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Sars Cov-2 Enhanced ACE2 Attachment S-Spike Protein Modification at Wuhan Institute of Virology Paid for by CCP

Spreading quickly by small droplets emitted when people speak in first person, laugh, cough, sneeze, or interact, or even touching a surface where such viral particles resting on transfer then to the finger tip which can then if that finger touches the eye, nose or mouth transfer the virus to the body.

Watch the Documentary about What Really Happened in Wuhan <click here ||

CCP a draconian authoritarian heavy handed cruel mean inhospitable brutal violent government that worked with the PLA or peoples liberation army of CHINA to fund the Wuhan Institute of Virology to develop a highly contagious airborne SARS virus to cause a viral pandemic, COVID19 Pandemic that has been estimated to have cost the world $8.5+ trillion in loses, many millions of people killed by Coronavirus, many hundreds of thousands of business closed, supply chain shortages, & all the other problems. The COVID19 pandemic which never went away with the latest variants, since SARS COV-2 continues to be modified as it jumps from one host to another in a virtually endless chain of victims. 

China, the CCP, should be required to pay every country affected by COVID reparations in the tens of trillions of dollars range worldwide, just as post WWI Germany was tasked with repaying the damages they caused with all that violent warfare. This can be understood by looking at the following images. 

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