Speech Misinformation
Spreading antivaxxer fake information harms & hurts others people & people who do that are guilty of criminal acts of causing harm & hurting other people. Anti-mask people are similar haters who need to get with the program & stop sharing their spit particles. Filtering masks help by capturing mucus particles emitted when people speak & breath.
Rejecting Science
There is a segment of the population, conspiracy theorists, who dispute the shape of the Earth, saying that the Earth is flat, known as flatearthers, when there is no science backing this perspective or opinion. We have moon hoaxers & anti-vaxxers & anti-maskers, haters who reject physics & chemistry & experts & science & medicine; a confused segment of people who are too stupid & arrogant to acknowledge their opinion not fact or science or statistically significant or based on any empirical facts or data. There are small minority of people who assert their personal confused opinion as fact on social media. These people need to be stopped by social media companies. Their accounts need to be frozen, disabled or turned off.
Penalties & Fines
I want stiff penalties & fines for people who refuse to wears masks in public & even stronger criminal penalties like a felony conviction for failing to get the vaccine. I want to punish the wicked evil selfish arrogant confused idiots who are responsible for the ongoing spread of COVID19, the people who reject vaccine technology & spread harmful misinformation & disinformation online. I want their bank accounts frozen, their passports taken away. I want their employees to suspend them without pay. I want the police & government to arrest these people & charge them with public endangerment for failing to be vaccinated!
Physical Fitness & Lifestyle Ideologies
Your brain controls your muscles & movements & balance & coordination connected to your body via your spinal column & nerves. Posture important as is staying well hydrated. Breathe through your nose not your mouth. Think about where your getting the real value out of life & save your money!
Adidas 4DFWD Signal Green / Signal Green / Core Black : Article # Q46445
I love the "bright neon green" color ^^ |
High technology 3D printed soles mounted to a breathable mesh upper. Adidas high tech fast 3D printed CARBON photopolymer oxygen heat cured flexible materials thats has tough strength & good mechanical yield or rapid deformation under loading from the body, giving enough firmness to support you as you move while also absorbing impact energy to spare your joints of the harsh blows that come from running or jogging or other athletic movements :)
"Lark" Waking up at 4am for the day / Move to Think More to Get Started!
I wake anywhere from 4am to 6am naturally & my mind starts spooling up ideas that stimulate me into full wakefulness & get me pumped for the day! Movement good the brain's of people of all ages, go out there & get it, put more life into your time!
Washington State Fair 2021
With face masks on Meg & I drove down to Puyallup to the Washington State Fairgrounds where we had a great time walking ~6.5 miles & more than 12,000 steps spinning up the movement, standing & exercise rings on our Apple Watches.
Love Makes Life Special & Precious & Worth Defending
We are all running out of time people. Look for the value in life, in the people you love, the animals you love, the memories of people you loved that are gone because of death.
Adidas 4D CARBON 3D-Printed Midsole
Highest-volume production 3D printed shoes in the world utilizing an emergent CARBON printed midsole that converts downward foot impact energy into forward motion through use of trademarked DLS photopolymer elastomer thats heat cured & then chemically bonded to a breathable fabric upper using entirely synthetic materials that are super ultra high performance & low mass for an exceptionally high technology running shoe by Adidas, known as the 4D model!
GUFEL Apple Device Longevity Idea for Johnny Ive & Design Team in California
GUFEL Gently Utilized For Enhance Lifetime
Earth & personal budget friendly, GUFEL maximizes the life of your excellent Apple products!
Toyota Repeatable Precision & Quality = Enduring Reliability & Excellent Ownership Experience
Every automaker imperfect & all vehicles have glitches & defects, same for Toyota. Toyota uses special assembly process optimizations with ongoing continual improvement & just in time parts that produce exceptionally high repeatable precision that translates into vehicles of enduring quality that are the best vehicles made period! Especially the Toyota's made in Japan^^
Turbocharger Exhaust Heat Energy Recovery to Intake Pressure Boost for More Performance
Engines using gasoline & diesel are not going away anytime soon & automakers are embracing turbo-charging to chase high fuel economy targets set by government laws & to clean up emissions with a lower mass engine setup with higher thermal efficiency by use of direct injection & turbocharging. Think Ford Eco-Boost
N20 Nitrous Oxide (Deep Dive)
N20 chargers littered (trash in public)/ car park London via Wikipedia on Nitrous Oxide |
What You Say About Yourself Affects Who You are Becoming
Our thought life strongly influences the mind & brain & body. Having a positive outlook, can do attitude, looking for the silver lining in all situations, you have absolutely control & agency with your inner monologue.
Take control of your mind & take captive all your thoughts & rearrange thinking to have a healing, helpful, enabling shift in mindset, attitude, emotions & motivations & to combat false beliefs & learned helplessness that hinders people with mediocrity & worse!
I struggled with English as a Student
Move beyond limited thinking to believing that you can do anything you focus your mind on. You have amazing potential that most people barely utilized a little bit //
Not All Calories The Same :: Insulin Stores Sugars As Body Fat
Not all calories are the same. Insulin the hormone that stores sugar as body fat! Obesity caused by excess intake of sugars & simple carbs. Metabolic diseases, many cancers & other disorders are caused by over-eating carbohydrates & not getting enough fiber or healthy fats or water. Nutrition simple but complicated which is why I take a multivitamin & D3 supplement & drink lots of water //
Physical Fitness = Mental & Emotional Fitness
Meg w/ iPhone & Telescope while Hiking :) |
Pursuing a happy life may require resources like money to pay for food & housing & transportation, but recreation can be nearly free if you go for walks or hiking. Turn your body & gravity into fitness exercises for your core & muscles & get your heart pumping more!
Fasting to Save Your Life
Fasting has numerous health benefits confirmed by a large body of science evidence thats increasing as more doctors are looking for a no drug solution to helping their patients live happier healthier lives while reducing healthcare costs for everyone!
1st Firing of our 304 SS Metal Forge to Melt Aluminum Cans in a #6 Crucible IR view video on YouTube
This 8in 304SS propane fueled unit our first one. I made a YouTube video about it in thermal IR view <-- Click Blue Text to View the first startup of this unit in thermal IR, I include a visible clip of the unit operating at start of the video!
Sugar a Dose Dependent Toxic, Unnatural, & Highly Refined Substance / SAD DIET Problems
Too much sugar & simple carbohydrate consumption a toxic mess emblematic of the expensive health problems created by the SAD or standard American or Western Diet //
Fasting Tips & Tricks + Dr. Pradip Jamnadas Fasting Science Facts
3-7 day fasting might seem extreme, while interval fasting can give you a little ketosis & autophagy boost, here are some tips & tricks to cope with fasting
Fasting Cell Science / Rejuvenating Cells / Weight Loss & Fat Burning with Lower Insulin Levels
When the human body no longer digesting food a series of biochemical & cell changes happen to help improve the health & fitness of the patient fasting. Lets explore some of these changes discussed in a lecture by Dr. Pradip Jamnadas on YouTube <--(click link to watch video)
Fastic App Interval Fasting w/ Smartphone Coaching
Fastic app so well made in its free form, on day two I activated the Pro mode for $15 for 3 months as a trial discount 50% off the normal price. Have a visit to Fastic's website <--- (Click Link)
Fasting Theory & Science
One of the problems making people sick in industrialized countries constant overeating & obesity & metabolic syndrome diseases I briefly write about in the context of Interval Fasting & Fasting I learned about in this YouTube video -> "The Science of Fasting"
Rain Reduces Air Pollution
Most wonderful rain improves AQ or air quality & brings fresh water to Life On Earth.
Iron Air Rechargeable Rust Battery Innovation for Grid Energy Storage of Renewable Like Solar & Wind Power
Iron-Air battery uses earth abundant cheap iron & exploits irons propensity to form rust or iron oxides with air! A proprietary battery cathode material developed by Nant for their Zinc Air battery technology purchases as a group of patents & lots of cathodes for preproduction testing of the emerging Iron Air battery tech.
Music Drugs & Wim Hof Breathing to Get High On Your Brains Own Supply of Drugs
When people listen to music their brain forms beautiful dynamic three dimensional patterns that respond to the frequencies the listener experiencing from the music speakers or headphones
Spinal Posture, Neck & Back Health & Body Pain from Pinched Nerves & Spinal Cord, Disc & Plate Disfunction
Bad posture, too much sitting, text neck, some work that requires tilting head off angle & poor lifting technique of heavy things with twisting of the spine causes neck injuries that end up causing other spinal disc injuries further downstream
Propane Combustion Energy / DIY Metal Forge Fuel
Cookie Dough Starlite* Forge by NightHawkLight His YouTube Channel Show You How To Make It |
Propane gas produced during crude oil & natural gas refining, bottled & sold worldwide for barbecue ovens & for water & air heating in RV's & for generators & vehicles & small DIY metal forges :)
Human Memory System More than Brain Tissue Encoding Alone
Quantum holographic storage of memories in the human brain expand a persons ability to record more than 700 TB of information about the world via signals from the eyes & ears, especially feelings as our emotions affect what kinds of information we remember.
Dog's as Pets Saving their Owners Health & Wellness with more Walking
Human Brain Athletic & Coordinates Movement : Brain Injuries are Bad
Our mind an abstract complex mysterious thing while the human brain an organ with lots of science! Much brain activity related to coordinating physical movement of the body!
Lead Free Solder with MODEL FM-88K Elenco Autoscan Radio Soldering Kit
Nuclear Energy (Not What You Think) its the Safest Electricity Production Method (Fact)(Science)
Turn your irrational fears about nuclear upside down into a renaissance for Nuclear Energy by looking at the facts to inform your opinions!
Recycling & Waste to Energy Conversion
Trash produced worldwide predicted to double by 2050 & recycling alone not enough to address methane emissions!
Metals in Biology & Technology : Moving O2 in blood & connecting people with electricity & information : even the brain electrochemical !
Era's of history often defined by societies use of metals like copper, bronze, iron, alloys, now super alloys & metal materials
Pop-its 4th of July Toy powered by silver fulminate coated sand friction explosion of super sonic gas expansion salute sound like a cap gun :)
Yamaha MT-03
Energy Efficiency at Home : Saving Money & Lowering Emissions
Lower your daily operating costs at home or work or your vehicle operating costs. Energy efficient means doing the same things with lower costs & saving money. Energy efficient like the frugality of electricity & natural gas & hot water. Thinking about how to use less to do the same or more. Negative wattage or reducing energy wasted like hot water down the drain in the winter or hot air out the window or lost through seems & gaps or lack of insulation in the attic or crawlspace or poorly efficient walls & windows that can be easily updated with Low-E film applied like clear so light moves through without wasting heat your paid money to your utility company to make in the winter. Lets explore domestic energy efficient ideas that normal people can make use of daily
Smaller Cheaper Nuclear Reactors Essential - Think SMR & MMR
During the Cold War the USA's pentagon & DOE developed small nuclear reactors for use on Ships like aircraft carriers & nuclear submarines. Russia also developed city power levels reactors for remote towns & installed lots of fission reactors for nuclear weapons grade plutonium production & other radioactive isotope manufacturing for advanced physics & materials science & medical imaging & cancer treatments. Today most of the smallest reactors are located at universities where they make special medical isotopes not thermal processing heat or electricity. Think SMR or small modular reactors & MMR or micro modular reactors that fit into a shipping container.
While the DOD's small reactors are not feasible for electrical utility companies like PSE or Seattle City Light to apply for distributed generation upgrades to their respective power distribution networks, companies like X-energy are developing commercialized compact low cost reactors that private utility companies can buy outright for less than $20M & install in less than 24 months from the time of breaking ground to the time that heat & power output available for end users of that energy.
Scalability really the main idea with 4th Gen IFR, SMR & MMR fission energy reactor technologies.
$7 million for an SMR, its building & land & grid inter-tie connection to a substation
$100,000 for an MMR in a sealed shipping container lowered into a concrete pool structure for shielding & protection, that works 24/7 making 10kw of heat & 3kw of electricity, enough for a large home or multifamily complex or some businesses & commercial customers. A utility company can buy & develop many dozens or even hundreds of such units like the XE100 or equivalent & apply them in different zones of the utility coverage area to add UPS or uninterruptible power supply capacity to small substations & utility power conditioning & control sites.
Low cost fission reactors that private individual billionaires can buy, means companies like Amazon & Jeff Bezos or Microsoft & Bill Gates can privately buy a building & land & work with the NRC & one of the SMR developers & a utility customers to add more capacity. In the PSE network in Puget Sound Washington, they plan to phase out natural gas & convert restaurants & homes & other business to all electrical operation. Decarbonization means more loads for the grid & probably increasing electricity prices. PSE needs to add capacity to its network, more power production, especially 24/7 base load to support greater adoption of electric vehicles, since lots of people will be charging their latest model EV at home in the evening & at night when the sun is not shining on solar panels.
We need more energy storage capacity for solar & wind to work 24/7 & to compete against an SMR reactor nearly impossible in terms of cost per kWh in the contents of good uptime & good load following & good capacity factor so that electrical power available round the clock for police & fire & hospitals & companies like Amazon that operate continuously to serve up free two day shipping for Prime customers // Google, Microsoft, Boeing, Apple, Facebook, these companies have the money, talent & resources to work with a utility company & a nuclear SMR developer & the NRC to pipeline production & installation of sealed integrated SMR & MMR reactors to make heat & power 24/7 at distribution centers & warehouses, for cloud compute infrastructure, finance & accounting, banking & ATM & debit cards & credit cards & for everything to work whenever you need so you can run you washing machine or fridge or lights whenever you want, that works with your schedule & your not everyone. Some people work really strange & variable shifts, like many doctors & nurses working at your local hospital, police & fire too. We have to have 24/7 electricity for modern life to function
Adding millions of new EV's to the nations grids will stress the power distribution systems, & in the context of what's been happening to the grid power system in Texas lately, we know we need to upgrade the electrical distribution systems to N+1 capacity with backup routs for power to flow if a line downed by a tree brach from a storm system, where high wind & water causes trees to fall into the overhead power lines. We can also burry power lines into sealed conduit tubes, though at much greater cost.
Nothing free in physics & it will take people concentrating on SMR reactor commercialization to make something amazing like an MMR available to regular people with the means to buy one & install it in their specific application, with NRC approval. Think of streamlining NRC approval for MMR applications so that thousands of people can buy an MMR for their building or lot or land or home or business. Blending an MMR with solar rooftop PV, energy storage & wind power makes a stable safe electric power production blend, & the scalability of such systems all the way down to 1KW & as much as 10GW, means that nuclear fission offers a flexible distributed energy solution that utility companies can embrace with short built times & budgets as low as $20M
20 million might sound like a lot to a marginalized member of the USA's middle class, there are thousands of billionaires who can easy afford an MMR reactor installation, so why are non of them working to make MMR's available to customers ? Good question. Probably because most people are unaware of 4th Gen IFR breeder reactors that make more fuel than they consume & able to burn nuclear waste from Gen. 2 reactors common around the world. Today nearly 450 Gen. 2 reactors built with government funding are operating an inefficient fuel cycle that only uses 4% of the fuel rod energy to make steam or high temp gas to turn turbines to make electricity.
Large nuclear reactors can also make heat to desalinate sea water to make fresh water. Electricity from the reactor can electrolyte the water to make green hydrogen & the green hydrogen & other electricity can be used to recycle scrap steel & to process concrete. I am imagining an integral plant that does all of these functions, inspired by the Palo Verde reactor in Arizona that uses domestic sewer as a coolant loop to dissipate low grade heat that's not profitable or feasible to utilize or export to distant customers.
Nuclear Steel Scrap Recycling
Nuclear Green Hydrogen Production
Nuclear Sea Water Desalinization & Purification to Clean Tap Water
Nuclear Medical Isotopes & Special Medals for NASA & Space Probes
Nuclear Materials for the Kilopower System of Artemis on the Moon
We can use Nuclear Breeder reactors with enough neutron flux to empower thorium into the commercial fuel cycle once its been activated by transmutation by neutron bombardment in the core of fission reactors where Thorium becomes a fissile element part of the fuel burn cycle able to contribute energy to the core in an ongoing chain reaction at the heart of all fission reactors ! IFR style reactors can take the spent nuclear waste from Gen. 2 reactors & burn the nuclear waste as new fuel. By over-parity enrichment & the transmutation of isotopes into fissile forms, nuclear energy can make heat & power & electricity for 10 billion people for thousands of years in Earth's biosphere, enabling society to become full electric & phase out carbon burning with extensive decarbonization efforts where gasoline & diesel vehicles are replaced with fully electric cars & SUV's & where natural gas replaced with electric power made from a mix of different generation sources.
Nuclear Energy Important for Human Activity
We need to stop adding toxic pollution to the biosphere of Earth. Polluting unethical & immoral because its sicken people & animals in nature with preventable diseases that form from exposure of those lifeforms to toxic pollutants. Pollutants are toxic because they causes cellular dysfunction, dysregulation of the immune system & other cytotoxic effects well elucidated & formally described by science in medicine & toxicology & ecology since the 1960's.
Ignorant about Need for Carbon Energy
People pretend like we are unable too move beyond burning carbon to make energy when there are at least 12 other more intelligent ways to make heat & power. Capturing heat & energy from the SUN with a Dyson sphere for example will require mankind to increase our collective industrial manufacturing capacity & space access technology. We need fully electric rail launch single stage to space launching capacity & nuclear metal alloy processing on grand scales nearly unimaginable to most people in the public today. I am talking about TW level reactors with integrated concrete, steels, desalination & hydrogen production in giant 4th Gen. reactors build by a consortium of public & private entities.
Abundant Solar Heat Available
Solar Thermal Energy systems that store the suns heat as molten salt are one example & new ceramics & insulator technology means low costs versions of these systems like the Ivanpah Heliostat plant, a solar electricity generating system based on concentrated solar thermal plant technology where 173,500 poll mounted computer controlled mirrors focus the suns light onto heat exchanger boilers located atop 3 different 459ft or 139m tall power towers, in the Mojave desert, USA. Think enhanced energy storage to make solar thermal plants with greater capacity factor & actually power output!
Cheap nuclear reactors made in a factory that produced sealed heat & power generator units for customers that can use 3kw of heat & 1kw electricity from a reactor that's smaller than a typical SUV, developed by Nasa for Kilopower program to power Artemis missions on the moon. Take the tech that NASA using & license & use it to make MMR reactors that the public can buy, with approval from an application the NRC for installation in substations, power plants of other kinds, multifamily complexes, factories, warehouses & other industrial users of electricity like petrochemical refining plants & gas processing plants that make specialty gases in high pressure cylinders. A MMR reactor sold by the thousands can literally empower human society with redundant always on heat & electricity essential to life & society today. We need more distributed generation capacity in electrical grids & Texas grid failures prove this in an undeniable way. We need more solar & wind & energy storage, but medium volume SMR & MMRs are actually less costly & have better capacity factor & load following, so people have access to locally made electricity 24/7, not just when the sun shining on solar panels or wind spinning their wind turbine energy generators.