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We Need More Science in Everything

Hypocrisy, non scientific, biased, judgmental, negativity focus & confusion, America promotes ethanol consumption & caffeine use as normal when both are obviously drugs with serious impacts while helpful therapeutic ego destroying drugs like LSD & Psilocybin are banned & outlawed. Worse America externalized & promoted this idiotic drug regulation ideology around the world. 

No one is saying that meth or methamphetamine abuse a good idea, but in America meth is a prescription schedule 2 drug while cannabis or marijuana is a highly restricted schedule 1 drug because it contains THC & related cannabinoid ligands that plug into the cannabinoid receptors in the human body & brain. So meth a perfectly legal to prescribe as a therapeutic drug & THC is not ? What in the hell kind of deranged anti-scientific non-sense is this. Sure at the state level there are changes to address this specific inconsistency, but many other inconsistencies remain. 

First of all the human brain has all kind of its own drugs that a person normally gets high on all the time. Have you ever heard of emotions ? Yes drugs your brain makes make you have emotional feelings like love! The science of neuron chemical signaling very well established to explain the functional aspects of action of compounds like MDMA or the club drug ecstasy, while also the basis of how neurotransmitters work. 

Super cold athlete Wim Hof shows people that changing the way your inhale & exhale air can get you "high" on your own supply. Then we have sugars from food which is more addictive than cocaine or heroin, causing cancers & diabetes & other costly problems while greedy processed food manufacturing companies removed healthy fats from foods & then added tons of sugars to make them palatable. The whole low fat & fat free food movement in America about as a illogical & stupid as the inconsistent drug laws that are unevenly applied in non-scientific ways. 

I work as a school bus driver & am subject to random drug screening at any movement. Of course what they are testing for follows the same kind of confused reasoning that the government applies when deciding how to schedule different biologically active compounds. If we are going to regular harm reduction, then can we tell people who overweight to eat less & move more ? No! There are hormonal reasons & emotional reasons that people "overeat" & cultural reasons why people in America often eat "the wrong foods" associated with the Standard American Diet or SAD diet as it is ironically known. Sad an understatement given the amount of pain & suffering that comes from dietary mistakes promoted by the Food Pyramid & the irrational, illogical, fake or non-sense advise that has no basis in science, medicine, nutrition or anything intelligent or logical. 

Using hard or dangerous drugs not wise or a good idea, but the double standard of law makers to legally sell the public concentrated alcohol mixtures & caffeinated beverages containing dangerously high amounts of caffeine. I say this as an American who drinks coffee every morning & has a beer or two on my days off or on some evenings after I return home from work. Balance the key, not abuse. People abuse gambling, the internet, TV, music, & other things to get "high" on their own brain chemistry! 

We can't pass laws to nerf or childproof the country. We need to educate everyone more with the actual facts & science of brain drugs & how our brain works with chemicals & that we are made of chemicals from the foods we eat from the environment & thats why pollution is sick & evil because it puts toxins into peoples bodies that sicken them with preventable diseases. Where are the laws against pollution ? We tell people "No LSD" since a 100 microgram dose would likely destroy their ego for years, producing profoundly positive ideological, emotional & mental changes, but allow people to buy 25 lb bags of sucrose from Costco ? Surely not everyone running a bakery at home ? The entire SUV trending popularity because Americans are becoming fat & sick & need larger vehicles that are ergonomic for an unfit person to get in & out of. If people like SUV's & want to waste their money on low fuel economy vehicles with higher operating costs, than thats fine, but where is the education of the public to teach people how to think like a business ? Where is the public service outreach to teach investment or frugality or savings ? If the government actually cared about the public, public healthcare would already be a reality. America the country cares about military weapons, billionaires, bribery with special interest groups sending thousands of lobbyists to the capital to commingle, collude & pervert Senators & Congressmen. Its bribery & corruption so bad that man politicians enter public office of modest means & then exit very wealthy! So ask yourself where did all of that money come from ? Apple, Comcast, Chevron, Coca Cola, you know the Amazon sized corporations that exert global influence / when some private American companies have more money than entire medium science economy countries, yes I am talking about Amazon, & there are laws against monopolies, hello? Is anyone awake ? Sober ? Sane ? Seriously! 

Staying hydrated important right, but if your a School bus driver & you drink water & coffee in the morning & have to pee with a bus full of children, too bad. Yes, that means you can either stay well hydrated & wear diapers for adults or use a catheter bag or similar // so you can wee yourself while your driving or you can "not go ape on fluid consumption early in the day & operated partially dehydrated" I have half a mind to litigate against the city, state & fed for this given that dehydration epidemic causing kidney failure rates to climb precipitously out of control! Another bunch of stupid hypocrisy in application. 

Where is the logic & sound reasoning ? What about science ? I though that the secularization of America would bring esteem to sound scientific principle in laws. Sure, after so many people fought for years to legalize marijuana some of the states in America passed decriminalization & then cannabis legalization laws such that retail food, drink & drug products containing THC are perfectly legal for adults over 21 to purchase from special "Weed" stores. The FED as usual lagging behind & hopelessly confused about THC & the human cannabinoid receptor system thats been elucidate in medical science for about 35 year/ think Anandamide & 2AG, the brains own drugs that plug into its cannabinoid receptors! Did you know that serotonin is an antidepressant but too much at once can cause fatal serotonin syndrome ? Yes, balance the key again! With the brains drug system, everything more or less quasi-automatic or self regulating. When a person imbibes drugs, like ethanol or caffein, their free will or agency can product bad outcomes, drug driving & accidents & sleep loss & other failures & mistakes. People do not have a mg precise scale built into their eyes or fingers & couldn't hope to even measure out a safe does of fentanyl of which a 2 mg dose deadly in most adult humans - think of a American Penny & the text for the year it was made, the text if made of fentanyl would comprise a fatal dose. Some sleazy young men locally here in Washington State were buying fentanyl online from China & then using a rotary pill press to make millions of counterfeit opioid drugs. Ask yourself who is taking all of these illegal opioids ? Why are people in so much pain ? If the body makes its own compounds to plug into opioid receptors, then why do people experience chronic pain ? Their body is out of balance for a lot of lifestyle reasons & circumstances associated with a slowly declining America. I mean it at the individual level to, people out in groups together, not talking, all starring at their smartphone. Social decay yet another symptom of America falling apart from the inside out. Wake UP! 

Diesel exhaust contains toxic substances that cause heart disease, brain damage, & are proven to cause liver & kidney damage & can also damage the sinus, nose, throat, eyes & digestive system of humans. Oh, did I mention most of the buses in my local school bus fleet are powered by diesel ? Did you know that diesel vehicles can be easily retrofitted to burn a much cleaner replacement fuel thats stored like propane in pressurized canisters called DME or dimethyl-ether ? They empowered many commercial Diesel engine vehicle with DME in South Korea, but the DEA in America restricts DME as it sometimes used as a solvent in clandestine drug manufacturing. So no DME replacement fuels for diesel buses to clean up the exhaust in America, no we have to suffer breathing toxic funk for decades because of ignorant drug regulations that restrict DME from being used, sold or transported like propane as a transportation fuel! 

So ask yourself this: if so many people are using prescription drugs that are psychoactive & regularly consuming psychoactive ethanol & caffeine are perfectly legally, then why the prohibition on safer substances like LSD when its been repeatedly demonstrated to reduce EGO of a person who takes a single modestly strong dose. Did you know that Albert Hoffman the man who invented LSD lived to be 105 & was bright & sharp as a tack till the end because he was micro-dosing on LSD after inventing it ? Did you know that your brain is getting high on a whole suite of different chemicals that it makes itself, called endogenous ligands that plug into receptors? 

MDMA no different than many prescription drugs like Adderall or many anti-depressants that modify the serotonin signalizing system of the human brain! A friend of mine in high school was prescribed 30 mg of methamphetamine daily to treat "narcolepsy" & he is still alive & well after taking it at this modest precise dose for decades to effectively treat a neurological chemical imbalance that underscores "narcolepsy" the medical conditions. Its called science people, so stop with the fake news & non-sense & get your facts straight! 

Everyone has a different genome & diet & ideological framework that affects their cytokine signalizing, hormonal balance & neurochemistry // so not all drugs affect all people the same way either! What I am really calling for is more science & less bias in the laws regarding drugs. I want people to teach each other the truth about how the brain works with its own drugs & how emotions are essentially people getting high on their own brain chemicals. Think about the relief or pleasure your experience when going pee or poo or having an orgasm- these are examples of people getting very high on their own supply of drugs. 

People regularly experience a "food coma" from eating too many carbs in large American style meals that are nutritionally imbalanced without enough healthy fats or fibers or quality proteins. The sick truth is that cheap carbohydrates are exactly that, cheaper & Americans have been subjected to a shrinking middle class, growing income inequality, insourcing of cheaper to employ foreigners, outsourcing of factories & other jobs that made 1960's America brighter & vibrant economically, information overload, misinformation & disinformation, confusing rhetoric from advertisements & a host of other stresses like rising currency inflation, rising housing prices, stagnant wages, expensive healthcare, decaying infrastructure - its like a betrayal from all angles & the best the government can come up with to explain why the wealthiest country on earth refuses to provide its citizens with a public healthcare system so that no one goes bankrupt from injury or illness, the best they can do is mail us a little credit card bailout boost ? That is not fixing anything by the way & its make currency inflation increase faster which is terrible for the long term economic health of America! Again we need more applied logic & science & balanced thinking! 

We need to remove the stupid crooked jerks in government & replace them with scientists & doctors & other moral ethical educated people with sound minds. We need to eliminate the lobbying system of organized high level bribery. I am calling for absolute transparency at all levels. It will be hard & embarrassing for so many people but is absolutely needed to solve the problems in the world. We cannot continue cheating & lying our way to better future. That does not make sense & we are only cheating ourselves which is insane since we are just making this all up as we go anyways & almost everyone implicitly knows this deep down. We make energy, money, food, economies, trade, goods, services, business, governments, vehicles, engines, appliance, you get it, its all the product of applying our thinking to reality! I want people to upgrade their thinking with more science, with facts, with absolutely public transparency at all levels continually. 

We can build a wealthy utopia on Earth with a cheaper clean energy revolution. At the end of the day it all boils down to physics my favorite subject. You need energy to do anything! In the world their is only matter & energy & thought. When we apply energy with thinking we modify landscapes & manufacture things & have agriculture & economies & sanitation systems & transportation systems & education systems & language & intelligence! Do you get me ? Do you understand what I am saying ? I am saying that each one of us needs to be upgraded with better thinking. This is why I practice a faith in God! I look to the absolute opposite of human hypocrcity to a being so intelligent so powerful & so wise in all way that he reigns supreme in all levels of the universe, in every dimensional lays, the absolute artists, absolute scientist, absolutely amazing God that created everything & far more than NASA or the ESA is telling you about just the 3rd dimension. There are at least hundreds of dimensional layers above our condense matter phase, the 4th dimension if you include time as a metric. 

Imagine no waste, radical abundance, everything recycle, the best education system for everyone, the best healthcare system, the best economy, the best of everything imaginable. If we can master chap clean energy we can do anything. We go further, to infinity & beyond into other dimensions. We can warp space time & become interstellar & inter dimensional. Think way bigger than a Utopia on Earth, we can finds millions of other habitable planets. We can mine space resources so vast they are bigger & more massive than the Earth's sun. Think limitless resources, infinite anything! Yes, with the correct application of logical energy science from physics to reality we can do anything! Nothing is impossible. Look at what God has created & thats why I am talking about. God mastered cheap abundant energy & the ultimate intelligence to apply it to create everything! We can become more like God in this regard, but never better. We can approach God as a subordinate who become nearly as good as the master. We can revolutionize everything to a celestial level & transcend this finite fossil fuel economy that puts tail pipe emission into the air that people are breathing. 

Today we operate in a future primitive way. We go forward with information technology & electric vehicles while clinging onto coal & diesel as if better ways had never been invented. How cheap do solar panels need to become before people start making long term investments into renewable energy ? Did you know that Monocrystaline solar PV modules of 300 w are 700X cheaper now than panels of lower power from 30 years ago ? I was in Japan on a train in countryside outside of Tokyo & most of the homes in suburbia had good solar arrays on their roofs, back in 2010. People in third world countries have better solar photovoltaic energy systems at home than Americans who buy grid power & natural gas from their local captive market utility company ripoff. Yes, its a rip off that people in Easter Washington State can buy electricity for $0.03 / kWh while people in western Washington have to pay 4X more. Scam! Shame on PSE. They can't even figure out how to remove tree branches having over power lines that cause power outages during winter storms. This when a consumer can buy a 4K drone able to inspect power wires for 30 min of flight for under $400. So when PSE has billions of dollars to spend, why are they not able to inspect their powerless for tree branches overhead ? I feel ashamed to even write this down because its childishly simple & stupid as a rock dumb as hell. We have known how to bury utility wires in underground conduit for at least 75 years. In Tokyo where they have lots of overhead power line, there are no tree branches hovering over the power wires & plenty of trees everywhere. Ding dong ? Hello? Anyone awake ? 

There are going to be more posting like this where I point out inconsistencies & confusing idiotic nonsense that badly needs to end! I am talking about this stuff so that other people can read this & wake up to the same reality! Godspeed & blessings & thanks for reading my thinking! 

While reading the above, you might think I am cynical or jaded, thats everyone once they have seen reality in its truth, with science. You start to see through the bullshit & nonsense, you become a passionate person who wants to see everyone thrive more by simply applying things we have already invented a long time ago. I just want society to become up to date with whats been true all along ? We can & must make tomorrow better than today by improving each person more! Start without yourself, then turn to God, then help others do the same. You & I can lift each other up to greater ways of excellence in all ways if we stop lying to eating & stop cheating & start applying more science to everything! I want facts & physics & chemistry to become the basis of thinking about everything, especially about how amazing God is! Our finite little brain can only do so much, but God is unlimited, infinitely powerful, all knowing, every present, benevolent, creative, kind, loving, exceptional. God is sublime & you will never be as good, but thats why I worship God & not other people. People are not worth worshiping for a lot a reasons that you just read about. Worship God friends! Praise be to God! 

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