You heard it first here, on my blog, the blog they demonetized, yea, they (the Man) took away my pennies per month of earnings from ads because I said something unpleasant or unpopular, like Alex Jones, but won't even tell me what it is that I said that caused them to take away the ad's & tiny venue? Even so my blog more popular than ever now, since I tell the absolute truth on my own accord, owned by no one other than God!
Ever wonder how the US economy functions with $36 trillion in national debt? If you took all debts in the USA into account that number is actually $90 trillion, so credit & consumption are the economic drivers keeping this global house of cards upright for now, not for long, within 2 months the entire global economy is going to collapse worse than the Great Depression, literally not just America, but all the economies that are linked to America are all going to experience radical loses of value of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401k, evaporating into thin air, the dollar losing all of its remaining buying power instantly, plugging the entire global economy into the dark ages almost as bad as a long duration global power outage, but just wait, it is worse than that.
Ever get the sense that something weird is going on in the background, that something is just not right but you can't quite put your finger on it mentally? Have you noticed a sense that something is deeply wrong, something systemic, something far bigger than you, than your city or state, that something evil is brewing on a global scale about to be unleashed like a global atomic war but on the economic level, if you have been feeling that, you are correct.
No mainstream media will cover this because such media, legacy and even modern social media is beholden so special interests with deep financial control, power, sway & influence worldwide, so they have black listed topics like this, because it can cause hysteria, but be assured this is just a PSA warning.
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