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Unlocking Super Brain Potential Feeling More Intensely about Information

I recursively watching this YouTube video by Jim Kwik, & be forewarned its almost 1 hour long but also exceptional Unleash Your Super Brain To Learn Faster | Jim Kwik now lets get down to the good, the bad & the ugly of human brain memory & executive function, learning & forgetting & state dependent operations influenced by mood & music & other philosophies & ideologies & external factors about where you live, work, play, where you are & at what point in your life you are at. This like the talk, is a very a deep dive into my thinking & only very loosely related //

The Good About Brain Function

Human brain of people of all ages adaptive & everyone can learn new information & apply it! Information that fires together wires together in a way where information that fires with emotion becomes a long term memory. Is there a smell or a taste that brings you back to an easier part of your life that you think of with nostalgia ? Is there a song or music that triggers long term memories if you listen to it ? Better, your brain also quantum & stores all memories in a 4th dimensional holographic energy library that contains information about every single moment of your life in vivid detail including all your feelings & thinking at the time the memories were formed, information from all your senses & with exquisite detail that's still hard to understand using classical sciences that inquires into the human memory system mostly to explore age related declines in memory & executive function, learned helplessness & other dysfunctions of the brain, mental illness & depression, sadly very common & largely untreated. The good news that you have absolute control & agency over your thoughts & thinking. You can be a good example to yourself & ask yourself enabling uplifting questions that encourage you or others. You can be a real leader by example to other people by showing them better ways to operate. We are all in this together & can share the key insights to help everyone go further, faster in better cleaner & safer ways to make tomorrow better than today, always focusing on fixing & improving everyone & everything. 

The Bad About Human Brain

Memory plastics & subject to changes or loss via forgetting, which can also be a bonus. Sometimes forgetting the best thing the brain does, especially when we forget toxic negative ideas that others perhaps unwittingly shared with us in the evening news or other source that can sour a persons worldview & perspective if they do not forget about things they had no agency in causing, instead focusing on where they can make a strong positive difference to make the world a better place, undistracted by outside influences & information that could spread a persons thinking thousands of ways until that person goes insane. Thats why having a sane well balanced & well controlled mind & thinking so important. Its easy to go wrong with thinking & waste your time thinking about stuff that does not matter. You can say a lot without saying anything or say very little to say a lot. The bitrate of data exchange between people communicating variable & it really depends at lot on what is being said & the language & what the parties already know or not - different for everyone given that everyone slightly different & at different parts of their lives. 

The Ugly about Brain Damage

Alcohol, chronic stress, head injuries, falls, accidents & other situations where the brain smacks the skull really hard after displacing the cerebral spinal fluids it normals floats & bathes in, inside you head! Drugs, depression, fear, anxiety, stress thats ongoing & external disasters & hazards like earthquakes or flooding or COVID19 outbreak or something terrible like Hurricane Katrina, these factors like the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Reactor Flood from the Tsunami that caused the reactors to melt down & other engineering disasters that resulted in the loss of life or damage to nature on a large scale, there can be extended power outages or worse that hurt & kill people who are not properly prepared. Pipes can break & cause water damager or electrical wire shorting can cause building fires & personal property damages. A car accident can hurt, harm, or kill a loved one. Accidental or intentional death from a firearm. There are many things that can go wrong is life that suck & hurt & leave an emotional wreckage behind that continues to hurt people who experiences profound loss with traumatic emotional memories that can turn into PTSD or other neurological dysfunction that inhibits a persons ability to learn or enjoy life or have fun. Brain damage is a serious issue & affects a wide range of industries from power sports racing to professional sports like football, but also occupational accidents where someones brain is damage by a blunt force or heavy impact. If you alive & well & have not had to suffer any of this, consider yourself lucky. If you live long enough you are likely to lose someone you love to death & the closer you were to that person the more it will hurt. I had a dream about my dad Ken Schwarz last night, about helping him as he collapsed with heart pain, even though he died years ago. I really loved my dad so his death really hurts & I still really miss him & my late brother in law Drake & my childhood best & oldest friend Matt Mayo, since they are all dead & gone. 

Children are the Fastest Learners

Rapid brain cell development, free of adult stresses & responsibilities or having to work or pay bills or to be accountable with lots of time for school & to play! They are curious & want to learn & can learn languages & new skills & knowledge much faster than adults. Kids are also pure in mind & though & devoid of learned helplessness & other dysfunctional negative thinking that mostly affects older people more. Children also like to play & have fun more than adults, free of physical pain & the negative effects of aging on joints & soft tissue. Children are also the future & facing a harder future due to greedy short sighted decisions that corrupt adults making today, like trading with China that slowly ruining the economy of other countries, doing business with criminals & liars & corrupt foreign governments & wasting money on fake wars instead of fixing healthcare & education & things that help the citizens directly more today now in an obvious & undeniable way, like taking of it infrastructure thats rusting & fall apart because its cheaper to apply salt than a non corrosive alternative calcium magnesium acetate which would accomplish the same deicing effect without using out steel & iron bridges & rebar in concrete & other metal infrastructure damaged by sodium chloride or common salt applied to winter roads, which also rusts out vehicle frames faster. 

Children Identify Inequity Easily

Children are quick as super learners to call out adults for pollution & other externalities of carbon energy & fake progress without nuclear fission development or commercial fusion energy, burning coal & diesel like there is no other way to power commercial vehicles or to make electricity cheaply. Some adults abuse animals & nature & are cruel mean & unkind or evil & sick & deliberately hurt & kill other people. Children are pure in mind & identify bad adults easily because the children can feel that something is wrong. We become numb to the pain & suffering over time & blind to the inequities of selfishness & other factors that cause income inequity to increase, merger & acquisition & the formation of a few super monopolies like Amazon that control multiple global business sectors with dominance & unfair advantage that most people acknowledge as immoral & unethical. Once children are presented with the facts, the are faster to call out the bad, identify the good & develop a solution with help from other good adults to solve the issue or problem at hand. 

How Are You Feeling Today ? 

People are emotional, biological not logical like computers. Our feelings influence everything about our lives & how we interpret & experience life & each other & food & nature & work. Having a positive enabling mindset & can do attitude goes a long way towards helping some people achieve their goals & greater success than most other people. I would only want to become wealthy with an honest fair & reasonable path to success that does not involve cheating or being sleazy or dishonest. I am accountable to my savior Jesus Christ & have faith in God who I believes watches me & keeps account of my actions, so I deliberately try to be as kind & loving & nice to other people as possible!

Positive Affirmations 

Even when I am feeling like crap, I tell myself "woo hoo, I have another day", this will be a super great day & I am going to make the best of it no matter what happens. There is a silver lining in all situations that I will acknowledge & expand upon deliberately & do my best to be a good person to God & my country, to my community & neighbors & friends & family & people I am lucky enough to work with or know any other way. I will remind myself of things I like about myself & life & meditate for a minute on the Word of God or other positive concepts that are healing or positive or restorative & or uplifting or encouraging. I try to endlessly become a brighter higher functioning version of myself in any way that I can figure out, every day as never ending goal towards greater excellence in all ways to the end of life & my last breath alive as a human person on Earth.  

Who Wants to Learn Faster & Remember More ? 

Given the scope of who reads my blog, I image all my readers would appreciate increased mental performance & memory performance & learning performance & information memory recall performance like Ken Jennings on Jeopardy the TV Show. The No. 1 art of memory your attention or where you are focusing your attention. Thinking dependent on your mental state. The art of learning also the art of focusing your attention with observation & present mindedness. 

States & Strategies for Learning Anything Faster

50% of success showing up, the other half playing full out, being fully engaged! You want to show up for your health, your relationships, your work, your play, your fun, your activities, what you do with your time, your physical & mental health & emotional, psychological & spiritual health, as a friend or neighbor or family member or coworker or boss or owner & player, you want to be present & aware & awake & focused & ready to act & do it, to make it happen as best as you can. 

No Limited Thinking, Your Unlimited

Your time alive might be finite or limited, but your potential as a person to do good unlimited or infinite or endlessly applicable to any situation, you can be a super hero anywhere to anyone at any time in any way you can think of to help others or to improve or upgrade or repair something. A lot of people are suffering & need help & you can be that person to someone else, even with just a helping hand or a smile or a random act of kindness or generosity or benevolence. You are who you say you are, so say good things about yourself to become a better person! Back feed & loop positive healing & uplifting enabling & empowering ideas in your mind! 

Kids are Curious & Like to Play A Lot

As some point during the transition from childhood to adulthood children stop talking about playing with each other & start talking about "hanging out" & later then "meeting up" or "going out with" we start to play less & have less fun & become overly serious. I get it too. Due to a sewer leak inside a wall, our bathroom not working now & we have no laundry machine in our apartment either & no public laundry nearby either, so we are boned for doing laundry due to repair construction. This will be really interesting to deal with. Not exactly something anyone would find great or up-lifting or positive. Its loud as hell with industrial fans & dehumidifiers & the air inside our unit very dry now & its hot too. Being an adult can be challenging in ways that children never have to directly deal with & that helps them focus on learning & playing to have fun more than adults. 

Trade Your Cleverness with Bewilderment

Adults like to think they are smarter than a 5th grader & often seem to miss that sense of awe we all used to get as young children when presented with a new cool fact or amazing information. The human brain is after all always looking for a novel experience, but many people learn hard & fast during the transition to adulthood, that the world can be a cold harsh & hostile place where there is no free lunch in physics & that life is not fair to all people or animals or nature harmed by human over development or thoughtless pollution generated by greed & ignorance & negativity created by bigotry & hatred & other toxic thinking thats bad for people. 

Would it be cool to learn something new & amazing every day & then apply those learnings to make life better for everyone ? Well, you can! Its all perspective & having a positive uplifting & edifying perspective where you can learn anything from anyone & always have a can do attitude, appreciative of other people & the blessing we have in life, be that a friendship thats priceless or an animal we love or someone close to our heart that we share a priceless love with. Meg watches a British TV series show titled "Call the Midwife", written by genius writers who embed heartfelt touching & absolutely wonderful inspiration messages into every episode, especially at the end of each episode. 

Bewilderment Awe or Genius Super Hero States

There is this great book called "Go Giver" that a friend name Tim gave me years ago. He was trying to inspire me to become a better version of myself & to achieve more success in life. Tim immigrated to America from Africa during the 1970's & was able to become a successful man, excellent husband & great father & takes time out of his day to be a mentor to a select few other people who spark his interest that he interacts with. I shared this book with Meg & then picked a special person to share it with. Its about being generous to a fault & achieving success by doing what you can't, by becoming a super hero in real life by helping other people more than you ever imagined possible in a way that ends up uplifting your life & making your life more dynamic & interesting & enjoyable & engaging-- i.e adding more bewilderment & awe back to your waking reality in real life! 

Your State a Snapshot of Your Mind, Your Emotions & How You Feel

Does wellness ring a bell ? Are you feeling good ? Do you understand how diet or fasting influences your state ? Did you know that great teachers of antiquity required their students to show up fasted & would not teach them if they had eaten breakfast ? I am talking about interval fasting or eating a big nutritious lunch, a small snack for dinner early, then fasting all night & during the morning & not eating until lunch the next day, 16 hours fasted 8 hours to eat or 18 hours fasted & 6 hours eating- interval fasting to kick off more ketosis & autophagy or cell clean up modes initiated by not over eating or eating too often. This also means eating enough healthy fats & fiber & not to many simple carbohydrates or sugars & staying well hydrated! How about Mindfulness? Did you know that meditation can calm your emotions? Did you know that some kinds of music like Liquid Mind by Chuck Wild or Julie True are designed to create different modes of thought & different emotional states ? You control what you think about & how you feel, how you frame your thinking & what kinds of questions you ask, what kinds of goals you set & how you to chose to attain or actualize those goals pragmatically by executing or doing what you need to, to make it happen! 

All Learning is State Dependent 

Your frame of mind, set & setting can also influence how some chemical compounds present in medicines or foods like chocolate affect you? Did you know that your waking impression of reality actually an internal mental projection that simulates what your senses are feeding into your short term memory & then performance image pattern recognition burst search functions to compare what you know from every previous moment alive to what your experiencing & that some drugs that affect the memory timing of that projection or your mental swap space functionality & sensory perception are mind altering like being drunk or high, which degrades your executive function badly in both cases & results in delayed responses that make operating heavy machines or vehicles extremely dangerous if your in an altered state, which I find ironic given the differences in executive function between people. Some car drivers are like they are drunk & high, naturally, no judgement. I am mostly upset at the DOL for awarding drivers licenses to people who are clearly unfit to pilot a large heavy metal wheeled vehicle that can easily kill other people if a simple mistake made during the persons control of that vehicle. 

I am Just Super Curious & Always Have Been // 

People who have a deep conversion with me are often struck by my "amazing verbal command, connecting all kinds of ideas from across a broad range of disciplines" & then further amazed when I tell them how many hours I have spent reading wikipedia during my life lol :P thousands! Some topics I read & re-read over & over & over, looking for a deeper answer & very deep understanding to exceeds that of even common experts in their fields. Most people underestimate what they can learn or know & embrace mediocrity in many domains of life, be that with food or fitness but often intellectual & in many ways & no I am not a "know it all" or arrogant, but I encounter a lot of adults in need of serious edification, who appear, at least at first, to have severe cognitive deficits or mental illness, & the statistic on both support my impressions sadly. 

The Emotional State You Feel When Your Learning is Anchored to that Learning

When you read or study or learn, how you feel at the time influences how deeply integrated those memories becomes in your brain memory architecture, the library of ideas & knowledge swirling around in your brain, which runs tens of thousands of information threads concurrently, even when & especially when your sleeping. The brains information processing architecture is based on neurons that are both the CPU & the memory that dynamically link as an emergent system in a constant state of change, adapting to & trying to make sense of sensory information & comparing it against long term memories you have about how the world works & what everything is. This is why people can have cultural shock. Their mental library comprises of knowledge about one kind of life from one place in the world, when taken somewhere else uses that prior knowledge to compare against the new reality of the new place & if there is enough difference, there can be shock, mental & emotional, the more the difference the greater the shock. Taking a person from a developed country with good flowing water & sanitation & bringing them to an under-developed country without domestic water & sanitation, where it smells to high heaven & where diseases run rampant, not just from a lack of vaccination, but because sanitation is bad & bacteria thrive in the hot humid conditions // a lot of children die because of a lack of access to sanitation & thats not our best as people either. Some people live as though the industrial revolution never happened while others live in the 4th industrial revolution referred to as 4IR on social media, talking about cars that drive themselves with level 5 autonomy & how to make flying autonomous taxies like the EHANG184 become a commercial reality. 

Hard Emotional Movie Science vs Hard Emotional Memories 

There is a really emotionally hard scene in the Shawshank Redemption where an old man who spent most of his life in Prison where he was accepted by his incarcerated peers who cared about him, named Brookes, who was sent to a half way house & obtained a job at a local grocery where his aging arthritic hands caused him great difficulty bagging groceries & where the manager was not nice to him. He said "the world had gone & gotten itself in a big hurry. He saw a car once when he was a kid & now their everywhere" they show a scene of him trying to cross the road, somewhat bewildered as a motorist inconvenienced yells "hey, watch it old man" He was an in an emotional fragile state & was afraid at night going to bed & was having a hard time sleeping. I remember this scene vividly because it hurt to watch & brought me to tears because Brookes ends up committing suicide by hanging himself & my grandfather also committed suicide, as did my childhood best friend. Sometimes things connect us, be that a movie or song, to memories of people that are dead & gone, that we miss, that we loved, that we were lucky to know & enjoy while they were alive & I want to encourage you to do the same, enjoy the people in your life as much as possible & strive to be the best version of yourself, especially to other people, not that you should care a lot about what they think of you, find a happy balance. 

Gain Control of Your Mental State & Emotions

Feel more connected & engages & be honest & fair & kind & nice. Its all about making the best of each moment, each day, each week, each month, each year, & every person you have the joy to interact with. Sure you will encounter a rude mean person who makes it hard to be nice, but you can ignore them & move on. Some people are bad & there is nothing you can do about that other than try to encourage them politely to treat you with respect or to be accountable professionally as an adult. People known as "Karens" can be the hardest to interact with, but treat them with respect & kindness & even they can be ok too. Try to avoid reacting to other people, instead respond with a level head. You might have to walk away if you can't keep your cool or politely ask them to stop verbally abusing you since that is assault & that battery is when someone strikes someone. Yes, words can be a criminal act if you attack someone verbally, known as harassment & bullying or assault. If you see someone being yelled at meaning, stop the bullying & say hey, you can say what you are saying with less negativity & be professional & stern without being mean. You have no right to speak to anyone like that & I will call the police if you do not stop, then follow through on your cell phone & dial 911 & get an officer to come de-escalate the situation for public safety. Sometimes some people loose their cool & go berserk & you might need assistance dealing with someone like that. Sometimes its more wise to mind your own business & go the other way // We are talking about intense positive emotions to make learning easier, not negative ones. 

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