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Physical Fitness = Mental & Emotional Fitness

Meg w/ iPhone & Telescope while Hiking :) 

Pursuing a happy life may require resources like money to pay for food & housing & transportation, but recreation can be nearly free if you go for walks or hiking. Turn your body & gravity into fitness exercises for your core & muscles & get your heart pumping more! 

Fitness Healthy the Evidence Beyond Doubt

Scientific evidence of the benefits of strength training & endurance training & fasting & clean nutrition & staying hydrated & getting enough sleep all point to the same conclusion, a healthy lifestyle a mix of different things you need on your pursuit of happiness. 

10,000 Steps/ Day & Enough Sleep Important 

Companies like Fitbit make movement activity trackers that people wear to help quantify their movement & sleep to make sure they are getting `10,000 steps per day & enough quality sleep for healing & restoration of the body & brain. When we sleep our brain shrinks down a little bit to help squeeze out the metabolites formed by heavier thinking during the day into the cerebral spinal fluid so the liver & kidneys can filter it so your brain has a clean bath to of fluid to sit in 24/7. This is part of why your first pee in the morning often the darkest pee of the day, its full of metabolite junk & other debris your body & brain cleaned up during maintenance & repairs cell processes happening while you were asleep 100% automatically. 

Be the Most You & Pursuit Personal Excellence 

You are not everyone, but activity & movement & making it happen comes down to your brain coordinating your muscles to move your bones & joints. You are an animal that can think & do a lot of different things in life & there is great variability in the ways that different people live. 

Everyone has a different genome & mix of genes & risk factors for diseases & a certain skin & eye color & muscle type & height & weight & other mix of physical attributes related to the mix of their mom's & dad's gamete genes, when the sperm & egg fused to make a new person, semen from your dad's penis entering the vagina & cervix of your mom & fusion of the egg from your mom's ovaries with your dad's winner sperm that succeeded in making fertilization of the egg happen to produce you! 

Aim higher towards lofty goals & set your sights to greater heights of ambition to endlessly become the greatest version of you. Its not about getting to a certain point or achievement, its about an entire lifestyle of physical, mental, emotional & moral excellence that continually redefines you as a person as a living example to other people of what they might become like if they pursuit greater excellence to be the most them // 

Any Ways You Can 

Sports, activities, exercise, making, doing, fixing, working, traveling, moving, repairing, cleaning, hygiene, prayer, worship, creating, taking apart, processing, manipulating, upgrading, modifying, improving, customizing, there are all kinds of ways to do everything & more than one way to do most things. You can shop, cook, bake, make or whatever you want in your free time! Bored? Get a hobby, there are many to choose from. I fly drones, do electroplating, smelt metals, play CS GO, write blog articles, make YouTube videos, ride a motorcycle & bicycle & more // enjoy music or movies or playing games & going outside! Meet up with friends or go on vacation. Try to make the best of your morning or evening or weekend or special times! Look for the silver lining in all situations even if its hot & smoky outside & COVID19 delta variant spreading, even if your life is falling apart, try to fin joy in something, you only get to live once as far as anyone can prove or demo straight empirically! 

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