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When Japan Ate its Plutocrats, it created a future Economic Miracle

When Japan at its Rich people in the late 19th & early 20th century, a setup was established for the conditions that resulted in an Economic Miracle that followed as the benefits of this egalitarian socialist progress were realized & applied broadly to the economy of the Japan in the 1960's. 

As an analogy of America today in 2021, Japan became a plutocracy with a handful of family dynasties operating fiefdoms, such that a small elite minority of people in a few families controlled much of the nation's wealth & control of resources & the government.  

The years after the Edo period resulted in a concentration of wealth into the hands of a few families. This kind of wealth concentration happening right now in America, with people like Jeff Bezos realizing a personal wealth larger than the GDP totals of medium sized countries in Europe. 

Think radical monopoly & conglomeration with the likes of & Comcast & large Banks & Insurance companies, with vast fortunes, the ability to finance & therein buy elections, adjust the IRS tax code so that they pay zero personal income tax. It's so bad now that the Supreme Court granted immortal corporations' personhood with more rights & privileges than any individual mortal American citizen. 

Use Norway as an example of how nationalizing its petrochemical industry resulted in shared increasing wealth & prosperity of all Norwegian citizens. Sure, it's only ~8 million people, with crude oil resources so vast as to generate a river of income for decades via exporting oil to other countries, countries hungry to use fossil fueled engines to exploit the energy in the oil to power transportation & other economic growth engines of increasing prosperity via diversification the way that the US state of Texas does to bolster its local economy. 

Crude oil was a useless muck before the 1850's, a novelty used to waterproof wood & metal things to reduce corrosion or rotting. We have to follow the steam engine, a lever of riches, powered by coal in the 1800's, giving rise to internal combustion engines after a brief low speed electric vehicle development into the Early 1900's. Gasoline & diesel engines were fraught with problems, but faster than battery electric vehicles of the Era. At the time, horse powered buggies were still common for regular people to move around. When Henry Ford pioneered mass production of automobiles with the Model T, people asked, asked for faster horses. It was then realized that synthetic desires could be advertised into the minds of regular working people, & if their jobs paid them enough, they could buy a car, then more appliances & the idea of the working person actually owning their own home started to enter the then popular American' consciousness. 

The mass psychology of Americans after WWII was continual progress, increasing wealth & prosperity & a real sense of optimism about a radically better future made possible with continual progress. This peaked with the Saturn 5 rocket putting American men on the surface of Earth's Moon & returning those men to America! America won the space race & the Soviet Union collapsed into a very unfair society with no middle class, billionaire individuals inheriting control of & the wealth of previous state-owned enterprises. Today, some of these Russian Oil & Mining companies are some of the most toxic, unethical & immoral companies in the world. The average Russian person does not enjoy a high quality of life or high standard of living & does not have a lot of buying power. 

If the poor could confiscate wealth from the rich, society would fall apart. To ease the transition away from an unfair plutocracy, government must gradually tax, control & legislate laws that prevent individual people or families from controlling too much of anything. 
Increasing taxes on the richest people & using those to pay for government programs that benefit everyone. Making the rich people pay their fair share of taxes, just like everyone else. We are not talking about communism or radical left socialism; we are talking about making the laws fair & balanced for everyone's benefit, creating more vertical mobility in the economy allowing a no one to become someone. Think of a fair & balanced economy with slow stabile growth, no booms or busts, just steady continual progress in all domains of life. Good luck getting that passed through the corrupt law-making fixtures of government today! I want to see everyone thrive more. 

I want science to reign supreme as the core logic of laws & rules & regulations. I want to see everything get better. Think less pollution & more clean air & more clean fresh water & very cheap renewable electricity! Recycling programs for everything, better composting of food & yard waste, turning trash into energy with cleaver emissions controls to eliminate air pollution emissions. Imagine most of all, more happiness & upbeat optimistic people, alive & thriving & dynamic, believing they each can make a strong positive difference in the world & working together in teams to make that happen, to solve all the problems & build a better tomorrow than today! 

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