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Awake Sleeper, Stop Believing Obvious Lies

Do you actually think any government cares about you? If you do, you are diluted or confused, the governments of the world are just sleazy people beholden to the special interests who paid for the expensive election campaigns in exchanged for special favors. It's bribery & corruption every way possible & non of it includes any considerate of you or any other normal person. 

The dishonest jerks in power in world governments are just puppets of trillionaire & transnational corporations. In 2008 many people realized that big American insurance companies, banks & investment institutions got bailed out while the global general public got sold out, literally, not just figuratively, they literally sell your personal information, spy on you, own your online account, computers via EULA & all sorts of other high level fraud & abuse so dark and perverted that most people do not even want to think about it, or it would upset them & make them throw up with disgust. 

How many children are abducted worldwide every year and inducted into the child sex slavery industry patronized by the world's wealthiest perverts? How many young women seduced into an offer for a modeling job end up being drugged with date rape drugs, raped & left for dead? 

How many young men near fishing docks in Asia are abducted onto pirate fishing boats, force feed food laced with meth to keep them away for days as a time before they might be lucky enough to be freed by that benevolent billionaires asian woman who dedicated her life to freeing enslaved young men from these evil pirate fishing vessels. 

You think that cold or flu viruses are funny, they kill people every day, yet people leave their homes sneezing & coughing, onto buses, school buses, into work place, into markets, into grocery stores, where the sneeze & cough vectoring illness via the viral pathogen they were too selfish to stay home as rest from until well, which almost everyone knows now after covid19 debacle taught the entire world to stay home if sick until well or healed before going back into the general public. 

No one cares about you, only you do, and maybe not. You can't count on anyone else. As WWII proved, normal people are able to engage in horrid acts of evil under the right circumstances. You or I are no better than anyone else, we are all flawed hypocrites in need of correction & increased social intelligence. 

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